Pull the Lever, Krunk - Commission from Bakerman70

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Pull the Lever, Krunk - Commission from Bakerman70

Postby whiteunicorn » 17 Aug 2021, 20:54

What other title could I really give this piece? There really is no way I couldn’t have used that line. I hope you guys like the end result of this project. As much as you like the story I’ve written for it. I wouldn’t spend too much time on working out all the witherto’s and whyfore’s about the background of this story. It does get a bit metaphysical. Just treat it as a bit of fun.

Fun is very much the order of the day for my Patreon Page which was the original of this little gem. Gotta give the people what they want and these were the characters they chose so who was I to say no. Plenty more projects like this coming soon so if you want to get in on the action drop by my Patreon from the link below.

The original piece can be seen here. Do give the artist some love.

https://www.deviantart.com/bakerman70/a ... -888358625


Well..I was hoping that Mulan would clinch it.' Ming Na Wen said as the prize for Best Animated Film of All Time award went to Frozen 2, Eliza Mendel having graciously accepted and gratefully exited the stage very thankful to have left as dry and clean as she had arrived rather than dripping in slime that would have ruined her strapless blue dress dancing with shimmering hues that flowed down to the long hem that fully covered her ankles. Everyone dressed up for the kids choice awards despite the fact that a well chosen and expensive outfit could be utterly drenched before the evening was out and Ming Na was no exception to that rule; the actress having chosen a black dress scattered with tiny white sequins that created an almost mesmerising effect that mirrored them sky at night. Or a Galaxy seen from afar. A design that matched her oriental appearance, her black hair let loose and long to flow around her shoulders. Which were nicely revealed by the dress, low cut and strapless on her left hand side, the dress wrapped up over her right shoulder and back down to cover her back completely; the lower half cut into a tapered narrow hen that showed off her legs magnificently, the triangular cut of the same shimmering fabric lightly brushing the floor without getting anywhere near risking being caught up around her feet.

There were two pieces of advice she had been given after she had accepted the role of host for this years Kid's choice awards. One, don't be afraid to crack a few jokes. Two, expect the slime to be everywhere. This was Nickelodeon after all. The internet was full of clips of various celebrities getting an massive sliming. In some cases they had clearly expected it, in others it had been a genuine surprise given the reactions she saw. And she wasn't naive enough to believe that she was safe from that fate. 'Still..it was well deserved. It's a fantastic movie, their is no doubt. And speaking of, before we get around to our next award, I have a very special guest to introduce to you all. In fact she is our special guest for the evening. Please welcome...Rapunzel.'

On that cue a young woman with very long blonde hair so lustrous that it easily earned the term golden strode out from backstage with a slightly shy wave to the suddenly cheering and applauding crowd. Like Ming Na, she too had come dressed for the occasion in a dress that almost screamed regal. A deep blue bodice laced up like a corset yet topped with a delicate bow vowed out to elegantly rounded sleeves that stopped just below the shoulder divided between stripes of pink and a deeper purple that matched the purple material of the skirt itself decorated with stars and swirls in a shed that was either mauve or white depending on the way the light caught it. White was definitely the colour of the frills that ran around the hem and topped the sleeves and bodice in one final elegant touch.

'Thank you. It's great to be here.' The Blonde Princess replied with a smile as shy as her wave. And she had good reason to be nervous, despite the others telling her she would be fine. Sure, Jasmine or Raya or Aurora might have been fine. They seemed to deal with the spotlight much better than she did. Of course being a real life Disney princess brought with it a lot of celebrity and she was still feeling her way through that. 'And great to be chosen to reveal this years winner for favourite tv show. Sooo...how do I do that?'

'Nothing to it.' Ming Na beckoned Rapunzel over to the simple polished metal podium she stood by, shifting to the side so she could join her behind it as she rested a hand on the somewhat plain orange box one of the stagehands had placed on the smooth flat surface. 'Just take out the envelope inside and read out the name when I say so.'

While that little interaction hadn't gone entirely unnoticed by the live audience, most of them had instead been distracted by the screens behind the two celebrities which were now playing a recorded recap of the nominations, the same video being broadcast to those watching this live at home. It was a video that didn't last long, little mire than a minute; the end of it prompting Ming Na to whisper one word in her ear. 'Now.'

'And the Winner is...The Mandalorian.' Rapunzel called out as a fresh round of applause. 'Sadly Pedro Pascal couldn't be here tonight. To receive his award but I'm sure his costar can accept it on his behalf. Congratulations, Miss Wen.'

