Sally just got sweeter than ever!

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Sally just got sweeter than ever!

Postby weemazy » 15 Jan 2010, 23:59


I have had a bit of a go at getting my WAM fantasy down on paper - my first attempt at a story - I hope you like it. Comments welcome, especially if they are nice comments


Sally just got sweeter than ever!

Sally and Katie had been friends for ages now - they had met at a friend’s party and really hit it off - as they got to know each other better it was apparent they were into a lot of the same things - PVC, leather, partying, thigh high boots, some light bondage and the like - Sally even had a website and blog where she posed in some very sexy outfits and had a large following - Katie had joined in some of Sally’s sessions but had always felt that she ended up as the lesser partner - she was always the one tied up in the bondage sets or the one that got less attention in the threesomes they had done.

It was the same when they went out - Sally always had to be the centre of attention and with her bleach blonde hair and stunning figure she certainly got lots of attention - eventually this started to annoy Katie a little and she got fed up with Sally nicking and shagging blokes she had been chatting up - the final straw came on Katie’s birthday – Katie had confided in Sally that she fancied one of the blokes from work and that he would be at her birthday drinks do in the pub – Sally had then proceeded to flirt outrageously with the guy all night and had ended up snogging him on the dance floor – Katie was so annoyed with Sally for her actions- at that point Katie began to hatch a plan to teach Sally a lesson and make her look silly for a change so she might know how it felt to be the one on the receiving end.

Katie had been searching around on the internet for a suitable cummupance and came across a whole new world to her - the world of WAM or Wet and Messy - Katie spent ages surfing through a variety of websites where beautiful women got custard pies pushed into their faces or gunge thrown over them or sat in baths of baked beans - Katie remembered she and Sally had once been out and had seen a hen night where the bride-to-be had been chained to a lamp-post and covered in eggs and flour by her hens. Katie remembered Sally’s disgust and her saying how horrible it must have been and that she could not imagine anything worse than her hair and clothes being messed up like that - and so two worlds collided for Katie and she had her plan. She did a load more digging around on the Internet and even posted on a couple of messy forums asking for suggestions of foods to get messy with.

She got everything worked out and bought in a load of stuff from the supermarket - she practised the routine over and over in her mind and each time she got very excited at the prospect. And so that day approached - Katie and Sally had arranged to go out clubbing on the Saturday night. Katie sent a message to Sally inviting her to come over to Katie’s flat before they hit the town - the message read - ‘Hi Sally, I fancy really going for it tonight - do you fancy a really messy night out? What’s say we really go for it - get yer glad rags on and get suited and booted - lets hit the PVC Palace and show them something they have never see before. I am gonna wear that new black PVC dress and my black boots - what about you?’

Katie knew Sally would go for it and knew she would wear something to try to upstage Katie - Katie always got lots of attention when she wore here boots as her figure was amazing - she also knew Sally would try to do something more extravagant.

And so Saturday evening arrived and Katie got ready and waited nervously for Sally - she looked at herself in the mirror as she stood there in her black PVC dress and super sexy boots - ‘I am gonna enjoy this’ she said to herself and at that the door bell rang.

When Katie opened the door there stood Sally in a big brown jacket with a fur collar – Katie welcomed Sally into her flat and asked if she could take her coat – when Sally removed it Katie could see instantly that as expected Sally had really gone for it - she wore a bright red PVC mini dress - laced up the front and back but with loads of Sally’s ample cleavage on show and pushed up and out - she had on a pair of red thigh high PVC boots which laced up the side and finished in a bright red ribbon bow - Sally had also spent ages on her hair and make up - her short bleach blonde hair was waved and kinked in a very sexy manner and she had applied heavy make up to her eyes, cheeks and bright red lips- she had finished off her outfit with long sparkly earrings and bracelets and a choker. - ‘ So whadda ya think?’ she asked Katie

‘Wow’ said Katie ‘you look amazing - I know you have worn that outfit for your website before but I never though you would wear it in public!’
‘Well if its gonna be a big one then I want to be noticed - I am in the mood for some naughtiness tonight- how about you?? I have been getting ready all afternoon and I am ready to get the party started!! You look great too by the way’

Katie had to admit that Sally did look stunning and she had a twinge of guilt that she was planning to get her friend all messed up looking like that- especially as she knew it had taken her hours to get ready and that she totally adored her red PVC dress and boots - but then Katie got a wave of sexual excitement at the thought of teaching Sally a lesson and getting her so messy when she had started out looking so sexy.

