Dougie's Private Fantasy

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Dougie's Private Fantasy

Postby mattbuck » 20 Mar 2009, 18:58

I wrote this a couple of years back. It's a gay baked bean thing between two members of the pop group McFly, who I have never met, and thus don't know whether they get their kicks from baked beans or whether they prefer tinned spaghetti.

Usual disclaiming sort of stuff, I don’t know McFly, I don’t know their sexualities, this story is not in any way based on real life events. Oh, and it contains gay sex, so please make sure you’re 18.

Dougie sat by the bath, twisting the can-opener, his hands shaking. It was weird, he thought, that he could be nervous about something so simple. He was just going to have a bath. Yes, that’s all. Have a bath. One last twist and the can came loose, dropping to the floor, some of the contents spilling bright red onto the yellow bath mat. He cursed, grabbing for the toilet roll and mopping up the slick mixture. Carefully, he poured the contents of the tin into the bath with all the others, and stacked the tin with the other discarded ones by the toilet. He was almost ready. He stood, and purposely looked away from what awaited him. He slowly took off his t-shirt, looking down at his thin body. All the fansites said he was hot, sweet, cute, sexy… but he’d never seen it. He’d looked at his bandmates and seen why everyone fancied them… except Tom… but he had a… weirdness value all to himself. Back to the present, trembling hands undid his belt, thinking of how much he’d seen his bandmates do that, yet not been able to enjoy it. No! This wasn’t about them, it was a private fantasy. He pushed his jeans down his legs, now in just his boxers, slightly tended. Goddammit, this wasn’t a sexual thing, why couldn’t he get the guys out of his head? He shook himself, but that didn’t help. He went to the basin and ran it full of cold water, before plunging his face in. That worked. He pulled a towel from the rack and dried his face, his still-wet hair hanging down over his eyes. He turned back towards the mirror, catching sight of the bath, filled with red juice. He shivered. Still, he’d come this far. His white boxers slid down his legs, leaving him naked. He carefully removed the few items of jewellery he had on, and placed them on the windowsill, before turning round. The bath awaited.

Now he was in the position to do it, his mind was telling him every second what a dumb idea it was. Why would anyone do it? Why did he want to? Suddenly the red slop in the tub took on a scary quality. It was calling to him more than anything he’d known before (well, except maybe Danny’s arse… Goddammit, not again!). He took a step forward, another, another, until he was standing over it, looking down into the red goo with orange lumps. A baked bean bath. Something he’d wanted for ages. As a kid, he’d always liked getting messy – his mum had hated him for the amount of clothes he went through playing in the mud. Much as he hated to admit it, that mud had almost been sexual for him. He remembered how much he’d liked all those CBBC shows with gunge in them – Run the Risk, Double Dare, Get your Own Back, and of course those random celebrity gungings on the Saturday morning shows. Fun House too – in fact, that had been the best of all. Somehow the gunging was always so much risqué on it than on the other shows. That and he’d liked the Go-Karts. He’d had his first dry orgasm thinking of competing on that show. With a hot girl of course.

As he grew up, he’d learnt of people doing crazy things for charity – wearing drag, vows of silence, dying their hair… but the messy things always fascinated him most. He’d paid at school to pour cold water over his maths teacher for Children in Need. But what fascinated him most was the baked bean bath. It was a ridiculous concept. Fill a bath full of baked beans, get in. Stay in for charity. Who came up with it? Dougie didn’t care, he just wanted to try it. Obviously, it was a bit hard to do at home since his parents would wonder why he had a thousand tins of baked beans in his cupboard, but now he was living with the guys… they wouldn’t care. He’d indulged enough of their whims over the time they’d been living together. They’d have to live with his.

Again, he looked down at what awaited him. He was this close, but he couldn’t decide how to start. Stepping in and sitting down seemed a bit lame for something so special. He stood there for a while, inhaling the tomato aroma. Best vegetable in his opinion. After all, something that went on pizza, chips and in beans couldn’t be beaten. Except by broccoli. Finally, he worked out the best way to get in. One hand on the nearside of the bath, other on the far side, he lifted his left foot off the ground, placing it at the end of the bath, then did the same with his right foot. He was poised precariously a few inches above the beans. So close…

He was scared. He admitted it. He’d never done anything like this before, but it was thrilling. And exciting, if his cock had a say in things. He slowly started lowering his naked ass towards the beans. So close… close, closer, closer… He jumped as the cold beans touched his smooth cheeks. Heh – that felt nice actually. He lifted up again, and then back, the beans moving half an inch higher up his ass than before. Oh yeah, this was nice. An inch lower, the tomato juice was tickling the few hairs in his ass crack. No. Not yet.

