Greenwood Rivalry Chapter 1.1 - Veronica's Tryout

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Greenwood Rivalry Chapter 1.1 - Veronica's Tryout

Postby whiteunicorn » 29 Aug 2021, 20:45

Still blinking back tears that did nothing to wash away the smushed pies and congealing custard slathered over her face, to say nothing of the latter still dripping over her from head to toe, Savannah somehow made it back to her dorm, practically slamming the door behind her with a relieved choked sob.

Hardly anyone would have recognised her of course, the sticky clammy custard completely covering her brunette locks to render them practically unnoticeable. And with her head dipped, no one could see her pie masked face either. But she was still glad no one had seen her duck into her dorm, something that surely would have identified who she was and made her humiliation something she couldn't escape.

Fighting back fresh tears and yet still conscious of the mess coating her, Savannah stumbled towards and fumbled with the closet beside the bathroom, her hand emerging with a huge fluffy towel which she quickly draped over her bed before sinking down onto it with a sigh.

Truly Savannah had intended to do nothing more than to pull of her shoes already dripping and squelchy with custard but the second she sat down the control she had been holding onto vanished and within seconds the cute and utterly slimed brunette was sobbing uncontrollably into her hands.

Given the way she sobbed and sobbed her pent up humiliation and frustration in a private outpouring, it was really no surprise she missed the click of the door opening or the soft friendly voice calling her name. Only raising her head when a soft touch on her shoulder intruded almost welcomely upon her sorrow.

'Hey..hey now. Savannah, sweetie. What happened?'

Choking back one last sob, the aforementioned brunette raised her head slowly to see with blurry tear streaked eyes her blond roommate looking down at her with genuine concern. Concern that was really too much for the stressed undergraduate student to take and before she could stop herself Savannah was on her feet, having thrown her arms around Veronica in a urgent hug.

'It the fayre...there was this girl. She was...I didn't mean was an accident..I tried..sob..I tried to say..but she..sob..sob..the pies...the..the custard...sob..she wouldn't stop...she was so mean and..everyone saw me and they..sob..they..sob..' Savannah trailed off helplessly.

''s okay.' Veronica soothed, not seeming to care she was being hugged by a custard soaked teen, the sweet cloying desert soaking and sticking to her clothes as she hugged her close. 'She was so mean to you. That's just wrong. But we need to take care of you now. You'll catch your death if you keep wearing these.'

'Oh..I'm sorry.' Savannah broke the hug so fast it was almost like the simple act of touching Veronica burned her. 'I'm...your clothes..I'm getting you all dirty.'

'Some people are worth getting dirty for.' Savannah blushed as much at that phrase as the wink Veronica sent her way. 'But it's just an old shirt, so don't worry about that. But you really should get cleaned up. So go on, get your butt in the shower. And leave your dirty things in the sink. I'll get them washed later. Or just chuck them in the shower after I've had mine.'

'But...are you sure?' Savannah squirmed a little, toying with her shirt that still clung tightly to her shirt. 'You can go first if you like.'

'Don't be silly.' Veronica waggled an admonishing finger. 'I've got time until the beach volley ball tryouts. Oh yeah, I signed up for the team. I meant to say. I played volleyball at school and was pretty good if I do say so. So, I might as well keep it up. Besides, where else am I going to get the chance to prance around in a bikini all day?'

'We..well..' Savannah stammered, the mere thought of that enough to have her flushed with heat. 'All the more reason you should go first. could come in with me. There is room for two I'm sure.'

Those last words came out in a rush as Savannah tried and failed to contain her nervous excitement. Sharing a shower with her roommate or one or more dorm mates if the dorm had more communal showers was high on the secret ultra private bucket list she had assembled in the excruciatingly slow last few months before the term started. And while she hadn't dreamed about it happening so soon, she wasn't about to let it pass her by when it was right in front of her.