'Thank you, thank you.' Ming Na said as she took the proffered trophy carefully. 'Had I known I would have prepared a speech or a few words at least.'

'Well..that would have spoiled the surprise.' Again fresh applause filled the studio as Maisy Williams stepped out from backstage; her cohost having been undergoing a quick wardrobe change after her initial appearance as Arya Stark. While it had been fun to wear her costume from the final series again, she wasn't going to miss the chance to dress up herself, having chosen a plain black dress in smooth satin, one that while not elaborate was still elegantly styled in a strapless design that hugged her bodice tightly as the skirt did her legs. She was a young woman now, not a child after all; and she wanted to be seen that way.

'It certainly was a surprise.' Ming Na nodded. 'In fact, I kinda expected to have been set up so you could slime me.'

'Oh..no.' Maisy said with mock horror. 'You shouldn't have said that.'

'What? Slime?' Ming Na asked. 'Why not?'

That question was answered as from the floor around the Chinese actress six streams of the show's famous green slime bubbled up stronger and stronger until they crisscrossed around and over her, raining slime down on her from all sides. While they mostly caught her on the head and shoulders there was little she could do to stop the slippery slime from flowing down over her dress that had become as ruined as she feared. And Maisy and Rapunzel were really unwilling to help, both having stepped back hastily as the Gunge first appeared, leaning Ming Na to grudgingly take her inaugural sliming. Had it been a simple drop from the ceiling Ming Na might have risked moving herself, yet something about the shock of finding herself trapped in this arcing cage of slime kept her frozen to the spot long enough for the damage to be done. After that she didn't really see the point in moving so she stayed exactly where she was, constantly wiping her eyes clear of the fresh slime that was still splashing over her drenched dress, the one sparkly pattern now hidden below a thick layer of green.

'That's why not.' Maisie said with a obviously delighted smirk. 'Anyway, while my cohost goes to freshen up before we do our next award, we have time to chat a little with our special guest. So..have a seat Rapunzel.'

Having followed the young actress to a small yet comfy looking orange sofa Rapunzel took a seat next to her casually. While she had known that she might get slimed herself on the show, she felt relatively safe for the moment. Two slimings in such quick succession seemed unlikely. Or she hoped so.

'You know, we've actually had a lot of questions pouring in from our fans..well..your fans since they heard you would be on the show. And we might get to those in a little bit. But right now I have one. How are you and the others getting on living together? I'm guessing it must be pretty intense with all those girls in one house.'

'Well..it's a pretty big place.' Rapunzel thought of the house, a penthouse spread over three floors that she was still amazed Jasmine had been able to afford. Having a father literally as rich as a Sultan must have helped. 'Easily big enough that we can get some space and time alone if we need it. We aren't exactly living in each other's pockets. But we actually get on pretty well. Really well. I was a little worried about it to be honest, we have some pretty big personalities. But we seem to gel.'

'As you say some pretty big personalities. And some pretty big names as well. You won't believe the amount of questions we received from your fans when they heard you were making an appearance. They really want to know about you.'

Rapunzel wasn't exactly surprised to hear that. She preferred to avoid cashing in on the publicity that surrounded them all. Unlike some of the others, quite a few of who had accepted requests for interviews. Belle and her interview for Vogue for example. Or Cinderella and the multitude of requests she got from Girl Talk. Or Jasmine and her interview on the Discovery Channel. Heck, even Merida had gotten a request from Sports Illustrated. She made the cover and the Centre Fold pullout if she remembered correctly. Maybe now was the time to deal with some of that curiosity. Since she was here. 'I'll bet they do. What kind of stuff do they want to know?'

'Well..as it happens I have a list here.' Maisy replied. 'I could just read them out and you can answer some if you like. And we could put those answers up on our website. Or stream this for you fans later.'

'Sure.' Rapunzel shrugged. 'Why not.'

'Okay.' Maisy leaned back casually. 'Here is an easy one..if somewhat predictable. Does your hair actually glow?'

'Oh yes.' Rapunzel took a deep breath. 'Flower, gleam and glow, let your power shine.'

There was no way she was going to go through the whole song, not when that short verse was enough to send ripples of glowing light through her hair from root to tip. Just for a few seconds but that was enough to satisfy the question she was sure.

'Remind me to bring sunglasses with me if we ever go out or something.' Maisy grinned. 'Okay, here we have one about your house. Seems a lot of people were curious about where you live. Some of them perhaps a little too interested. Anyway, this one is normal enough. How many bathrooms do you guys have?'

