The sty

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The sty

Postby Grey » 20 Mar 2011, 20:29

Now some disclaimers...
- This is a short story, the idea kind of stuck and
- If you're not a wammer into the farm muck side of things. Stop or don't say you weren't warned.
- Basically this story is a kind of "response" to piggirl's comments in one of my previous stories. I tend not to do requests, but occasionally a scenario or idea will jump out at me for whatever reason. Credit where credit is due.
- Again this story may not be to everyone's tastes, whether it doesn't go far enough or goes to far.

And with that off to the story...
Walking across the rutted trail, her bare feet sliding on the churned up clay and oozing up between her painted toes as she walked across the old family farm barefoot. Dressed only in a pair of beaten up and ripped coveralls she felt her heart pounding in her chest. She was the last one left now and the silence of the farm made everything unreal, made it all seem like a dream. Almost acting on autopilot she had slipped out of what she was wearing before and into her coveralls, the rough denim against her breasts and between her legs as she walked out onto the porch that was damp from the rain the night before. She could hear her own breathing as she walked along the path, for a moment feeling like she was when she was a kid and her and her brothers and cousins would play on the farm. Getting dirty was a fact of life then, but she thought she grew up and thought that she was past all that and that it was disgusting and everything else that everyone else believed. And now, everyone else was gone, whether on another side of the planet or just gone. With her life turned upside down she retreated back to the one place she had ever felt happy and free. Not knowing where she was going she continued along, through puddles, feet sinking and slipping on irregular surface the tractors had left from moving equipment off the property along with the livestock. Stopping in a puddle she felt her weight driving her down into the soupy clay and she could see that some of the purple polish on her toes was chipped and she didn’t care.

Looking past a few of the outbuildings she cut across the holding pasture and walked fearlessly though it, not stopping and not caring about what she was walking through. Each time she hit something that wasn’t grass she’d feel a surge, a rush through her as she remembered all the times having her dad or mom or uncles or aunts hosing her and the other kids off before letting them anywhere near the house. Or all the times at the county fair in a sheep wrangling or pig wrestling contest which seemed to be more than a lifetime away. She hadn’t thought about a lot of that until she stepped into another squishy patch in the field, and then another. Soon she was seeking them out, squishing her toes into them, watching them getting covered by the cow pies she was coming across. Bending down she squished her hands into one, then kneaded at it, obviously having dried out and then gotten wet in the rain and starting to dry out. She could feel it between her fingers and under her nails now, grabbing handfuls she wiped them off on the legs of her overalls and continued walking a meandering course, still wiping bits of the cow pie off as she walked, picking a path through them towards her goal.

Stopping to knead at a couple of more as she steeled her courage she stopped and thought about what she was thinking, really, wanting to do and decided she needed to sit down she made sure she selected the spot properly and dropped down. After a minute she could feel the dampness soaking through from what she sat in. Sighing she ran her fingers through her hair, pausing only after a second when she remembered what was coating them, before continuing to run her fingers through her hair. Looking around she saw another pile and crawled over on her hands and knees, dropping her head low as she started to smear the cow pie through her light blonde hair before winging her head around, her manure streaked hair lashing her back and brushing against her face.

Crawling forward on her hands and knees she kept going across the field, soon her hands were smeared brown, black and green up to her wrists and from the knee down on her overalls were slicked and streaked until there was no more blue visible. Her heart was in her ears and her chest almost hurt as she neared her final destination. Standing up, and still finding her nerve, she stared across the field and brought a hand up to one of the fasteners on her overalls and unclipped it, sending a corner down, exposing one of her breasts. Taking a few more steps forward she unclipped the second one, her eyes transfixed past the crude wood logs that made up the fence between her and her goal. With both breasts exposed the overalls started to slide off her as she walked across the muddy trail.

Finding a puddle she stopped and pulled the overalls down and left them there in the muddy water. Reaching into the front pocket she took out a pair of swimming goggles and put them on. Now completely naked, with the exception of the goggles, with cow pie in her hair, streaks on her face, her hands and feet covered she reached the wooden fence and looked out at the churned up black and grey surface of the sty. The metal and older troughs lining two of the three sides were long since disused, but it had been a holding area up until a few days ago. Taking a deep breath and almost gagging from the smell she walked along the muddy trail to the gate and threw it open.

Tentatively she dipped her toes in the muck, being as black as it was it was warm on the surface from the sun and pulling her feet out of the glop they were completely coated with the sticky ooze. This wasn’t like what she remembered as a kid, but those sties at the fair where the pigs were only in there for a few hours through the day. Placing another foot in there and it squished through the mire as she took another step, each one away from the mud, from the cow pasture and into this place that she didn’t know what she was feeling for. Step after step she went until she was right in the middle. She was getting used to the smell at this point and it was up past her ankles and half way up to her shins.