Back in high school Savannah had never been brave enough to shower with the other girls after gym, always finding some excuse to delay until the rest of her class had changed and gone. Sweet and shy almost to a fault, Savannah had never been that confident with her body in private, to say nothing about baring all to force an unavoidably side by side comparison between herself and her more curvy, busty and developed classmates. In truth, Savannah wasn't as flat chested or slender curved as she feared; possessed of cutely sweet and nicely rounded breasts that sat perfectly upon her chest without any need for support. And yet she always felt self conscious by her self induced lack of any real cleavage. Yet this seemed like a good time to break the habit of shyness and ease into it.

'Sure. Why not?' Veronica said with a chuckle. 'You get in there and I'll grab us some more towels. I think yours is kinda grubby.'


Hearing the click of the bathroom door closing followed by the soft rush of running water as Savannah obviously switched on the shower, Veronica made good upon her promise as she tried not to be distracted by the thoughts of Savannah stripping down to her underwear and then further before stepping into the shower naked. Honestly if only with herself, she had found herself being distracted a lot by Savannah since they had met. Not something uncommon really, Veronica was the kinda girl who lead with her heart and it wasn't uncommon for her to get a girl crush on girls she just met. But something about Savannah was different, she wasn't the confident, bold and oft times sassy girls she was drawn too. Yet for some reason she couldn't stop thinking about the cute as a button brunette who seemed to have stolen her heart.

With trembling hands, Veronica collected two towels and padded back to the bed room, where she quickly..after a little hesitation..stripped out of her clothes to chuck them into a pile on the towel still spread on the bed. Not because she was nervous about being naked with Savannah, but because she had been wrestling with the idea of undressing in the bathroom with her. A tempting thought but one that might been seen as coming on a bit strong too soon. At least to her mind. So it was with fresh towels under one arm that Veronica strolled naked as the day she was born into the bathroom.

'Only me.' She called out, not wanting to startle her. 'Can I come in?'

The voice from behind the frosted door of the square cubical in the corner emerged as a startled squeak anyway. 'Y.yes.'

Suppressing a smile at the utterly endearing cuteness of her roomie, Veronica slipped into the shower with a rattle of the screen door as it opened and closed again, trapping the billowing steam and soothingly warm water in with the two naked girls. One of whom was almost pressed up against the rear wall, her bare back and cute pert little tush presented to Veronica with her head tipped back under the stream that had done a great job cleaning the custard and cream from her hair. Hands that dropped to fumble with the bottle of shampoo hastily grabbed from the side the second she realised she was being watched.

'You can't wash your hair like that.' Veronica snagged the bottle gently but deftly from her loose grip, completely misreading the suppressed trembles as a side effect of the pent up emotion from her messy ordeal. 'You can't let those girls get to you either. C'mon, come here. We'll have you looking good as new in no time.'

'I'm not.' Savannah squeaked as Veronica tugged her closer, breasts resting against her back, the taller girl working a rich lather into her hair which soon dispelled the lodged clumps of cream that the streaming water hadn't washed away. 'And I never really looked that good to start with.'

'Are you kidding? You've got cuteness most girls would die for.' Veronica decided not to mention that was a cuteness somehow enhanced by being slathered in gallons of cream and custard. 'Trust me, guys go buggy for that kinda thing. Maybe it's a little sister complex, who knows. But you'll be fighting off the sweet guys looking to get to know a cutie like you. And it's the sweet ones that know how to treat a girl right, trust me on that too. Who knows, a few dates, a little hanging out and then it will be back to his dorm where you can snuggle up and really get to know each other. Like I said, you'll be fighting the guys off by the dozen.'

'One..would be enough.' Savannah whispered just about loud enough for Veronica to catch even over the running water.

'Oh?' Veronica grinned. 'Are we talking about a certain one perhaps?'

'Maybe.' Veronica couldn't help but notice the blush in her cheeks when she answered, an obvious outward sign of her embarrassment that maybe was the reason she hastily changed the subject. 'Wh..what about you? I'm sure you'll be fighting the guys off too once they see you in your bikini.'

'I'm sure I will.' Veronica chuckled. 'And I know just the one too.'


