Connection problems

Boring but essential stuff about broken links etc.

Postby Richard » 02 Apr 2008, 00:43

!It's becoming almost impossible to use the forum lately. I keep getting the 'IE is unable to display etc.' then if I press the refresh button I get the same message and it frequently requires me to log in again and then the whole process starts over. I have noticed several double, triple and quadruple posts so others are obviously having the same problems. It now takes so long to view all the new posts that it isn't worth the trouble!
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Postby Richard » 02 Apr 2008, 00:54

See! It's happened again! After posting and getting locked out, it's impossible to know if the post has been successful so naturally one duplicates it! :evil:
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Postby BillShipton » 03 Apr 2008, 15:51

I am sorry if you think the forum isn't worth the trouble.

We have all been experiencing problems and we took them up with our server who just told us they had 'temporary issues' which they say they have resolved. Until such time as we can afford a dedicated server for the site (highly unlikely at the moment as nobody is buying anything), there are going to be occasions where for a couple of days things get very slow and you have to be patient. It is always useful if people bring these to our attention in case we hadn't noticed but after struggling for hours to help Gilly put up the Sammy pics we were onto it and moaning at the server.

I apologise to anyone else who felt let down.
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Postby andy250 » 04 Apr 2008, 15:27

Its done it twice today, once accessing mail, and adding the comment here. Though its no where near as bad as it has been. Though on business note, if the site is playing up could put potential customers off.

Might be worth giving some grief to your host.


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Postby Richard » 04 Apr 2008, 22:39

Bill, I apologise for my remark that the forum was "not worth the trouble", it was made at a time when I was frustrated and angry at it's shortcomings. I know that you are also suffering with us all at the slowness and regular breakdowns! Of course I am not going to abandon this forum, it is still the best and friendliest one around (Other wam forums are available :P ) but a forum is made up of its members and our posters are the best! (I'm still euphoric after the London Meet :D )!However, I certainly think that a word with the facility providers would not be amiss!
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Postby dirtydids » 05 Apr 2008, 12:39

This subject was discussed at the London Meet and it does appear to be annoying and frustrating quite a few people, especially like as Bill has mentioned when attempting to post pics. The problem then is you have to start from scratch which is time consuming and you never know if it will time out again.

Lets be fair on this issue though. This is purely down to the Hosting Company Bill and Hayley have hosted the forum on. If, and i do not know this he has also placed the Splosh Shopping Cart etc on this same server then it is probable he would be losing potential custom. What everyone MUST remember is Bill and Hayley have no control over these issues except to give this company major bollockings.

From my own personal experience of Hosting Companies via the Wamchantelle and Messymercedes websites and also chatting to other people who run sites in one form or another most do not really seem to give a monkeys toss and will fob you off with excuses etc or pay for extra bandwidth and such. Its even worse when you are on a shared server such as Splosh.

Dedicated servers vary immensly in cost per month and some i have seen are in my opinion a downright rip-off, yes you have guessed it they are British Based :lol: . Rip off Britain.

Wamchantelle ended up being hosted on an American based server and we had no problems at all and this was a dedicated server at a reasonable price compared to others.

Messymercedes is Hosted by a company in America also. This is a shared server and to date with over 140 sets of pictures and an enormous amount of traffic no-one has complained of access problems and we have no problems when doing admin work,updates etc. This company also Host quite a few of the most popular wam sites,both British based,European and American.

The cost is very very reasonable,virtually as much bandwidth as you require, the same company also does the billing service and can also supply and service a shopping cart and download store for any type of website.I also feel Americans appear to be more professional in the way they administer the hosting services.

I personally can recommend this company to anyone and if Bill and Hayley are thinking of moving Splosh to another company in the future will gladly give them contact mails etc. This company will also move the whole forum if required.

In the meantime dont hassle poor ol Bill and Hayley, everyone including them is getting the same hassle, i get pissed off as does Cede its not their fault believe me.

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Re: Connection problems

Postby sally » 05 May 2011, 04:23

Could this possibly be a timeout as it was hanging for around 20 seconds before this message came up. However other sites have in the past been slower than this yet still opened eventually.
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Postby BillShipton » 29 Jul 2011, 16:46

dirtydids wrote:This subject was discussed at the London Meet and it does appear to be annoying and frustrating quite a few people.....

Now you know why I don't go to any of these any more. Travelling a couple of hundred miles to be moaned at isn't my idea of a good time.

If Dids cares to give me the name of his host I will look into it again. BUT can I say I use Safari and very occasionally Firefox and whilst the forum is slow, it almost always works.

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Re: Connection problems

Postby andy250 » 01 Aug 2011, 17:38

Forum is almost at standstill! 25mins to reply to Alan's thread.....
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Re: Connection problems

Postby andy250 » 01 Aug 2011, 19:06

Back on the forum at 19:00hrs to find a thread I tried to add, has appeared six times!
So I've deleted five of them, also cannot add any more than one pic, as it tends to freeze up the site.
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Re: Connection problems

Postby Miss T » 07 Aug 2011, 12:14

Sorry to add this.. but I too experienced the recent round of problems. It did seem to go away, that said the forum has since been running slowly, however it has since returned and if this posts it will be at the 3rd time of asking.

In order to help I thought I would add the error message I keep receiving as this might help mucky with his troubleshooting. I will also add that I use FF primarily but have also tried with IE.

General Error
SQL ERROR [ mysql4 ]

Too many connections [1040]

An sql error occurred while fetching this page. Please contact an administrator if this problem persists.

note, whilst trying to edit a typo after posting this the error occurred again a further 4 times!
Resistance is futile!
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