Winter's here

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Winter's here

Postby messyalan » 25 Jan 2013, 10:38

WARNING – Don't try this as this is fiction and dangerous.

Tanya parked the camper van in the gateway and turned off the engine. She had been waiting for this day for months. She looked across the field covered in snow and her heart rate increased. Under that snow was mud, and lots of it. She had watched the field turn to a quagmire over the wet summer and had ached to go in but then she decided to wait for winter. Now the day had come. It was starting to warm up and the snow had started to melt. She hoped she had judged it right as she had only once chance.
She pulled the curtains round the front windows and stepped into the back of the camper. Everything was covered in plastic sheeting as she had borrowed the van from a friend and she wanted to make sure it stayed clean.
She pulled off her shoes then her jeans and finally her sweatshirt. Underneath she already wore her brand new underwear. A white bridal basque and matching lace thong along with lace topped white stockings. Sitting on the stool she took her new footwear from the box. These were white knee boots which had taken an age to find on the internet cost more than she planned but they would be worth it. She pulled them on and zipped them up before standing and walking a few steps to check their height. She was a little unsteady on the solid floor but they would be fine in the snow.
She took the dress off the hanger and stepped into it and started to fasten the myriad of little buttons up the front. Each one covered in matching material. The dress had short sleeves and the knee length skirt was full and soft with a silky lining. Once she had finished buttoning the dress she sat back at the stool and checked her make-up for the last time. Perfect.
Standing up she took the white wool coat from the hanger and put it on. It was ankle length with a deep collar and she fastened the buttons then the belt. It was lovely and warm.
With a deep breath she opened the door and stepped out into the cold winter air. Although the sun was shining it did little to heat the air and Tanya could see her breath forming into clouds in front of her. Approaching the gate she found it was locked as before so she carefully climbed over. The metal was icy cold on her thighs as she straddled the top of the gate but she was soon standing on the other side in the white virginal snow.
Not wanting to be seen by passing motorists she stepped behind the hedge, faced down the field and set off walking. At first the ground felt firm beneath the snow and she wondered if the mud would actually be there or would it still be frozen. Eventually she heard the sound of ice cracking and her left boot came out with a muddy sole. She walked on leaving muddy footprints in the snow but the ground was again firm.
By now she was halfway down the field so she turned left and left again and started back up on a parallel path. As she got level with the start of the muddy footprints she was rewarded by her right boot sinking. As she lifted it out she saw the mud had made it to above her ankle. She carried on walking and found both feet to be still dry although a little cold which was to be expected.
Reaching the hedge she turned right and right again before setting off back down the field. Reaching the point where the last two muddy encounters took place she waited but she was disappointed as nothing happened. When she got to the turning point she turned left and left again and set off up the field. When she had looked at the field she hadn't noticed any mud this far over so she resolved that when she reached the hedge she would cross to the other side of the gate.
She was almost at the hedge when she felt hard ice below her feet. She stopped but nothing happened. She walked on a few more steps and still the ice was present but obviously not cracking.
She was about to bang her heel down to see whether she could crack it when she heard the unmistakeable sound of ice splintering. Nothing happened for a second but then she dropped into icy water. She screamed involuntarily as the icy water reached her thigh. She then stopped for a second before her feet sank more slowly into the mud. This was even more tortuous as her pussy sank beneath the water. Eventually she stopped with the water at her waist and the snow over her breasts. Her dress and coat were spread out around her as they had been pushed up by the snow.
Taking a moment to recover her breath she tried to move her feet. Forward movement was stopped by the mud but she could lift them clear and she judged the mud to be about a foot deep. Unfortunately her progress in any direction was halted by the ice which was still intact around her.
Scraping the snow away she got to the ice and banged it with her hand but to no avail. She then tried to lever herself up by pushing down on the ice. She got about halfway out before the ice broke and she plunged back into the water. At least she was moving. She repeated the move twice more and was rewarded by the ice breaking and the water level reducing. By now the coat and dress had sunk into the water which made movement more difficult. The next time she tried to lift herself up she got a completely different result. The ice must have been thinner and she went straight through and completely under the water. As she got to her knees she saw that her coat front was coated in a thick black mud. Staying on her knees she crawled forward in the mud until she was clear of the pond. Climbing to to her feet she found it hard to walk as the wet and muddy coat weighed so much. She undid the belt and buttons then, with difficulty as it stuck to her, she shrugged it off and let it drop to the floor. It was completely ruined anyway. Now walking was easier and she headed towards the gate. However it was now she found the mud she had been searching for and she suddenly sunk to her knees. Losing her balance she toppled forwards and found the snow to be only an inch or so deep unlike the mud which was as she remembered, thick and deep. It actually felt warm on her icy cold body and she spent a minute or so rolling around in it before reluctantly heading for the gate.
As she climbed over and dropped to the ground she saw a car pass by. Her camper hid her reasonably well but maybe he'd seen her atop the gate. Tanya briefly wondered what he would have thought but dismissed it as she had other things on her mind. Not wanting to drag any more mud into the camper than necessary she ripped open the front of the dress and let it lie where it fell. She then unzipped her boots and pulled them off with difficulty before leaving them on the ground. Only then did she step into the camper and head for the shower.
The water had its own heater and she enjoyed the warmth of the water as it washed the mud from her body. She wasn't planning on getting too clean just enough to look respectable so as the water ran she stripped off her underwear before stepping out and towelling herself dry. Once reasonably dry apart from her hair she dressed then collected up the ruined underwear and placed it on the gate with her boots below. A puzzle for the farmer come the spring.
Now it was time to head home, clean the van and have a proper shower.
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Re: Winter's here

Postby messyamature » 28 Jan 2013, 16:29

lose more clothes, would be great naked x
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Joined: 22 Jan 2007, 13:40

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