He raised himself back up again, and let one foot fall into the beans. He wiggled his toes, loving the feel of the beans squishing between his toes. He brought his foot back above the surface, and watched the juice drip off, making his foot feel silky and smooth. He wriggled his toes against each other, rejoicing in the sensations.

But enough playing. His arms were getting tired, and he wanted to feel the beans on the rest of his body. He lowered his ass again, stopping only when the beans touched his asshole – a sharp intake of breath for the pleasure. Down further, he sighed as the beans rushed to cover his hips. Moving his legs in one by one, he lowered himself fully into the tub, watching the beans rise up his chest, past his pink nipples until he was submerged up to his neck. He let his arms sink into the slop, finally fulfilling his fantasy. There was a load of beans squished up his ass crack, he wiggled a bit, trying to get them out, but gave up. Still, it did make the beans move against his hard cock, making him giggle.

He sat up a bit higher, watching the juice run off his smooth chest. He rubbed his hands over his nipples, delighting in the smoothness of the contact. He grabbed a handful of beans and mashed them onto his chest, squishing them into his smooth skin, laughing ecstatically. He scooped up some juice, splashing it over his shoulders, then rubbing it in to his armpits. Once again, his hands returned to his nipples, pinching them, though they slipped with the juice. He let his hand wander down under the surface, down over his flat stomach, feeling the rougher texture of his pubes. A second later, his hand was wrapped firmly around his hard cock, and he gave a contented sigh. Still, he wanted to try something else. He let go of his cock, and ran his hand over his balls, tight up against his crotch. Not there, lower… Finally, his middle finger settled on his asshole, running around the rim, again delighting in the smoothness. He started pushing slowly, unsure of this. He’d never really tried sticking things up his ass before, even though that was what his latest batch of fantasies were based around. The image of Danny invaded his head again, but this time he didn’t try to get rid of it. He’d seen him naked before, brief glimpses, accidentally of course. He cast his mind back to the time he’d walked in the bath – remembered the splashing and how Danny hadn’t really seemed that bothered about getting him out of the bathroom, even though the water was perfectly clear. It was that one moment that had deluded him enough to think he had a chance of getting together with Danny. He knew his friend was straight – he’d seen him bring home enough girls, and heard them too. In fact, he was probably the only member of McFly to never have kissed someone with a passion. There had been that light kiss on the lips at that new years bash he remembered – that cute newsreader Kate Sanderson – but that had been it. In fact, that was pretty much the only bit of the evening he remembered – Tom had been handing him vodka the entire evening. He’d woken up the next morning in his clothes cuddling Harry’s Eeyore donkey. His middle finger slipped into his ass, and he settled deeper into the beans, a contented smile on his face.


As Dougie lay in the beans, his thoughts returned to Danny, thinking through his latest fantasy. It was morning, the sunlight streaming in through the gauzy curtains of his bedroom window, landing on the two naked bodies in the bed. Dougie was covered below the waist only, and even then the thin sheets not leaving much to the imagination. He looked to his left, squinting against the sun, looking up at the face haloed by the morning sunlight.

“Morning cutie.” Danny said. Dougie almost melted at that gorgeous voice telling him how hot he was. His bedmate had the sheets up to his chest as he lay on his side, exposing so little, but still incredibly sexy. It was the voice, Dougie decided, that turned him on most – there was just something about it that made him feel like he was turning into hot butter. Danny reached out an arm and shook him.

“What, nothing to say to your lover?”

Dougie just stared, only one thought on his mind.

“God you’re hot.”

Danny grinned widely, leaning in until his face was an inch from Dougie’s.

“Not as hot as you.”

Their lips met softly as Danny shifted until he was half on top of his lover, his warm body feeling so good pressed against Dougie, who could scarcely think of anything but those sensuous lips on his. Lips he’d wanted for ages to taste… well… actually he’d wanted to taste every part of Danny for ages, the lips just happened to be what he saw most. Not that he hadn’t seen other bits before. After all, he’d watched Danny dance in lacy panties sent to them by fans (well, he’d joined in actually, but that wasn’t the point), and a few weeks ago he’d accidentally walked in on him in the shower – he hadn’t seen much to be honest, and he’d thought Danny hadn’t noticed it until it was mentioned in an interview. He could feel the hot flush of embarrassment returning to his cheeks even now as he thought of it.