Despite her bravado and outwardly boundless confidence, Veronica couldn't exacrly stop the flutter of butterflies in her stomach as she strode towards the outdoor volleyball court, the bright late afternoon sunshine beating down on the soft golden yellow sand bisected by the net being assembled by two girls both dressed in shorts and tshirts, almost matching the high cut off denim shorts and loose tee Veronica had tossed over her bikini after reluctantly leaving Savannah to finish her shower alone.

Still, those impromptu nerves quickly faded as she settled her gaze upon the three girls clustered together beside the court, who were obviously the other new team hopefuls. Both of whom seem like casual players at first glance, the pair having turned up in what could only be the clothes they had been wearing all day, all three outfits seeming in their own way constrictive. If Veronica had to rate one as being more of a threat than the other, it would be the slender red head decked out in expensive white chinos and a blue silk shirt more suitable to a nightclub than a fast paced sport, but the other in her unassuming black skirt and top had a squat yet toned physique that could serve her well. Still, Veronica was still certain she could take them.

'Well..I guess that's everyone.' That short phrase came from the equally stern looking as sounding black haired girl who strode across the court, her worn sneakers kicking up puffs of sand with each step. 'If not, well..tough for them. Not that we are going to make it easy for you. This team has a great track record and it's not a place for coasters or those looking to just have fun. Sure, we have fun as a team but we are here to win games too. I might be stepping down as Captain as of today but that doesn't mean I can't pick the future of this team. Or that we can't. Janey, wanna jump in here.'

'Sure thing, Yvonne.' That answer came from a blonde with her hair pulled back in a tight ponytail that gave her an affected, if effective, air of authority. 'I'm Janey, soon to be defacto captain here. And I'm not going to go easy on you either. So, let's see what you know. Chinos, your up. A set is won by the first team to reach...'

'21 points.' The chino clad girl called out in hasty excitement.

'Good.' Janey replied. 'But I was going to say that. My question is how much of an advantage in points does a team need to win if they are nearly tied on points.'

'Oh..' chino girl looked crestfallen but she rallied. 'I know that..two points.'

'Correct. A little slow off the mark, but correct.' Janey said, turning her attention to the black clad girl. 'Right, Skirts, what is an assisted hit when referring to a fault?'

'It's..a hit where a player gets an assist?' The monochrome clad girl replied hesitantly.

'Yes, I just said that. It's a hit where the player uses a team mate or obstacle to gain an advantage. Try to remember and avoid doing that if you get picked. Okay, beach common block signals, a closed fist represents what?'

'That no block should be attempted for the opponent on that side of the court, sometimes also known as pull-off.' Veronica answered without hesitation, the speed of her answer drawing a scowl from the other two hopefuls.

'Chino.' Janey said, almost brushing off her answer as if the result of someone getting one right had thrown her and diffused whatever mean comment she had planned. Which proved to be the way things went for the next twenty minutes, with Janey grilling them on more and more complex rule questions which just earned Veronica more scowls and terse silences she started to take as a badge of honour.

'Okay.' Janey clapped her hands as black skirt fumbled the easy question on defensive positions. 'Let's see how well you do on the court. You, beach blondie..take the right hand side of the court. Chino, you are with Skirts on the other side. Let's see how you do in a little two on one.'

Veronica could feel the stares on her as she stripped down to her bikini, knowing she looked damn well smoking in the tight, black and almost ridiculously tiny piece of swimwear which hugged her curves so tightly. Yet those stares weren't jealous or appreciative stares at her full boobs which almost burst out of her bikini top. No, those were stares of two girls looking to bring her down a peg or two. Well, fine. Bring it on.

It was with that attitude that Veronica strode out into the middle of the court, choosing her place very carefully as a position where she could cover all of the court. Surely the idea of her two opponents was going to be to aim a shot where she wasn't, most likely behind her so she had to be ready for that.

And she was, Skirts aiming for a short shot forward which Chinos spiked high to aim to sail over her head. Yet Veronica was on the ball like a flash, scurrying backwards to intercept and punt the ball back over the net to plough into the sand between the two stunned girls.

'Is that all you got?' Veronica teased with a cheeky grin.


