Flying Solo II - Stress Reaction

Stories and longer posts you might want to read again and again

Flying Solo II - Stress Reaction

Postby Grey » 22 May 2011, 01:38

Here's part two of the tale of the last story I wrote. Hope its enjoyed.

Throwing her bag down at the front door while muttering, she quickly took the stairs up to the kitchen of her rented house. Not even bothering to remove her knee high black boots she walked across the laminate and threw open the fridge door. She was tired, she was annoyed with her day, her week, hell just the way this contract had been playing out far from home. Sighing slightly, she thought of the crusty, muddy clothes she had in a bag in her bedroom closet it was the last time she felt the hunger taking her, this time it was stress doing it.

Walking into the kitchen she threw open the fridge and grabbed the two plastic shopping bags full of containers from the previous night. Walking over to the cupboard she calmly reached up and picked up a couple of wide serving bowls that would still fit in the mircowave. Reaching up her white blouse slid up to expose her bare midriff and her ass was showing nicely in the tight beige skirt she wore. Tearing the lids off the containers she started to dump the assorted leftovers from the office party the night before she was left to clean up into a bowl. She dumped the Italian into one bowl, the alfredo and tomato based sauces making a pink sludge. Digging her hands in, she scooped up the ravioli in pesto, the macaroni & cheese along with the cannelloni. Wiping her hands off on her blouse, streaks of red from the tomato sauce, bits of meat and cheese smeared over and stained the white cotton blouse with grease stains over her breasts were left behind. The trail ended somewhere just above her skirt and throwing the containers into the sink she

Putting the bowl in the microwave to warm slowly she repeated the process again, this time with the Chinese food. BBQ pork, curried noodles, vegetables in a thick white sauce, egg foo yung, chicken balls in sweet and sour sauce and ginger beef in a thick, dark brown sauce that was almost black. The microwave beeped and she swapped out the bowls before selecting the third one and dumping the Caesar, Garden and Greek salads into a bowl, the smell of the garlic and feta cheese hitting her as it mixed with the vinaigrette on the leafy greens.

The microwave beeped again and she took the bowl out, putting it down on the floor along with the bowl of Italian and the salad. Looking through the fridge she found a couple of previously opened bottles of wine from guests a couple of nights before and pulled the corks out of them. Taking a swig of the bottle of red she then poured some over her head as she sat down in the corner of the kitchen with the bowls. Red wine soaking through her hair and leaving faint red stains over her shoulders and down in with the cold, thick sauces on her once pristine blouse. Taking another swig of the bottle, wine flowing out of either side of her mouth and down over her chin to drip into her cleavage she put the bottle down and grabbed a handful of the still warm pasta sludge from earlier. Bringing it up she shoved her hand in her mouth and chewed it slowly, bits of pasta and sauce oozing out of her mouth as she did to land in her cleavage. As she chewed and let herself get mad about the day she wiped handfuls of the pasta over her blouse and skirt, just burnt out and no longer caring about what she looked, smelled or felt like. Stuffing another oversized handful of pasta into her mouth she grabbed a handful of the assorted Chinese foods and smeared it over her hair, letting gravity do its thing and let it ooze and slide down over her head.

A few more handfuls of the pasta and she took another swig of the wine. By now a small pool of sludge had developed in her lap, soaking and staining her skirt beyond recognition. Grabbing two big handfuls of cannelloni she ripped open her blouse with her mucky hands, sending buttons skittering across the kitchen floor before rubbing the still warm meat, spinach and cheese goo over her breasts before wiping her hands off on her legs. Picking up the bowl of salad she started shoved some into her mouth, and as she sat there, chewing slowly with Caesar dressing oozing down her chin she started to rub handfuls of the salad into her slowly tangling hair. The feta cheese was really starting to smell now, but she snorted in her mind and thought that if her day had been crap, she might as well smell like it as she found more bits of feta to rub into her hair. Wiping her body down with cream covered lettuce leaves and the bits of pepper, olives and onion in oil she moved over to the Chinese food again and plopped the bowl on her lap.