Letting herself fall back she landed with a splat on her ass in the sty muck. It went up her ass crack, it splattered her thighs and it held her firm. Scummy water, squeezed out flowed over her skin. The contrast between the lightly tanned skin of her body and the assorted mud and pig shit she was now sitting in. She slapped it with her hands, splattering it around. She did it again, a bigger splat, flecks of muck on her chest and up her arms now. Again, even harder and more splattering her as she wiggled her ass around, grinding it in. Wiping her hands over her breasts and her thighs she wondered just how far she was going to go in this pursuit of destroying herself or if it was letting herself go. Not caring any more either way she threw herself backwards into the embrace of the sty.

After driving her body backwards into the muck she rolled her head back and forth to smear her hair around in it as it moved up towards her ears. Spreading her legs she dug in her heels and pushed herself back so that a crest of it formed against the top of her head, just starting to reach her forehead. Panting she started to rub her hands up and down over her body, smearing handfuls of the muck over her stomach and up over her chest. With a low moan she moved her hands down between her legs and sat up slowly. The smelly sludge oozed down her back and her hair hung in matted tangles off the back of her head and down her back. Rubbing her hands around between her legs some more she slid them forward before getting on all fours. Grunting she started to heavily plod around in the sty on all fours, breasts swinging as she exaggerated her movements before finally planting her head into the muck, burying her head with side to side motions. Bringing her head out she wiped the goggles off, and did it again. This time when her head came out she started to crawl for the edge.

Climbing up onto the wood, she placed herself on the second of the three rows of logs that made up the barrier of the sty and jumped forward into the sty in a belly flop. The force of the landing stung and sent the sty muck out from her. The pain sent shudders through her in a good way. Standing up she trudged her way back to the edge and carried on to the trail. Reaching the muddy trail, body covered in clinging, smelly black sty filth she ran, she ran fast for the sty and threw herself into a slide that ended up burying her chest, arms and head into the muck.

Rolling over she lounged in the mud before deciding that she needed to roll around and around. With every inch covered she slowly dragged herself out of the sty on her belly, foot after foot of the muck sliding between her legs caused her to start bucking her hips and it sank in as she reached the edge that she was going to climax, covered in filth and as she dug her hands in to pull herself forward she let herself cum. Soon her hips were humping the muck hard as she rolled her face around in it. Before she was completely finished, she continued to drag herself out, body spasms shaking her from head to toe as she emerged. Laying there on the bit of grass and mud outside of the sty she caught her breath and wiped some of the filth from her face back into her hair to not waste it before going back to the coveralls. Pulling them out of the muddy puddle she put them back on over her filthy body and headed back to the cow pasture. Stopping at the first pile she saw she reached down and slowly slid them down inside the overalls over her breasts and smeared them down towards her stomach and feeling bits dropping down over her legs as she made her way back to the pond where she would, eventually, wash up. But she didn’t feel in a hurry as she saw another nearby cow pie and made her way over towards it still in a daze…
So it is the belief in shamefulness that is the root of all misery. -- Stephen Fry
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The Sty - Day II

Postby Grey » 26 Jun 2011, 01:37

I know no one commented, but for whatever reason some other ideas wouldn't work as stories until I penned this one. Maybe someone will enjoy it on some level ...
Waking up to the sound of the rain tapping against her window, she yawned and stretched as she slowly rolled her naked body out of bed. The faint scent of the muck she rolled around in was still slightly in her hair and on her skin despite the showers and baths that she took after she returned to the farmhouse which was how she remembered it, and liked it. Slithering out of the old, rather threadbare sheets she looked out the window at the yard she grew up in and sighed. Reaching her dresser she threw on a pair of small white cotton panties and wiggled her way into a small, tight, white clubbing dress. Carefully sliding her feet into the white leather heels, she admired herself in the mirror. Of course he had liked the outfit, and he had bought it for her, and she hated it ever since.

Stomping downstairs she opened the fridge and pulled out a container of blueberry yogurt. Taking the plastic lid off she tilted her head back, opened her mouth and poured it in, not caring how much ran down into her cleavage as she ate. As she closed her full mouth some of it spit out and oozed into her cleavage and down inside the tight dress staining it. Washing her hands thoroughly she threw some pieces of bread in the toaster and got a plate. After they popped she dug her hands into the margarine and jam and used them instead of knives, wiping her hands off on her. She smiled as she thought she remembered it being like this when she was a baby. Just not caring as she munched on her toast she checked the temperature and saw it was warm despite the clouds and the rain.