Apparently it was. For during the furious 30 minutes of play that followed, Veronica matched both girls play for play, not even conceding one point against the concentrated double attack. To be fair, the other two did tighten their defence and made it very hard for her to score, but she still managed to slip the odd shot through. A performance which brought them to now, Veronica sitting back on the edge of the court while Janey sized up the three of them.

' weren't completely hopeless.' Janey admitted grudgingly. 'I'm just not sure which of you is less hopeless yet. So you are all provisionally on the team. Which means I'll whip you girls into shape yet. First practice is tomorrow. Be here 4pm. Be prompt. Now, get out of here.'


'I dunno guys.' That hesitantly whispered half question half doubting statement came from the youngest of the three assembled members of the volleyball team who hadn't immediately fallen out the second Janey called time on the tryout session. 'Sure, she's a bit cocky and all but isn't this going a bit far?'

'No way.' The brunette who seemed to be the ringleader said, her cutely styled curls bobbing as she checked the corridor around them for the fourth time. 'Like you said, she's cocky and I for one say she needs to be brought down a peg or two. You'll back me up on this right?'

'I guess.' Came the almost non plussed answer from the final member of the three, idly flicking a strand of her short chestnut hair between two fingers. 'But if anyone asks, this was just another Salli and Sally plan that I had no idea what it actually involved.'

'Gee..thanks a lot Pop.' Salli the hesitant brunette replied, her sleek brown hair whipping around her ears a little as she spun her head to glare at the second of her seniors. 'Okay, fine. Let's do this. I just hope no one is going to miss this stuff.'

'They won't.' Sally said firmly. 'It's all going to be disposed off anyway since the soccer moms bottled out of the fete this weekend, so we might as well put it too good use. So, you two grab as many of those buckets as you can and follow me. Cause I'm so going to enjoy this.'


Unaware of the interest being shown in her, Veronica was currently enjoying having the whole of the team shower block to herself, relishing in what was sure to be the novelty of that as well as the soothing rush of the hot water which was always her favourite way to clean away the exertions of a game. Well..unless of course she could share it with someone special. Like Savannah. That thought slipped out as Veronica idly worried her lip with her teeth to suppress the shiver dancing down her spine. That all too brief shower they shared had only served to fan the flames of her rapidly developing crush, to say nothing of how utterly cute and sweetly endearing she had looked absolutely trashed by her coating of pies and custard. Which surely was simply Veronica sinking into damsel in distress rescue mode, her heart always pulling her into helping those in need. She couldn't actually be into seeing her cute roommate horribly slimed, that would be too cruel to her rampant crush. Right?

Right. Veronica silently answered her own question, her hands raising to actually wash her hair instead of just enjoying the shower. She could have done both of course but she wanted to get back and check on Savannah, maybe invite her out for a meal. She certainly wasn't going to allow her to wallow in her room all..

'Hey..what the..?' Veronica moaned under her breath as the water from the shower trickled to a few pathetic dribbles. 'Come on, you guys seriously have to do something about this plumbing.'

Very much annoyed at her shower being cut short, Veronica turned all her attention to seeing if she could coax some water out of the other showers; as frustration which only grew as she worked her way from one shower head to the next. All of them yielding the same result..utter bubkiss. Whatever went wrong had gone wrong with all of them. Sighing mostly to herself and resigned to having had her fill of showers for the day, Veronica turned to stride out of the shower block. Well. That had been her plan.

'Ahhh...geez. Don't do that.' Veronica shrieked, her hands instinctively moving to preserve her modesty. Normally she wasn't shy around other girls but seeing the three brunettes staring at her caught her off guard as one arm wrapped around her breasts, her other hand covering her crotch as she recovered from her fright. 'If you guys want a shower, that might be a problem. Seems the pipes have jammed.'

'No. They didn't.' One of the girls stepped forwards with a grin Veronica didn't exactly like. 'We shut it off. After all, we don't want to make it easy for you to get cleaned up.'

