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Pie Recipe

PostPosted: 24 Aug 2010, 12:14
by BillShipton

Over on the main forum, Serverus posted a pie recipe from Dunktankbabes which includes a mix of shaving foam and gunge to make a wetter, messier pie than foam alone. We haven't tried it yet but for those interested, here's the recipe again.

"Custard" pie recipe. Serves 8.

You will need:-
1 can of shaving foam
1 bucket
10-20 grams of gunge powder (available from
Warm water

Mix 1 pint of warm water with the 10 grams of gunge powder. Stir every 5 minutes for 20 minutes until the gunge no longer sinks to the bottom. Add more water/gunge powder to thin/thicken as required.
Place the gunge in the bucket, then add 1 can of shaving foam
Fold the shaving foam into the gunge until it's all mixed in. The foam will now have a much heavier consistancy.
Spoon onto plates and serve!

Good luck, everyone!