A WAM story: The Detention Sketch

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A WAM story: The Detention Sketch

Postby Devo77 » 03 Oct 2006, 08:33

Heather puts on her glassless frames as she looked into the mirror.
Heather was wearing black coat with tight matching skirt which show off
her curvy rear. Heather looked over her black stockings making sure
there wasn’t a run. She also looked over her nice and shinny black heels.
She smiled when she realized that they wouldn’t be this way when the
shoot is over. She looked up and checked her long black hair which was
in a lose bun that hang at the back of her head. She picked up a ruler
and stuck a stern pose, tapping the ruler on the palm of her hand. She
giggled as she then left the dressing room and headed out to the set.

On the set where three chairs, one set off to the side and two others
placed side by said. Behind the chairs, there was also a cart full of pies
and bowels full of mess. Rebecca and Ann where they were waiting for
her. They were both wearing white blouses, short skirts, knee high white
stockings and tennis shoes. Rebecca shoulder length hair was done up in
pig tails while Ann had her short blonde hair made up nice and her blouse
was tied at her waste showing off her stomach. Heather was smiling as
she came on to the set. “Are you naughty girls ready.” she said as she
tapped the ruler over the palm of her hand again. Ann turned to take her
set as Rebecca stuck her tongue out at Heather as she then took her
seat. Heather then walked around and stood behind them holding the
ruler in her hands as she waited for the director to give her the word.

The director got behind the camera and yelled “Action!” Heather looked
over the two girls as she paced back and forth behind them. Ann acted
cool as she crossed her arms and looked at Heather as she paced.
Rebecca looked guilty and tried not to look at Heather. Heather stop
behind Ann. “Well, you two know why your hear right?” Ann turned face
front with a whatever look on her face and said yes. Rebecca still looking
guilty tilted her head down as she said in a weak voice “Yes.” Heather
tapped Ann on the shoulder with her ruler. “Good” she said as she
pointed it at Heather then put it down. She then put the ruler down as she
got two pies from the cart and stood behind the girls. “Well now you both
are going to punished.” she said as she then reach around their heads
and pushed the pies into there faces. Cream and crust fell down over
their shoulders and chests. Ann’s open mouth could be seen under her
cream covered face. Rebecca sat there motionless. Heather turn to the
cart and picked up two bowls of chocolate pudding. She held them over
Ann and Rebecca’s heads. The pudding slowly poured over there heads.
The pudding splattered down to there shoulders and over there chests,
pooling in there laps.

After Heather emptied the bowls. She stood over Ann. She undid Ann’s
top and revealed her boobs. Ann looked down in shock as Heather
removed her top and picked up two pies smeared them over her boobs.
Ann pouted as Heather went over to Rebecca. Rebecca still motionless did
nothing as Heather reached down, pulled open and removed Rebecca’s
top revealing her boobs. She looked down in shock her mouth wide open
as Heather smear two more pies over her boobs. Heather stood behind
them both and said “Now stand up.” Ann and Rebecca both reluctantly
stood up as mess ran down there legs to there feet. Heather, taking her
time, took down there skirts leaving them in just there panties, knee
stockings, and shoes. Heather stood behind Ann holding another pie and
pushed it into Ann’s crotch. Ann let out a moan as she felt the cream soak
into her panties. Ann then turn around as Heather began to give her a five
pie spanking. Rebecca giggled as she watched. Heather turn to Rebecca
as her giggle turn to a look of guilt. Rebecca watched as Heather the took
a cream pie and pushed it into her crotch. Heather slowly smeared it in
with a grin on her face as Rebecca let out a moan and leaned her head
back. Rebecca turn around and put her hands on the back rest of her
chair. Heather let go with five pies to Rebecca’s rear. Rebecca shook her
rear cause some of the excess cream and crusts to fall on to the floor.
Heather stood the between Rebecca and Ann both still showing off there
pie covered rears. Heather then walk over to the cart again as Rebecca
and Ann turned around. Heather came back with two dunce caps. She
placed them on top of there head as she did the both gave a playful pout.
Heather then two more pies and pushed them into both there faces at the
same time. Heather stood between them and said “I hope this has taught
you both a lesson.” With that she put her hands on her hips in a authority
pose. “Yes!” Rebecca and Ann said together.

Rebecca wrapped her mess arms around Heather’s arms as Ann open
Heather’s coat revealing her bare boobs. Ann with wicked smile picked
two pies and pushed them into Heather’s chest. Her mouth opened wide
as Ann smeared the pies over her boobs and stomach. Ann grabbed
another pie and smeared it over Heather’s stomach. Heather stood there
in shock as Rebecca removed Heather’s coat. Ann took two more pies and
smeared them down the from of Heather’s skirt. Rebecca took down
Heather’s hair and began to give her two large braided pigtails, giving her
more of a schoolgirl look. “What are you two doing?” she yelled as she
felt Ann smearing the cream all over her legs. After Rebecca was done,
she turned Heather around and made her bend over in her tight skirt.
They made her grab on to the back rest of the chairs as they took turns
giving her an twelve pie spanking. “Oh Oh Oh!” yelled as the spanking
continued. They turned Heather around as Ann walked over to the cart.
Rebecca unzipped and pulled down Heather pie covered skirt. Heather
look down at her now exposed black panties and tried to cover them up
with her hands.

Ann came back with a large round white frosted cake and showed what it
said on top of it. “World’s best teacher.” Heather looked at it. “It was
going to be part of my lunch.” she said defensively. Rebecca and Ann
rolled their eyes as Ann placed the cake on the chair. Rebecca and Ann
together pushed Heather down on to the chair. The frosted cake oozed
out from under Heather. Ann picked up two pies giving one to Rebecca.
Ann removed Heather's glasses as she pushed her pie into Heathers face
as Rebecca pushed hers into Heather’s crotch. All Heather could do was
to let out a muffled “OH!” as they did it. Ann turned and found another
dunce cap on the cart. She placed it on top of Heather’s head. Heather sat
there motionless as Ann turned looked around from a moment and
said. “Wait I hear someone coming.” She walked off and got another
chair. Rebecca sat on one side of Heather and Ann sat on the other.

A voice said. “What’s all this.” as a few guys off camera near another cart
of pies stood at the ready with buckets of pink slop. “We were being
punished by our teacher.” Ann said in monotone voice. “Yeah, but she
left.” Rebecca added. Heather sat there still motionless as the voice
said. “Have you three learned your lesson?” “No.” Rebecca and Ann said
together. Heather tried to say something as pink slop is thrown covering
all three of them. They sat there motionless as a pie barrage began. Ten
pies where thrown at each of them, hitting their faces, chest and
stomachs. Heather slowly raised her arms and grabbed her braided
pigtails. She straighten them out as she stuck her tongue out. Rebecca
and Ann leaned in and stuck there tongues out as well. Three pies hit all
of them square in the face As the director yelled cut.

They sat there with there mouths full of pie. As they swallowed the pie the
all looked at each other and laughed. “You two aren’t so bad.” Heather
said smiling as she wiped the pie from her face. “Want to bet?” Rebecca
said as they both hugged Heather.
And Swing It!!!
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