'Ummm...a lot.' Rapunzel answered sheepishly. 'I've never actually counted to be honest. We've never had trouble with getting a shower when we need one, put it that way.'

'Must be one scary water bill.' Maisy nodded. 'Alright. Next question. Who does all the cooking?'

'Mostly it's a toss up between Aurora and Tiana for meals and stuff.' Rapunzel replied. 'Although Moana runs a mean seafood barbecue. I've also been known to turn my hand at baking desserts and pies. Even if Tiana insists on watching. It's almost like she doesn't trust me in the kitchen. Or with her pans either. Is it my fault they are so good at fending off burglars?'

Masie glossed over that as if she wasn't really sure where to go with, not on a kids show anyway. 'Alright. We have a big one here. Of all your housemates, who is your Best Friend?'

'Oh, that's easy.' Rapunzel answered quickly. 'It's Ariel. I may have magic hair but she is an actual mermaid. We were never going to be anything but best buds.'

That was glossing over things a bit. In a whole house full of misfits, waifs, strays and orphans Rapunzel had always felt like the odd one out. So when she found out that Ariel felt the same it was only natural they would bond.

'How did you guys get around the no pets rule?'

It was hard to tell whose head turned faster, Rapunzel or Masie's; that question not having been one posed by the latter but instead having been called out from the audience by the sleek, powerful figure now prowling steadily through the audience.

'Well..looks like we have another Disney Princess in the house.' Masie said as she eyed the glistening golden fur of the Lioness who deftly leapt up onto the stage with a casual pounce.

'I'm not sure I qualify as a Princess.' Nala shrugged as she strolled over to the couch and settled down on the floor between the host and her guest.

'Is that why you didn't move in with the girls?' Masie asked pointedly.

'More that I'm quite happy living with my man.' Nala replied. 'Which isn't to say I don't have an open invitation to drop by anytime. But you didn't answer my question.'

'I'm guessing you are thinking of Raja.' Rapunzel answered. While some landlords might be okay with a small animal like a chameleon or a chicken even, a tiger was stretching it a bit. 'That was thanks to a large security deposit.'

'Well..we don't have much more time for questions I'm afraid.' Masie contunied. 'These awards won't hand themselves out. But we do have time for one more. Since we knew you were coming, we asked our viewers which would be the scene from Disney they would most like to see you act out. And I have the answer here. One that can be summed up in one line. "Pull the lever, Krunk."'

'Oh, I love that one.' Rapunzel replied excitedly. 'Cracks me up every time. "Pull the lever, Krunk."'

'I hear you.' Nala chuckled. 'Gets me every time too.'

'Well..I think we'd all like to see that.' Masie grinned. 'So why don't you too scoot backstage and we can get you in costume.'


When Masie had said get in costume, she had expected some cheap, rather crude replica of Yzma's outfit. But what she had been presented with was a full on movie quality replica that the most fussy cosplayer would have been delighted to wear. Everything from the cut of the black dress to the exquisitely made shoes and the lovingly crafted collar of what felt like silky soft feathers was absolutely gorgeously made. Likewise the matching collar they had made for Nala, really the only bit of the outfit she could wear; given that she would have looked daft in the dress and shoes.

'Wow...you look amazing.' Rapunzel gushed as she clipped the oversized blue earrings onto Nala's ears before she did the same with her own, letting the oversized spheres settle against her neck.

'You don't look so bad yourself.' Nala grinned like she had thought of something wickedly amusing. 'I might have to get a mane made out of these for myself. Simba would just die of jealousy.'

'I bet you he would too.' Rapunzel chuckled in return. 'Come on. Let's do this.'


Part of Rapunzel had assumed that the money spent on the costumes might have meant a little scrimping on the set. But the second she and Nala walked onto it, she realised that nothing could have been further from the truth. Everything was exactly as it had been in the movie, the plain grey stone walls and floors, the carved stepped pillars around the edges and of course the imposing tusked and horned head mounted to the far wall, the floor around it divided into six oblong segments around a smooth semi-circle. Despite the scrutiny she could manage from this distance she couldn't pick out the mechanism on the hidden lever tusks.

'So..how do we do this?' Rapunzel asked as Maisy entered behind them. 'Do we go from "To the secret lab" or do we leap to "Pull the Lever, Krunk."'

'Before we get to that, we need our Krunk.' Masie reminded. 'And here he is, all the way from Disney Land. Give him a big hand.'