‘Before we go out there is a couple of things I need to do actually and a special thing to deal with’ said Katie

‘OK - anything I can help with?’ said Sally – ‘you know me - always happy to muck in’ - Katie almost choked on her drink - did Sally know what was going on? Had she guessed?

‘Actually Sally there is something you could do for me - I have been asked to do a photo set where I blind-fold and tie a guy to a chair - the thing is……… I have never done the tying up before - I have always been he one tied up - would you mind if I tried it on you and see how I get on?’

‘No worries’ - said Sally – ‘where’s the chair?’

‘Oh it’s just in there’ said Katie ‘but I need to blindfold you first - all part of the story –‘

‘Oh OK, but you won’t mess up my hair or make up will you - I don’t want anything to mess them up before we hit the town …………’

Katie giggled nervously – ‘OK, I will be gentle’ she said

Katie blindfolded Sally and led her into the room where she had all the messy food laid out- Sally could faintly smell something sweet in the air but couldn’t think why it was such a strong smell. Katie sat Sally down on the chair and proceeded to tie her ankles to the legs of the chair. She put another rope around Sally’s waste and secured it tightly at her back. Then Katie put handcuffs on Sally but left her arms unbound - ‘surely my hands wouldn’t just be cuffed in front of me would they?’ said Sally – ‘shouldn’t they be tied to the chair or to my ankles?’

‘No - its OK’ said Katie ‘can you get out of that?’

Sally struggled for a moment and then said – ‘no - no way - are you sure you haven’t done this sort of thing before?’

‘Quite sure’ she said as she took off Sally’s blindfold.

Sally blinked as her eyes got used to the light again- ‘Well done’ she said – ‘Great job with the ropes - now if that’s all we can get a move on with the partying……….’

‘Eh - not quite’ - said Katie – ‘you see I have somethings else to deal with to’ - Sally started to look suspicious - as she turned her head she caught a glimpse of what looked like a plate of shaving foam sitting on the table behind her and several tubs of custard

‘What’s going on?’ she asked ‘does this guy want you to get him all messy too? I have seen that stuff on the net – it looks horrible getting all covered in whipped cream and custard pies and stuff – but why have you got all this stuff out already – I thought we were going out?’

‘Yes well – a bit of a change of plan I’m afraid’ said Katie as she turned on her video camera which she had set up and was pointing at Sally

‘What do you mean?’ asked Sally nervously

‘Well I thought we might have a little fun before we went out…..well when I say ‘we’ I guess I mean me……’

At that point it dawned on Sally exactly what Katie had in mind – ‘oh no……now come on Katie….please no ….no come one… please…’re not seriously going to get me all messy are you… know I have always refused to get messy on my website… come on let me go….come on……you’ve had your fun now…..take the handcuffs and ropes off.’……At that Sally tried to reach down and untie her ankles from the chair but realised that due to the rope around her waist that she couldn’t reach…..She wriggled and tried to kick her legs free and pulled at the rope around her waist – but to no effect – she was well and truly trapped.

‘You remember Andy from my work don’t you? …… know the one I really fancied?’ asked Katie

‘Eh, I guess so’ stammered Sally ‘but what has any of this got to do with him?’

‘Well, since you snogged him on my birthday then all he talks about is you and how gorgeous you always look….he thinks you are sooo sweet… tonight I thought we see if you really do always look gorgeous by making you even more sweet!….and I am going to make a little video for Youtube and we’ll let the internet public decide if you are always gorgeous or not……….what do you think?’