Gulping down a cup of cold coffee, tilting her head back so that the coffee with cream flowed out of the corners of her mouth and down her neck until the mug was dry and she was no longer thirsty she went outside into the rain. Walking down the steps carefully in her heels she looked around at the sty off in the distance and the trail of muck that hadn’t yet been washed away from the grass from her slow crawl back through the cow pasture she headed in the other direction and pulled the black tarp off of the composting pile. She could see the black, smelly pile of vegetation steaming slightly as the rain hit it. Frowning she saw the water was running off it she pressed her heel slowly into it, twisting it in through the surface until she broke through to the gooey muck underneath. It flowed up into the open toe and oozes around her foot. Pulling it out slowly she went to another side of the mound and repeated it with the other shoe, testing how much pressure and best angle to get through the drier outer later to the smelly ooze within. Carefully tottering around the pile she went over to one of the downspouts and picked up a pail that was lying in a puddle at the base of it. Walking back to the compost heap she dug the pail into it and scooped out a tangled mass of partially decomposed fruit skins, yard waste and vegetable matter.

Holding her breath she let her self sit back into the pile, clutching the pail to her chest. She landed hard and squished down into the pile. It was warm against her skin, and various liquids flowed around her as the compost pile conformed itself to her like a beanbag chair. Reaching into the bucket she scooped out a gooey handful and turned it over in her hand and squeezed as she tried to identify the bits in it before wiping her hand off on her thigh. Quivering with anticipation she lifted the pail and unceremoniously dumped it on her head letting bits of tomato and banana peel and orange rind, and leaves bounce and fall off of her head and onto her shoulders, over her face and chest. The rain came down heavier, fat droplets and sent the smelly liquid running over her as she just laid back and mentally slapped herself for worrying about having to sell the farm and all the other things that weren’t her just getting to be a really bad little girl, all dirty and filthy. Rubbing handfuls sludge over her legs and dress she was glad she booked a couple of days to clean up before her total spa makeover at a friend’s later, especially since the smell in her hair was going to take that long to fade. Rolling over slowly she forced some of the compost into her cleavage and just savoured the rain beating down on her shoulders, back and ass before she pushed herself up, requiring several attempts as her arms would push into the pile, with a soil like evening glove effect happening.

Standing up straight, tottering slightly in here heels she shook herself like a dog and wandered over to the vehicle garage across the muddy lane that separated the house from the smaller of the garages. Looking around she saw that it was mostly empty, though a couple of cans in a corner caught her eye. Finding a rusty screwdriver she pried the lid of the first, smaller can up. She couldn’t make out the label so she saw that it was a black substance and stuck her hand into it. The smell as she broke the crust on it and scooped out a blob told her it was axle grease, which of course was now up under her painted nails with the compost. Biting the inside of her cheek, she thought for a minute, then pulling open her dress with one hand she slid the grease covered one in and rubbed it over her breasts. She felt herself practically cum as the thick oozing grease went over her nipple. Sighing contentedly she continued to rub it into her breasts for a couple of minutes before wiping her hand off on the backside of her dress and opening the second container. The grease was soaking through her dress and the skin felt so very good against the material of the dress under it’s greasy coating as she bent forward and opened the other tin. Looking inside she saw it was blue paint. She considered things for a minute before sliding off her shoes and pouring the paint over them, making sure to roll them over to completely cover them before sitting down in the puddle of paint. After wiping up paint from the floor and just leaving a faint blue smear on the concrete, she wiped her hands off on her legs, picked up her shoes and, reaching the mud and savouring the feeling of it between her toes for a minute, she slid them back on, continuing on towards the stable.

A smile went over her face as she saw the piles of straw and manure by the stable and walked up to it. This was her weapon of choice against her cousins, both the boy and the girl knowing just how to throw a cow pie for distance or just know where to get a fresh one to throw at, or push someone into. Her brother just liked the ooze from the swamp and she went for the stable when she had a choice. Sighing for days long gone and it seeming like there was no one to play with any more she reached into the pile and pulled a bunch down into the puddle that had formed in the rain. Stomping on the clumps she broke them up and got them dehydrated until she was standing almost ankle deep in a paste or horse manure and straw. Bending down she started to work with it between her fingers before sitting down in the puddle contentedly enjoying the smell and remembering those first tingles as she got older and the others started saying they were too old for playing in the dirt. She had wanted to continue but without the pretext of them all doing it, it got harder and harder for her to sneak away to enjoy it except at the fair or other rare occasions where it was sanctioned for her to get dirty.

