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Could we have a list of supplyer links?

PostPosted: 14 Mar 2010, 20:13
by jar
Things like the powder clay site mentioned in another thread would be great listed in one place. Also things like the address and phone number for the basic chemicals company.

Re: Could we have a list of supplyer links?

PostPosted: 21 Mar 2010, 10:33
by muckypup
You could just use this thread or set up a new one to do just that. If you know any why not start us off? Probably better if people add recommendations rather than commercial companies just pimping themselves :)

Re: Could we have a list of supplyer links?

PostPosted: 21 Mar 2010, 15:41
by jar
I'll start off by stating the obvious.

I like Hydroxyethylcellulose- Known by the trade name Natrosol . This was used in Noels House Party and many others. The cheapest source is the basic chemicals company but you need to be able to take delivery of a parcel or pick it up. At the moment it's easyer to find someone flogging it in small amounts on e-bay as it will fit through my post box but in the past found this company excellent. Will be in Bucks this summer and hope to buy and pick up a larger amount then.

Basic Chemicals Ltd

Hillbottom Road,
Sands Industrial Estate,
High Wycombe,
HP12 4HJ,

Tel : 01494 450701

Fax : 01494 465202


Obviously for flour go to your local supper market and experiement. I like corn flour gunge better than plain flour but it's not really slimey might as well go with cake batter or some kind of pudding mix whcih will taste better if it gets in your mouth.

I haven't tryed Methylcellulose- Known by the trade name Methocel, Xanthan Gum, Guar gum, Theatrical Slosh (made by grating a shaving stick in to hot water) or wall paper paste. Maybe if anyone can recomend a decent place to buy them I will.

Re: Could we have a list of supplyer links?

PostPosted: 23 Mar 2010, 22:35
by dunktankbabes
We've got methocell and natrosol in bulk and are cheaper than basic chemicals. If you only need small quantities then our eBay option is probably best. Comes pre bagged in 8litre packs and pre coloured In most colours. We also can now supply lemon flavoured / scented gunge. There are a growing number of producers using our gunge , messy mayhem , glamour gunge , 3G girls as well as our own wam extreme & gtb.

Re: Could we have a list of supplyer links?

PostPosted: 18 Jun 2010, 16:44
by PleasePieMeMistress
I've literally just finished mixing 8 buckets of your gunge Dave, my living room smells like an explosion @ the Jif Lemon factory!!!