'What do you...waitwaitwait.' Veronica backed up as far as she could seeing with horror the three girls each grab a bucket from behind them, each one full of a different shade of some thick gloopy liquid. Sadly as she was at the end of the shower block, that wasn't very far. Barely two steps was all she took before her bare rear bumped into the smooth tiles against which she was well and truly trapped. 'Wait. Wait. No!'

That shriek was all Veronica could manage before the still grinning girl drew back her bucket only to fling it forward with all the strength she could muster, launching a wave of heavy red slop right at the helpless naked girl. Instinct took over and the limbs that had been protecting her modesty flung forward as if they could stop the incoming curtain of red. Sadly her outstretched hands proved little protection against the crimson liquid that splattered equally over her palms, face and chest to leave her dripping from head to torso.

Blinking against the heavy slime she could feel clinging to her skin and creeping over her breasts, Veronica was simply unprepared for the next bucketful chucked equally unceremoniously against her already slimed breasts, leaving blue to slowly mingle with red into little trickles and splodges of purple. Without her hands to offer even the slight protection to her face, her hair had come off worse this time, completely slicked with blue gunk which even now was creeping through the one place the red had spared.

'Very funny. That's very. No..not again. No!' Veronica had barely angrily wiped the mixed gunge out of her eyes before a third bucket, yellow this time, caught her full on the stomach. The thick wave of liquid sweeping up to wash over her breasts before utterly obliterating her recently cleaned vision with a fresh layer of slime.

Blinded again, Veronica stumbled and staggered backwards, that suddenly movement on the incredibly slippy floor sending her tumbling to her butt even as the yellow gunk further dripped down her slimed body to pool around her legs, feet and hands

Fighting against the slipperiness around her, Veronica was just able to push herself back up to a sitting position before her world descended into one constant gungy deluge. Unseen by their multicoloured and multi-slimed victim, the three girls had each grabbed a bucket full of bright green slime, raised them and just tipped. Hit on three sides by the slime, Veronica was quickly awash in the same bright green goo, struggling to stay upright under the sheer weight of the slime flowing over her arms, head, back and front to leave nothing of her spared.

Gunge dripped over and off her breasts to splatter onto her legs with the same cruel merciless attention meted out to her hair, the same flow flooding over her face until after what felt like an hour the three buckets finally emptied and Veronica dared to raise her head. 'What the hell was that for?' Veronica spat. 'What is it with this college? Is everyone here as kinky as you?'

Blinded and struggling not to be sent sprawling into the goo, Veronica waited with growing impatience and trepidation for an answer to her question. While deep down she hoped that her unfairly impromptu punishment was now over, she couldn't have been more wrong when without warning a heavy cream laden pie caught her straight in the face.

'Whttt thhh fkkkk.' Veronica spluttered through the thick cream clinging to her face and hair alike. 'Wss thht a piii...mmmph.'

That was all Veronica really could utter before the poor girl became lost amidst a furious flurry of pies she could barely hope to defend herself against. Each way she twisted and no matter how she squirmed really did nothing to protect her, pie after pie being hurled with a frantic ferocity against her stomach, boobs and face. Each hit drew another squeal of surprised disgust from the helpless pie assault victim that was Veronica, each strike delivering another clammy mass of cream to splurge or splatter against somewhere untouched by the sweet whiteness.

All the poor utterly slopped girl could do was just sit there and take it, silently praying that they soon ran out of pies. Which her tormentors did, but not before Veronica was plastered in cream from head to hips, all trace of her naked curves obscured by the mounds of cream clinging to her sensuous body.

'God, you really are kinky.' Veronica snapped, hoping silently that she had judged her moment right and that they had nothing else to throw.

'Hey. We aren't kinky.' With her ears full of slime and cream, Veronica had no idea who that was who had spoken but she could still pick up a little annoyance in her voice. 'You just deserved that, coming in here and acting like some big shot. That was..'

'....not up to you. Her initiation isn't yet. And you three are out of bounds. So, you can clean this up.'

Later Veronica would come to worry about that word subtly dropped into the middle of that sentence but right now in this moment she was just glad someone had come along to save her.

'Captain..we..' one of the girls said only have the aforementioned captain silence her with a glare that Veronica saw as she again cleared her vision with a sweep of her fingers.

