Flying Solo

Stories and longer posts you might want to read again and again

Flying Solo

Postby Grey » 22 May 2011, 01:40

Whoops, realized I didn't post this one here. Really odd because I'm not fully sure how related the female lead in this story is to the one from "The Sty".

In any case hope you enjoy it. And yes it's in several places. Just seeing what the reading patterns are between forums :)
Looking out of the rain streaked window, her bangs hanging loose over her forehead and her hands slowly stroking her breasts as she breathed in the cool, damp air. It was such a relief after the muggy day that had her just slinking around in a pair of panties and tight little pink halter top in the small house she was renting just outside of town. Only a month into a contract she wasn’t sure how she was going to survive the next three away from home, especially when one of her “moods” took her. She loved and hated feeling this way all at the same time when she was horny, but wanted more than just a cock inside her, she felt like it needed another dimension, a hook or edge. At home she had a couple of friends to call on, male and female to help her through these times and it had been since early University when she was cut-off like this.

This led her to think of all the fun she had at different times and when she was like this, she shuddered at the thought and the touch of her fingers up between her legs, lightly, ever so lightly as she thought about her first lesbian experiment, her first golden shower, all the spankings, even the doggy obedience training that this mood led her to explore to fill that hunger that transcended a simple shag.

Starting to pace around, her bare feet sticking slightly to the laminate as a legacy of earlier in the day she let her guard down and let her mind drift when she had an idea. Sliding into a pair of cut-offs along with her keys before she slid on the scuffed white, open toe leather heels she was going to get rid of soon anyways. Locking the door behind her she quickly ran down the lane with her heart pumping in her ears and echoing around inside her head.

Turning a corner she slowed down as she felt the footing going slick underfoot from the clay churned up by the construction site nearby, though she continued through it, stomping on clumps of clay and walking through the puddles in the shoes, savouring the sensation of the greasy silt between her toes and between the ball of her foot and her shoe. Her painted nails were splattered with the grey, almost obscuring the purple they were normally painted as she made her way under the streetlights to the new excavation on the retention pond they were putting in. They were almost done and were almost ready to put down the grass, but the last few days of rain kept that from happening as the trucks couldn’t get through. Finding a secure place nearby in amoung the trees that were going to be part of the landscaping, she surveyed the scene. Her feet squelched in the ooze and it sucked at her with each step. Still in the thrall of her desires she looked around slowly for something that would resonate with her and maybe help her understand how or why this was a good idea. Walking through the trees she smiled as she saw what she was looking for. Off from the main area was a ditch and biting her lip she stepped forward and felt herself sink up past her ankle in the soupy mud. The rains had filled the ditch with water and topsoil and she slogged further and further until she was standing up to her shins in the muddy trough and sinking slightly.

Trudging out slowly she stood there and in the faint glow from the traffic lights and continued to look around to see what else was around, eventually returning to the trough with a shovel and carefully started throwing in wet dirt from a nearby pile of topsoil until her muscles were burning and the ratio of dirt to water was higher at the near end of the trough. Putting the shovel back where she got it from, she realized the pile looked like it was dug into and needed to be smoothed out. Smiling she took off her shorts and her small top and put them down as she got to her knees, legs apart in front of the mound and started to rub her body up and down and up and down against the warm dirt. Her hips bucked out and in as she basically humped the dirt pile in nothing but a pair of ruined shoes and now half dirty panties. The feel of the cold, clingy earth on her tits made her nipples stand out and she writhed around until she had smoothed out where the shovel had made its divots.

Standing up she pictured what she looked like with her arms, bare chest, stomach, crotch and legs covered in the wet earth along with her face. Kneeling down she grabbed handfuls of the wet dirt and rubbed them around her face and through her light brown hair. Soon her neat little bob was streaked with dirt and tousled as she wiped her hands off on the back of her panties. Reaching down she scooped up some more of the wet dirt and started to rub what she could from her hands over her ass cheeks inside her panties before finally kneeling in front of the pile again, this time holding her underwear open and shovelling dirt inside them. She threw her head back and sighed contentedly as she put more and more in until, when she stood up, she looked and felt like a baby with a fully diaper, although only for a few minutes as the her movements caused the wet, clumpy earth to fall out from the legs and out over the top. Pouting, she didn’t like that the dirt was running away so she decided to run to it and ran and cannonball into the ditch, into the sludgy end she had “improved”. She landed with a thick sounding splat and it oozed up around her as she sat in the dirty water, her ass sinking into the mud beneath it. Bouncing up and down, her tits slapping she played and she splashed like it was bath time before pulling her panties open and shoving mud inside, as much as she could get. It was cold and it was slimy against her hot and throbbing pussy and she responded by leaning forward and starting to crawl around in the mud.

Pushing mud out from the bottom she made an island that extended above the water. By now she was soaked, and cold, only her arousal keeping her warm and she was certainly aroused as she contemplated the pile of mud before her in the dim half-light of reflected streetlights. Reaching into it she grabbed handfuls and slapped them hard against her tits before rubbing it in. Around and around her hands went, sliding over and under until they were completely slicked with mud. Crawling up she let herself fall face first into the mud, feeling it envelop her body, around her thighs, her breasts sinking in and finally, she worked her face into the mud. While she succumbed to the darkness, her legs pushed harder into the mud, her knees digging in and she felt resistance between her legs. Holding her breath as long as she could she grunted and mewed as she pushed her crotch against the cold, slippery muck burying her arms almost up to the elbows.

With her lungs burning, she finally pulled herself out and let her weight sink down, her hips already bucking against the mud, squishing what was already in her panties around and some of it getting inside her. Standing up, she took off the panties and buried them in the mud. She didn’t want them any more, she then threw herself into the muddy water to wallow in the tactile sensation of being completely naked in this mud puddle. Crawling back to the muddy end she dragged herself up slowly through it, letting the mud slide under her breasts and between her legs. Slowly, very slowly she pushed herself back down again. Grabbing two big handfuls she made a mud pie and rubbed it around her face and through her hair. Keeping her eyes closed she did it again and again until her head was a lump of mud before turning around and digging her ass into the mud, feeling it flow up between her ass cheeks. Reaching down she piled mud between her legs and sat back, breathing hard through her mouth, spitting out bits of mud that oozed inside of it, and relaxed.

Naturally her hand slid down and between her legs and squished the mud around between her legs before starting to stroke in a rhythm that built and built until finally she was laying back, sliding down the mud as she bit down on her muddy lip to keep from crying out, remembering she was kind of in public, the sensation of the mud on her back and between her legs building her up into multiple orgasms when she finally settled in waist deep in the muddy water.

As her heartbeat and breathing returned to normal she shivered as the rain had started again. Crawling back out of the ditch she pulled the shorts and shirt back on while still dripping and muddy and making sure she knew where her keys were before diving back into the muddy water to “even out” her look and made her way back through the trees and down the lane as she imagined the long, soapy shower she would need to clean up, especially with that mud having gone everywhere, she would have to give her dirty little body a very, very thorough going over.
So it is the belief in shamefulness that is the root of all misery. -- Stephen Fry
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