Reaching into it slowly she stirred the mass around and the smells were making her feel even more disgusted than before, but she was in the zone now, the Hunger was definitely there as it was when she got stressed and she needed to hit or ruin something. Emptying the last of the first bottle of wine over her head, she got the second and took a swig before starting on a handful of glop from the bowl in her lap. Realizing she was no longer hungry after a few mouthfuls she finished them and started to systematically wipe her body down with the multi-coloured, sticky, sludge. The vegetables and meats had grown soft sitting in the sauce for over a day and left a variable textured slime over her blouse as she wiped it over her arms. Digging her arms in deep and feeling the soaked blouse clinging to her she yanked her breasts out of their bra cups roughly before slapping handful after handful of the slime over them. The noodles and sauces ran over her skin at different speeds, slithering, oozing over her, sending shivers up and down her spine as she continued to systematically trash herself.

Dumping the bowl of pastas into the bowl of Chinese leftovers she stirred up a disgusting, tangled sludge that she put on the floor in front of her. Bending forward, tits hanging loose she dunked her face into it first, then angled her head down so that her hair was being coated in the slime. Pulling her head out of the muck in the bowl, tendrils of noodles and syrupy sauces trailing behind she took a breath before plunging the top of her head back into it and started to shampoo it in to the roots and then bringing her head back out again and sitting on her knees savouring the feeling of her tangled hair slithering over her face and around her head. The mix of leftovers ran down her back over and inside her blouse It was sticky and oozing and she held herself steady, breathing through her mouth as the rhythmic plop, plop, plop of the food dripped off her forming a puddle that she was know kneeling in. Reaching up for a drawer handle she pulled it open and her fingers immediately found the pair of kitchen shears. Pulling them out she slowly started to snip and cut at the arms of her blouse, being very careful of her skin.

Putting the shears down she started to hook her fingers into the blouse. The polish covered in slime and bits of food stuck under her fingernails, she ripped from the cuts. The wet material of her blouse gave easily, but noisily as until she had shredded rags from her shoulders down. Retrieving the scissors from the floor she set to work on her skirt, slashing at it between her legs until it too was a set of ragged strips. Ripping strips from the front of her skirt she saw the faintly splattered, but definitely damp front of her panties. Breathing heavily she scooped up as much of the sludge as she could and put it into a bowl. It looked disgusting and she took a swig of wine as she decided on her course of action.

Picking up the bowl she placed it on the countertop and then sat with her back against the cupboards below and pulled her panties open with one hand. Taking a deep breath, she reached up, found the rim of the bowl, and the thought of the hours she would have to spend cleaning up this disgusting mess sickening her almost as much as the smell was, she tipped the bowl over slowly. It started with a trickle of the oils and runnier sauces onto her head. The rivulets ran down her face and chin, over her neck and into her cleavage. She was throbbing even though her fingers were still no where near her crotch. Soon the first “bits” started to land on her and it took all her willpower to wait until the first tracings of slime made their way down over her stomach to her crotch. When that first drop hit her pussy, she gave into it and tilted the bowl over. The mass of room temperature slimy leftovers rained down on her head, enveloping it with clumps of slop rolling this way and that over her body. She positively reeked at this point but loved the sensation of being trashed like this. Sitting there a ruined lump, as it continued to ooze over her body, sitting there in rags, her tits out and her pussy aching to have something in it. In her head, every name she had ever been called that made her angry went through it. She felt the sting of every slap and hit for fun or for pain. She felt alive as she picked the slop and rubbed it around her face, her hair, her shredded clothes, and finally between her legs. Her hair was tangled and sticking to her face but she didn’t care.

Pinching her clit between her thumb and forefinger, rolling it like a marble between them, twisting slightly for a frisson of pain she soon was sliding her fingers into herself, one, two, then three. She breathed deep of the smell of her juices and the mess on her body and masturbated hard. The first shivers overtook her and then there was a gush as she climaxed. Continuing to work through it she screamed and grunted and her head banged back against the cupboard as her hand was positively soaked before she couldn’t take it any more. Her hips and legs spasming and twitching reflexively, she brought her hand up to her mouth and started to suck on her fingers as she continued to rub the mess on her filthy body, rubbing it into her nipples and making sure she was coated from head to toe in this muck.

However long it took her to clean up she knew she’d see progress unlike other parts of her life. Of course to appreciate clean she sighed as she thought about how much she enjoyed the depths of filth you needed to really, really appreciate it. Sitting there, gently playing with her nipples with one hand while sucking her juices off the fingers of her other hand she had no doubt she was a very filthy girl indeed.
So it is the belief in shamefulness that is the root of all misery. -- Stephen Fry
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