Danny pulled back so he could get the sheet put from between them, before snuggling back down beside Dougie, nuzzling into his neck, his hand absently rubbing Dougie’s nipple.

“You horny this morning?” He asked quietly. “’Cause I am.” He ran his hand down Dougie’s side, until he reached his hips, before turning inward, feeling the coarse hair of his pubes, further still, taking Dougie’s hardening cock in his hand, squeezing gently. Dougie turned his head to face Danny.

“I am now.” He whispered, their lips meeting again.

“Hey, Dougie!”

What? How could Danny yell while kissing him?

“Oi, dreamboy.”

Back to reality (dammit).

“What’cha up to?”

Dougie opened his eyes and looked over at Danny, who was standing admiring the stack of empty baked bean tins. His dream lover was wearing just a black t-shirt and boxer shorts. Sitting up, he replied, sarcasm dripping from his every word,

“What does it look like, Danny?” He hated even Danny interrupting his fantasies.

“You know,” Danny replied light-heartedly, “if I didn’t know you better I’d say you didn’t want me in here.” Dougie couldn’t help but feel slightly less frosty towards his friend when that accent was so very very sexy… Danny shut the door. Odd.

“But hey,” he continued, pulling off his T-shirt, “I’m your friend - I do know better!” With that, he climbed into the tub at the opposite end from Dougie, his feet just inches from Dougie’s naked cock.

“Heh, this is kinda cool. But anyway, what were you doing?”

Dougie couldn’t really decide how he should feel about all this – on the one hand, he was sharing a bath with Danny. That was a good thing. On the downside, he was naked and Danny wasn’t – he felt a little embarrassed, even under the beans. Bad thing. The fact that Danny had found his secret fantasy wasn’t great, but he didn’t seem to mind it, and in fact looked to be quite enjoying it. Indeterminate. Hmm, wasn’t there something he was meant to be doing? Oh yeah.

“Just dreaming.”

Danny smiled and settled an inch lower into the beans, nearly at his nipples, but Dougie realised something else - with each inch lower Danny’s body went, so his foot moved an inch closer to Dougie’s unclothed crotch. He could feel the movement in the beans as it came closer, closer. He had to move, but his back was already against the end of bath. No way out. No way out…

There it was, the touch he’d wanted for years yet been so scared of - Danny’s toes touching his ball-sac, exploring the soft skin ridges. Danny’s eyes were closed, he could see, his arms along the sides of the tub. Had he not even noticed? Dougie felt vaguely insulted. He coughed.

“Uh, Danny… your foot?”

Danny snapped back to attentiveness, locking his gaze on Dougie.

“Oh, I didn’t realise this was a nude thing. Sorry.” He drew his legs up, and put his hands under the goop, shifting slightly, then Dougie saw the boxers briefly come above the surface before they were drawn down his calves, brought to the surface again, and chucked out of the tub.


Danny extended his legs again, Dougie felt the foot find his sack again. Surely that couldn’t be accidental. Not a second time. Maybe he should test it. But what if it was accidental? He’d known Danny do this sort of playing before, not to this level, admittedly, but the doubt was there. What if by doing this he’d screw up his friendship with Danny? His career, his LIFE could be over. But what if it wasn’t just play? It could be all his dreams come true. Maybe more than that. But was it worth the risk? More to the point, could he really continue to live like this, wanting one of his best friends so badly that every moment around him was torture? He remembered some advice his father had given him once – always be yourself. He wanted Danny - that was who he was. No, he had to find out. But what if? No. It was now or never. Danny had come this far towards him, now he had to take the final steps to meet him. Slowly, ever so slowly, he extended his foot towards Danny, his heart thumping in his chest. He hadn’t been so nervous since his first ever gig. He’d been so scared of screwing up, of ruining the performance for everyone…

He was out on stage, the crowd cheering. He shared an anxious glance with Danny – the fear obvious even in the McFly jester’s eyes. He concentrated on putting one foot in front of the next – his bass seeming so far away suddenly. He felt as if he could feel the entire crowd staring directly at HIM. He was suddenly nauseous. Finally, he reached his position. He picked up his bass, fumbling with the strap. Images of impending doom flashed through his head. No! This was going to be fine. A quick check of his mic, and he was a ready as he’d ever be. This is it, he thought to himself.

