A Night at the Bakery (Part 3)

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A Night at the Bakery (Part 3)

Postby CustardPie » 16 Dec 2009, 09:47

Chapter 6 - Wedding Cakes

For me it was a very long night, Hilary was about to cut me free from my cake prison but Sharon stopped her and instead she told me that I was a very naughty cake and I was to stay where I was. And so I was left as the girls went and showered and left me in the bakery for the night.

The next morning I heard the doors open and the sound of footsteps, Sue appeared above me smiling. She started to cut the heavy cake from me and finally I was free. "Now Sharon has told me that you need to get washed and changed, your outfit is in the changing room." With that she walked away.

I stepped into the changing room and quickly into a hot shower, I washed away the cake and associated mess and walked into the changing room. There was a suit bag hanging up on a hook, I opened the bag and saw there was a morning suit inside with a white shirt, beneath it was a pair of polished black shoes. I was puzzled but changed quickly and stepped back out into the bakery.

It was then I noticed that there was the sound of people around, I was confused until I stepped into the warehouse and saw lines of chairs set up and lots of people sat waiting. "What the hell is going on?" I stopped. "And what are you two wearing?" Hilary and Sue were both dressed in pink dresses.

"Don't you recognize bridesmaids dresses?" Hilary laughed.

"Yes, and you are the star of the show..." Sue smiled and walked me down the aisle to rapturous applause from the crowds. "These are all of your You Tube fans and other Wammers, and of course all your friends." Sue stood me at the front of the room.

I waited a moment before I heard the familiar wedding march and saw Sharon starting to walk down the aisle in a beautiful, brilliant white wedding dress. She was flanked by her bridesmaids. She stopped and stood next to me. She noticed my puzzled look. "Well, it is our WAM wedding, a way to cement our love in front of all our friends."

I recognized the master of ceremonies as Bill Shipton "We are gathered here to join two wammers. Simon and Sharon. In custard and in pies, for deep gunge and shaving foam for as long as they both may smear each other with jam."

Sharon smiled as we started the ceremony, I realized quite quickly this was no ordinary wedding. Sharon and Hilary approached with two cages dressed with ribbons. Bill spoke. "Sharon do you promise to pie Simon regularly."

She smiled. "I do..." She grabbed a pie which was being offered from Hilary and slapped it in my face slowly twisting it. There was a cheer from the crowd. She smiled and took another two pies and sandwiched my head.

"Do you promise to fill his pants with honey?"

Sharon grabbed my waistband and taking the offered jug started to pour sticky honey down the inside of my trousers.

"Do you promise to use beans when you can?"

The bucket of beans were cold as Sharon poured them over my head, they dripped down my white shirt and coated my jacket and trousers. This was followed by a jug of gravy which she filled by pockets with until they overflowed and mashed potato which she crammed down the back of my trousers.

Bill turned to me. I smiled as I looked at Sharon's white dress.

"Simon do you promise to pie Sharon?" I didn't need telling twice and took a big cherry cream pie and gently lifted her veil and slowly smeared the pie into her features. I was careful to leave the dress as clean as possible.

"Do you promise to fill her tights with butter cream?"

I smiled and took the large bowl from Hilary and asked her to lift Sharon's dress. She was wearing beautiful underwear with white tights, in the circumstances I could understand why as I started to fill the front of them and massaged the thick, gooey butter cream down her legs. Sue handed me another bowl and I filled the tights almost to bursting before Hilary lowered the still clean dress.

"Do you promise to treat her to sticky treacle?"

Now I knew that the dress was to be no more. I took the first bucket and held it above Sharon's head and poured. The thick tar like ooze dribbled from the bucket and across her hair. Soon her head was coated and it was starting to slide down onto the dress in slow drips. The second bucket went on and coated more of the front of the dress until it was black.

"Do you promise to flour her when she deserves it..."

I took the flour and poured it across the sticky treacle, the white returned to her dress. Sharon spluttered and spat treacle and flour out.

"I now pronounce you true wammers!" The crowd cheered. "You may kiss your bride." We embraced and kissed which was the cue for Hilary and Sue to cover us in buckets of brightly colored cake batter. We were totally coated. The girls helped us onto a flat bed trolley which had four chairs on it. We sat at the front and the two girls sat behind us. Slowly we were pulled with a long rope down the aisle.

It was then I noticed that each of the crowd had buckets, pies, jugs... We were bombarded, cream pies, treacle, custard every food stuff you could imagine was hurled at us as we were pulled down the aisle. The food was so heavy and made each of us into sticky blobs. At the end we were unrecognizable and had to be helped to our feet. The crowd helped us stand, and then started to undress us rapidly until we were all standing in our somewhat clean underwear. We were ushered towards a set of stairs.

Chapter 7 - Swimming Lessons

As we climbed the stairs I wondered what was about to happen. We found ourselves on a catwalk, as I looked down I saw that we were standing above a huge vat of red liquid, the sign said that this was the jam vat. I then saw the diving board which was over the surface and it all became clear.

I took Sharon's hand and we stepped hand in hand onto the board we edged to the end before embracing and taking the final step. There was a short plunge before we hit the surface of the thick jam, we sank quickly and re-emerged totally covered in a thick layer of jam.

We waved towards Hilary and Sue and they leapt hand in hand off the diving board to join us. We all hugged in the thick sweet jam.

"Thank you..." I smiled and kissed Sharon. "And thanks to you two..."

Hilary laughed. "We wouldn't have missed this for the world."

We swam and caressed in the warm jam for about an hour before finally climbing out exhausted. Hilary and Sue left to go to the changing room. Sharon smiled. "You are very good you know... For a beginner!"

"Thank you." I paused. "Thank you for my WAM wedding... How about the real thing?"

Sharon gasped. "Oh Simon yes..." We embraced and kissed.

"Do you think that Bill is licensed to do proper weddings?" I laughed.

Sharon led me down to a quiet part of the bakery and closed the door. "Now, how come everyone else has had their fun and not me?" I took Sharon by the hand and started to remove the sticky remains of her lingerie and we has hungry, passionate sex lying on a pile of flour sacks.

Chapter 8 - Happy Endings

On our real wedding day we had to have Hilary and Sue as our bridesmaids, Bill was there but was not the person who married us. The party was second to none and, for once, we did not throw the cake about. There were cheers as we left and got into our decorated car. It was then that Sharon turned to me. "Now, you have been verysecretive, where are we going on honeymoon?"

I laughed. "Well, we are visiting a chocolate factory which has gone bankrupt in Switzerland, another bakery in Italy..." She cut me short with a deep kiss.

"You know, I think that being married to you will be very interesting!"

The End... For now...
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Joined: 02 Jul 2006, 17:30
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Re: A Night at the Bakery (Part 3)

Postby gungelover » 16 Dec 2009, 15:31

Realy intense, great stuff. Keep on writing would love to see more filled swimsuits in future parts.
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Joined: 30 Sep 2009, 15:51

Re: A Night at the Bakery (Part 3)

Postby nicks » 16 Dec 2009, 19:03

really good stories and thier fun 2 read
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Joined: 31 Aug 2009, 12:38

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