‘Now come on, all I did was flirt with the guy, please, please don’t do this – what about my hair, my dress, my boots – oh god please please please don’t do this – I will do whatever you want- just don’t get me messy – you know I hate this sort of thing……’

‘Well I suppose I could let you off – you do look stunning and I guess you have taken ages over your hair and makeup and those are the only clothes you have to go out in tonight’

‘Oh phew’ said Sally with a huge sigh ‘ for a minute there I thought you were actually going to do it…..You really had me going’

Then Katie stated - ‘On second thoughts…… nah – lets make you a bit sweeter and see how you look’

‘Oh no – please, please no no I’m begging you no’

But it was too late – Katie had already picked up a 1kg tetrapack of ready-to-serve custard – ‘what’s say we start with a bit of custard shall we…..’

‘Oh no, no please’ pleaded Sally trying to stop Katie from approaching with the custard – Katie started to pour the over Sally’s shoulders and down her back and over her chest. Sally squealed as the cold custard slowly covered her bare skin and flowed down her back and over her breasts – ‘eurgh, that is disgusting’ she moaned as Katie continued to pour the bright yellow goo over Sally’s beautiful dress – Katie then picked up a second carton and poured it straight onto Sally’s lap and over her legs and down over her boots – ‘oh no not my boots, please let me take them off at least’ begged Sally ‘please’ – but Katie just went on pouring- she picked up a third carton and again emptied it over Sally’s shoulders and down the front of her dress.

‘Now lets really up the sweetness shall we?’ suggested Katie as she reached for a bottle of pouring syrup – ‘I think those golden locks of yours could do with being just a bit more golden……’

‘Don’t you dare’ threatened Sally – ‘I will never get that out’ but it was too late as Katie began to squeeze the thick golden syrup onto Sally’s head – it flowed slowly over her hair and as Sally tried to stop it she succeeded only in spreading it further – the syrup spread slowly over her hair and onto her face and dripped onto her shoulders. Katie repeated the punishment with a further 2 bottles of the same syrup – the sticky gloop covered Sally’s face and as she tried to wipe it away she managed no more than to smear her make up and ensure her hands and dress also got a covering…………next Katie picked up a small box from the table and advanced toward Sally – ‘OK I think that’s enough stickiness for now don’t you – how about a little cake mix?’ Katie then emptied the contents of the box over Sally’s head where it formed a small pile of white powder – or at least it did until Sally tilted her head forwards and it fell into her lap and over her shoulders. Katie had 3 more boxes of cake mix too which she sprinkled over Sally’s shoulders, legs and boots and the final one which she threw the contents of at Sally’s face and dress – Sally could do no more than to sit and splutter and shake her head to try and rid it of its sticky covering.

Next Katie picked up a tub of natural yoghurt – ‘well now, I think I seem to remember reading somewhere that yoghurt was very good for your hair and skin’

‘Oh no – no – please – no – no please Katie come on, enough is enough just stop this now – come on – fun times over – just let me go’ but to no avail as Katie began pouring the yoghurt onto the top of Sally’s once beautifully sculpted hair- Sally tried to cover her head with her hands but Katie simply kept pouring – the smooth white yoghurt engulfed her head and flowed onto he face and dripped onto her shoulders, back and into her lap – in all Katie poured 4 cartons of yoghurt over Sally’s head until it was just a shiny white mess. Sally tried in vain to wipe her eyes clean and clear her face…. Although having done so she almost wished she hadn’t as she saw Katie pick up a plate covered in shaving foam – Katie pushed to ‘pie’ into Sally’s face and left it stuck there – Sally pulled it off in time for Katie to then hit Sally with another square on the chest – Katie then performed a perfect ‘pie sandwich’ on Sally’s head with two pies from behind – again Sally pulled them off but the sticky white goo engulfed the sides of her head and earrings which were now virtually invisible. Katie smeared further pies over Sally’s back, her legs and her boots. In all Katie coverd Sally with 12 pies.

Katie mocked….’So, you are certainly sweet Sally but I am not sure how gorgeous you are right now.’

‘What next…. maybe some rice pudding?’

‘Ah, no – that’s just disgusting’ splurted Sally but Katie had already picked up a bowl containing rice pudding and proceeded to smear it onto Sally’s head and hair by the handful – she then rubbed the rest onto Sally’s breasts and legs before asking …‘And now some ice cream?’