'Enough out of you. Get to it. We have standards around here.' The captain snapped, her voice only softening when she glanced at Veronica. 'Which means you too. Clean yourself up. You can use my private shower. It's just outside this building. Take the very last door at the right hand wing and you will find a small screened off path leading to it. It's outdoors but it's private. Go on. I'll deal with these three.'

'Fine by me.' Veronica scrambled back to her feet with as much dignity as she could muster, putting on a bold face as she strode purposely towards where she had been directed almost as if daring anyone to comment on her current mucky state. To say nothing of her nakedness. It was only when the door to the small but still spacious wood panelled shower block had swung slowly shut did she abandon the pretence and dashed under the shower, hastily and gratefully scrubbing the now caked mass of cream and gunge from her hair with a shudder, trying to relax as much as she could under the warm water and equally warm sunlight streaming in from above the open topped cubicle.

'Now I know how Savannah felt.' Veronica sighed to herself, the combined pressure of the water and the attention from her hands having quickly left her hair squeaky clean; the still pouring shower now working its magic on the rest of her body. 'That was can't believe they did that to me. How could anyone think that was a fun thing to do?'

'You kinda liked it when it happened to Savannah.' That voice filled her mind more than the empty shower, the only sound the rushing of water as the multicoloured puddle around her feet swirled down the drain between them.

'I know that.' Veronica scowled, mostly to herself as that phrase ran through her head. 'But that's...not like that. She just looked super cute and helpless and...I don't have a thing for seeing her get messy. We've only just met and besides, I'm not into that.'

'Keep telling yourself that.'

'Oh, shut up. I don't need you too..and what the heck is that noise?' Veronica grumbled, the growing rumbling/chugging/clanking noise that had been dancing around the edges of her awareness now fully invading her consciousness. 'Can't a girl shower in peace?'

As if in answer to that question, the growing mechanical rumbling seemed to get closer and closer, accompanied by a building vibration that had the whole cubicle shaking. Confused and debating wether or not to stick her head out of the door to try to find the source, Veronica was suddenly distracted by something else.

Namely by the shadow which passed over her, prompting the now clean naked girl to raise her eyes to the sky above, only for her mouth to drop open in shock and horror. ' away.'

That scream came in perfect timing with the sight of the absurdly large digger bucket sliding into view, the bright yellow paint dripping with trickles of something luridly green. A scream that seemed to slow as time did, the bucket tipping forward inch by terrible inch, each inch threatening to spill its no doubt horrible contents over the paralysed girl below.

'Noooo.' That wail was all Veronica could mutter as something wet, squelchy and utterly foul exploded all around her, instantly coating her from head to toe in a green and lumpy mass that ruined all the good work the shower had done, the obscenely disgusting stinky mess which was part liquid and part solid which at the same time poured and splattered down upon her, dumping thick clammy lumps all over her head even as it utterly soiled every inch of her where it touched and tumbled in lurid streaks down her frozen frame, leaving her squirming and shuddering in unrivalled horror and discomfort.

Already resembling something akin to a swamp monster with her skin and hair streaked in various shades of green semi liquid gunk Veronica stayed frozen long after the fully tipped bucket had disgorged its pungent load of what she would discover to her later horror was sixth months of accumulated and mulched grass cuttings. In fact, she only dared to move when she heard the door to the cubical open to a gleeful cry of pure triumph.

'Ha. Gotcha Yvonne. Thought you'd get away without the traditional last day messing huh?'

Stamping her foot with a vicious snarl, Veronica dragged a hand across her eyes with all the pent up fury it wasn't hard to channel. 'I'm..not...Yvonne.'



Well..there we go. We have our first fully driven Patreon piece. And not my last. Got a couple of really cool ideas in the works. One especially focused around characters my higher tier Patreons have selected. That's one of my most enjoyable perks. Choose a character and get them into one of my any number of my stories. It's really that simple. And a lot of fun. Can be your own creation, a favourite character, a celebrity, they are all good. I'll be posting the first such piece hopefully very soon. Watch out for that.

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