Rapunzel and Nala alike had to do a double take, the man who joined them so alike for the actual Krunk it was not hard to see how he had gotten his job as one of the characters at the famous theme park. He had even got the exact perfect replica outfit on, which was actually the costume from his job not one provided by the wardrobe department.

'Now that, he is here, yes; let's go from "To the secret lab."' Masie suggested.

'Alright.' Rapunzel took a deep breath and set her face in an expression of excited glee as both she and Nala who mirrored that expression exclaimed the line at the same time. 'To the Secret Lab.'

With that both human and lioness bounded towards the stone head followed by the somewhat less energetic "Krunk" who, with a sigh, awaited the next line that Nala and Rapunzel both delivered gleefully.

'Pull the lever, Krunk.'

With another sigh "Krunk" pulled down on the left most tusk with a click, both Nala and Rapunzel braced for the slab beneath them to fall away and send them tumbling from sight. Only..that didn't happen, the stone staying resolutely fixed in place. It was only then that Rapunzel remembered which show she was on. Then it was too late. For both Nala and Rapunzel were both stood perfectly in place to take the huge tank of green slime that had hung hidden above them. Down on them both it crashed in a huge circular rush, the simple effect of gravity taking hold sending it splattering around them as the trapdoor gave way. That perfect circular stream was quickly shattered though, the heavy slime sent cascading in all directions as it met the two surprised ladies, flung off them both in heavy waves to splash over the other. It didn't just land on them but surrounded them both, the width of the column so much that it was literally enough to wash over them utterly. Whereas Ming Na had been sprayed with slime, these two far less fortunate victims simply had it dumped over and around them. Given the rather sudden drop, the actual sliming didn't last more than a second or two, the heavy rush not allowing it continue much longer than that. Instantly Rapunzel felt every inch of her plastered in the green slime, the excessively wide stream meaning that she wasn't just coated she was covered in every sense of the word. While she couldn't see, she could feel it running over and around all of her at once, leaving her utterly splattered within the first second. Had the steam been smaller it would likely have just doused her, most of it caught by her head, but there was just so much and it came down so fast that it was impossible for it not to splatter and fling over all of her until she was just a glistening mass of green slime, her costume now as lost beneath the thick liquid as was her voluminous golden hair. Even if she had made it glow that glimmering effect would likely have been submerged beneath the slime.
The bare second she had had to realise what was going to happen wasn't enough to prepare, she could never have imagined how it would feel, both thick and slippery at the same time, sometimes solid, sometimes liquid; both clinging and dripping at the sane moment, she could feel it sticking everywhere, running through her hair and down to her skin, it had even crept through her plastered hair to her scalp. To say nothing of her dress which had utterly failed against it. It was all over her skin, trickling down inside her clothing,

Nala, being smaller than Rapunzel had suffered worse. Had she spread herself out to her full feline length, it was possible that only her head and shoulders would have taken it. But like Rapunzel she had expected the drop through the floor so she had made herself as small a shape as possible. Which meant she too was consumed by the sudden splatter, her golden fur matted and mixed with the slippery slime, her ears dipped and shoulders hunched as she braced as much as she could. It hit almost like a solid mass before it exploded all around her, the sheer weight of it more than she could process. She, and Rapunzel alike, felt like they had been wrapped in a wet, slippery blanket that clung everywhere it touched. So much was the volume of the slime that it would have been impossible for anyone, not even Simba, to have recognised Nala in that moment. She was that slathered. Her tail flicked in shock and playful disgust, the shudder that rippled through her body utterly lost under the cascade of slime, the feeling of it pooling around her ears, haunches, neck and paws too much for her to process. There was just so much of it she couldn't take it in. She had never felt so...funky in her life. Simba of course was likely loving it, hastily scrambling to get this moment recorded so he could relieve it later.

Rapunzel had faired no better. Every detail of her costume was swamped between the glistening slime, her entire figure one solid sheet of green that was still dripping down from her swamped hair plastered down her back and across her face. She might as well have been a shadow or silhouette given how little of her could be seen, slime having coated her all the way down to her fingers and feet. To anyone watching it could have been Belle or Raya or Jasmine standing before them, such was the volume of slime still clinging too them.

Only once the shock had passed and she was sure it was over did Rapunzel scrape as much slime from her face as she could in perfect time with Nala, both of them having given up the rest of their bodies as a lost cause without a nice long shower. Which didn't stop them giving the last line of the scene together in perfect deadpan harmony. 'Wrong lever.'
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