‘No please- no more’ pleaded Sally ‘you’ve made your point and you’ve had your fun – just let me go now – I will never get all this mess out of my hair as it is’

‘Oh but we have only just begun’ said Katie ‘ice cream it is’ Katie then proceeded to pour a total of 3 one litre cartons of melted ice cream over Sally’s head, body and legs – Sally again squealed as the cold gloop hit her bare shoulders breasts and legs……. ‘and you cant have ice cream without cream and sauce can you?’ asked Katie sarcastically

At that Katie picked up two cans of squirty cream and proceeded to empty them over Sally’s already covered body, head and boots – then she picked up two bottles of chocolate sauce and repeated with them before doing the same with two bottles of strawberry sauce……..By this time Sally had given up trying to clean herself off – she was resigned to her messy fate and sat there a dejected figure covered from head to toe in all manner of stickiness and mess………barely recognisable from the gorgeous vision in red PVC that had entered Katie’s flat only an hour earlier.

As Katie emptied the last of the strawberry sauce over Sally’s head, Sally looked up and said defiantly – ‘is that it then? – your fun is over is it? Happy that you have made me into this horrible mess, ruined my hair and dress and my boots! – satisfied are you?…..or have you some other little surprise for me……?’ Sally blurted almost defiantly –

‘Well its funny you should say that…’ said Katie as she started to pour a box of cocoa pops over Sally’s head and body – a second box followed until every inch of what had been a sticky mess was now a sticky coco-pops covered mess – as Katie put the final box down she burst into fits of laughter – ‘you should see the state of you’ she mocked at Sally –

‘Oh yeah very bloody funny’ retorted Sally –‘very bloody funny indeed – I am so going to get you back for this’ and as she said those words she too started to laugh – she didn’t quite know why as she was so upset at the ruination of her sexy look and her clothes. But laugh she did – ‘ok, then - at least untie me now’ she said – Katie duly obliged and undid the handcuffs from Sally’s wrists and untied the rope from her back. Sally then undid the ropes from around her ankles and gingerly got to her feet. As she did so the pool of gunge and food which had collected in her lap slid forward and ran down her legs and over her boots. She didn’t dare imagine what she looked like as she tottered forward away from the seat. As she did so sticky mess continues to fall from her person onto her boots and the floor. For the first time Sally was able to properly try to wipe the sticky mess from her hair, face, body and boots.

‘Well I cant go out like this!’ she quipped to Katie – ‘so what do we do now’

‘Well I suppose you better have a shower!’ said Katie ‘if you take your stuff off I will gt you a robe and a towel’

to be continued…………
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Re: Sally just got sweeter than ever!

Postby smittybill53 » 16 Jan 2010, 01:19

Very promising. :oops: I look forward to the continuation. :twisted:

Thank you for sharing.
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Re: Sally just got sweeter than ever!

Postby ruegger » 16 Jan 2010, 08:30

Excellent beginning my friend. Keep up the messy clothes destruction. I like the dichotomy between Katie, who loves mess, and Sally despises it. I think it would be cool if you carried on this theme and eventually woo Sally over to the darkside of wam after a few more messes at the hands of Katie. Just a thought. Keep up the great work.

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Re: Sally just got sweeter than ever!

Postby SexySaucySally » 17 Jan 2010, 16:04

Looking forward to having it filmed in next few weeks xx
Katie can't wait to splodge and smear me! :lol:
Sally x
See my blog for more of me for free
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Re: Sally just got sweeter than ever!

Postby weemazy » 11 Feb 2010, 19:51

I am very excited to say that this story is hopefully going to become reality in the next 7 days!! Life really will imitate fiction as the wonderful Sexy Saucy Sally actually acts out this story with her good friend Katie! How amazing will that be! :D :lol: :P
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Re: Sally just got sweeter than ever!

Postby muckypup » 11 Feb 2010, 21:27

Wow brilliant cant wait to see/hear about the reinactment!
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Re: Sally just got sweeter than ever!

Postby sweetnpied » 12 Feb 2010, 21:30

Wonderful story. One of my deepest fantasies is being wammed while helpless. I can really relate! Looking forward to the next chapter.
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