Scooping up the sludge and rubbing it over her hands she remembered the smell and feel of running around all day, sweaty and dirty. The rain had faded to drizzle and she happily laid back and rolled around in the muck before dragging some more down and, lifting her skirt up, slid some semi-solid pieces into the back of her underwear, something she had never even dared doing before now, and then, very slowly sat back until it squished around her ass. Grinning widely, she reached down and streaked her hair before getting up and, despite her shoes, skipped through the mud to the cow barn and looked at the filthy floor. One of the things she needed to do was clean this up, but her heart skipped a beat as she picked up the hose, and rather than using the power setting, simply wetted down the filth on the floor. Entering the same sort of daze as the day before she knelt down, then slowly laid down and began to rub and roll around in the slime until she had a thin coating everywhere.

Laying back on a grate she slid her skirt up and stroked her underwear, savouring the feeling of the sludge filling the back of her panties. Fingers absent mindedly stroking herself through her underwear she realized she was pretty much immune to the stink of herself now. It just was. She looked down and realized that every bit of her was streaked with some disgusting organic by-product of the farm, and instead of making her grossed out, it made her relax. Almost like this was the natural state of being for her. Sighing she was reconsidering selling the place, but didn’t see any alternative except enjoying these last few days. With renewed vigor she sat up, scraped up the muck from the floor, rubbed it over her breasts and stomped through the barn towards the sty.

Kicking off her shoes she started to run, her heart was in her ears, her breathing ragged as she went for the sty. She didn’t care that she didn’t have the goggles, she just knew that’s where she needed to be right this minute. Everything else narrowed in her vision, the mud squishing between her toes and up her legs didn’t matter as she reached the gate, and flung it open.

Panting she stood there contemplating it. The greasy puddles from the rain on it, the stink of it, it’s blackness, the sheer, evil or naughtiness of it, it didn’t matter it called to her and she ran for it, arms out wide and belly flopped in, squeezing her eyes and mouth shut as she landed in it. It was thick, it stunk and she rolled and flopped and flailed her arms until she was covered in it. Hiking up her skirt she sat down in it and bounced, her thighs slapping against it, the muck oozing up between her legs against her panties as she then rooted around in it like a pig. She oinked, she grunted and she waved her ass in the air before finally crawling out on all fours.
Flopping on the grass, her hand reached between her legs and laid there, in the mud of the lane rubbing herself through her panties until she came hard. Hard enough that she flipped herself over in the mud and kept going, humping the hard clay as she dug her hands into it, a smelly mess. Panting she dragged herself back into the cow pasture and found the nearest cow pie to press her face into as she slid her hand under her already soaked panties and came again.

Lost in sensation she rolled and crawled through the field, vaguely towards the farmhouse before finding the camp shower she set up and dumped the water from it over her as a first rinse. She scraped as much muck off her as she could before stripping out of the dress and the panties. Realizing she’d have to find the shoes later she focused on getting her face and hair clean. Everything else could wait when she saw the car pulling up the drive. Panicking she grabbed her ruined dress and threw it onto the compost pile and hid herself around back of the house. After several minutes the car moved on and she moved back to the front of the house when she saw the note sticking out of the mailbox.

Ignoring the fact she was nude on the porch she looked at the note. It was her neighbour who wanted to rent the farm 50 weeks a year so his son could learn how to raise livestock. Her heart pounded in her ears as she read that he would grant exclusive use of the property, once the animals were relocated for sale or slaughter for 2 weeks a year with a guarantee of privacy. Smiling, she started to mentally compose a note to deliver to next door…after a very long, very soapy, very perfume based clean up of her body. Her mind already reeling at the thought of two weeks alone with a fresh supply of memories…
So it is the belief in shamefulness that is the root of all misery. -- Stephen Fry
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Re: The sty

Postby winghsad0w » 26 Jun 2011, 20:10

Just wanted to let you know, even if nobody else did, I liked it and I like part 1 too. Keep going, you're doing great
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Re: The sty

Postby piggirl70 » 27 Jun 2011, 11:29

more mud MORE MUD MORE MUD !!!!!!
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Re: The sty

Postby Big Al » 29 Jun 2011, 19:40

Can't believe I missed the first one! Both great stories!
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Re: The sty

Postby Grey » 30 Jun 2011, 00:13

Thanks Al, i'll keep the mud in mind piggirl and thanks wing!
So it is the belief in shamefulness that is the root of all misery. -- Stephen Fry
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Re: The sty

Postby messyamature » 28 Jul 2011, 06:02

loved it, and if you want anyone to act it out, if you can find a secluded coe field or sty, let me know, i love the feel of cow shit in my knickers, ask messyman
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Re: The sty

Postby creekjumper » 26 May 2012, 22:43

Only just found these - and very good they are too!
Thanks Grey, for taking the time to write and post your stories here.
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Re: The sty

Postby squidgybaws » 08 Jul 2012, 15:33

Thanks for the story, sounds hot to me lol!
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