Slapstick clowning and pantomime slosh routines

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Slapstick clowning and pantomime slosh routines

Postby ClownJulie » 12 Aug 2006, 17:53

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Postby Richard » 12 Aug 2006, 18:22

I have been a group member of 'Slapstick Clowning group' for a long time now, Julie, and I noticed today that you had posted some new pictures and videos of classic slapstick clowns in action. I love seeing circus and panomime humour but regret that I have never seen 'Les Brisios' live. I have seen pics of their ballerina act on the net but never the video.

Thank You so much for posting it. :D

Sotonude x
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Postby ClownJulie » 12 Aug 2006, 18:33

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Postby Richard » 15 Aug 2006, 23:44

Nice pics of Charlie Cairoli (sr) you have posted on that group, Julie.

The only pic I can find of 'Les Brizios' is an ancient shot (b&w) of them in action in a water scene, which I think is also on the Slapstick Clowning Group site so you have probably got it.

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Postby caroline2 » 16 Aug 2006, 00:46

Hi Julie,

Somewhere in the past I have found a site that has a sequence of pictures of Les Briozos leading to this one. Unfortunately I haven't been able to find it again. If I do, I will be sure to let you know.

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Postby Messypockets » 16 Aug 2006, 13:02

Hi Julie

Wow! Those images you posted are great. They bring back such memories. The girl in the tutu has been a vivid memorie for years.

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Postby BillShipton » 16 Aug 2006, 18:29

On a local news programme in the south east, they had a very brief clip of Zippo & Co and he now seems to have a lady clown as part of the troupe. Any one have any information on that?

By the way, at the weekend a really nice guy who works with the Chinese State Circus bought some DVDs from us as the show came to Hastings. He has toured with circuses (albeit as an electrician!) for ten years. Delighted to say that despite all modern alternatives all the circuses he has worked with still use sticks of shaving soap whipped up to make their slosh - though they now go for catering mixers or those paint/plaster mixing attachments for electric drills rather than whip it by hand as Mr Cairoli (allegedly) made his son do.

Had a great chat with him. Sadly the Chinese State Circus doesn't have a slosh act - but now they have the DVDs perhaps they'll change their mind!
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Postby Philis » 17 Aug 2006, 13:53

Thanks Bill It was great chating in the pub
when talking about shaving foam I felt a little like teaching grandma to suck eggs (or throw them)
Many people these days say kids are different now and whant computers etc but te reaction of an audence to a good slapstick act is second to none
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Postby BillShipton » 17 Aug 2006, 14:07

Nice meeting you, Phil. Hope Poole is going well! Finally got our shaving foam off the pub landlady! She hasn't stopped talking about you - thought you were a really nice guy!

I agree entirely about live slapstick. As I mentioned in the pub I saw Clive Webb doing his slosh act at the White Rock last year and the kids couldn't believe how 'naughty' the grown-ups were being making a mess like that. As political correctness grows, the desire to behave badly becomes and play with mess seems to get greater and greater...
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Postby Philis » 17 Aug 2006, 17:16

I was Shaving getting ready for work when I posted before and got some foam on the keyboad
But it's ok 2 nice men with red noses offered to help clean it with there buckets of water :)
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Postby DecadentDoll » 18 Aug 2006, 14:43

Going to join the yahoo group myself Julie :)

Belfast circus school here have an adult class i'll be joining. Gotta love it!
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Postby ClownJulie » 19 Aug 2006, 18:31

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Postby ClownJulie » 19 Aug 2006, 18:33

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Postby ClownJulie » 19 Aug 2006, 18:42

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Postby BillShipton » 20 Aug 2006, 02:08

Happyto recreate it so long as we don't have to do it with shaving foam! Takes long enough to fill a bucket! But with something other than the milk churn and paddle, we'd be up fo creating proper slosh in large quantities.

Can't tell you how jealous her Hayleyship would be that you have been in contact with Danny! She so has the hots for him! Not that I'm jealous of young bloke built like the proverbial brick shithouse, good looking and into messy stuff...oh no!

Fortunately she's knocking back sangria in some bar somewhere.....hehe

Can you tell me the proportions of water/shaving stick, Julie?
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