Tom gave a finger by finger countdown. Three. He cleared his throat. Two. He moved his trembling fingers to their starting positions. One. Now or never. Zero.

His foot made contact with Danny’s soft flesh.

Harry struck up the beat on the drums, only a second now…

He let his toes wander a bit, seemingly unnoticed. Up a bit.

His first ever chord at a gig, the crowd disappeared. He let the music take him away, safe from failure, safe in its embrace, where he could do no wrong. He was back in the studio, just another session.

He made contact with the base of Danny’s hard cock. Surely he had to have noticed that.

The music flowed from his guitar flawlessly, a taste of perfection. He sang better than he’d ever done before, all nervousness gone. This wasn’t scary, this fucking rocked.

Rubbing Danny’s cock now, he looked up. Danny met his eyes, grinning slightly.

The end of the first song, the crowd went wild. Dougie was elated. He’s never felt such a rush before. Danny turned to face him, grinning widely. Dougie grinned back.

“What took you so long?” Danny asked.



Dougie could scarcely believe what was happening. He’d dreamed of this moment, but now it was true? It was too much. He just sat in a daze, staring at Danny, his friend, his… boyfriend? Is that what they were now? He’d always felt a special connection with Danny – he was always around for him if he needed it, always there to give him a quick comforting squeeze around the shoulders… Knowing Danny was probably the best part of being in McFly. Fame was overrated, the music… he could do without the playing, but a good friend? That was priceless.

It was an odd match, he supposed – the joker and the quiet one. Most people would have thought he’d be better friends with Harry or Tom. Harry certainly seemed to think so. The number of times he’d done near-sexual things to Dougie on TV… Dougie could still remember that interview after the Smash Hits Poll Winners Party when he’d been lying over the guys’ laps, Harry rubbing his nipple through his shirt… He was pretty certain someone was daring Harry to do that sort of thing, and his suspicion fell on the guy sharing the baked bean bath with him.

“Mate, you okay?”

Dougie looked towards Danny, coming back to the present. The sweet chest red and slick from the tomato sauce, the brown armpit hair, the gorgeous smile… oh god…

“Yeah… just… overwhelmed I guess.”

Danny leaned forward, reaching under the beans, finding Dougie’s right hand, squeezing it gently between both his. Dougie’s left joined them.

“Mate… Dougie… You’re more special to me than anyone. You want time, just say so.”

“Ten minutes?” Dougie replied, his hands slipping away from Danny’s.

“Course mate, I need a shower anyway. I’ll be in my room.” He picked his boxers off the floor and pulled them over Dougie’s head, adding more teasingly, “Don’t want you to get sneak peak.”

There was a big movement in the beans, and Dougie heard some dripping on the carpet, pulling the boxers off his face, he saw Danny’s red ass retreating into the shower. Shortly the water started up, and Dougie’s thoughts started drifting again. He’d finally taken the plunge, gone past the point of no-return, walked into no-man’s land. Wait… no, that last cliché didn’t quite fit. This wasn’t a no-man’s land, this promised to be a utopia. God… he could scarcely believe it. Danny was into guys, and was into HIM? It was literally a dream come true… Wait, what if this was a dream? He tried pinching his leg, but his fingers slipped from all the lubrication. He growled slightly in annoyance, wiped his fingers on the bath mat and tried pinching his neck. Okay, that hurt. Not dreaming. In a way that was scary. While he’d continually lusted after Danny, he’d never truly expected anything to happen – this sudden change – everything he wanted – and all he could think about was how it might not be truly what it seemed. He couldn’t help but wonder if someone had put Danny up to this, but at the same time he wanted so much to believe Danny was being truthful.

The water stopped, and presently Danny emerged, a towel wrapped around his waist. His skin glistened from the shower, his brown hair slicked back against his head, his long legs… Dougie could scarcely keep from drooling. If there was a chance of getting that… just a chance… it was worth anything. He came right over to the bath and crouched by Dougie.

“Mate… you are okay with this, right?”

God that accent….

“Yeah, just let me shower?”

Danny smiled, maybe not quite believing Dougie. Dougie wasn’t too sure he sounded sincere either. Danny started walking away,

“Danny -”

He turned round, looking back at Dougie.

“- I’ll be there.” Dougie smiled, Danny smiled back, slightly happier.

Dougie watched Danny retreat out of the bathroom, and heard the door click shut. He wasn’t quite sure if he was ready for what might happen spending time in Danny’s bedroom, but he knew that (presuming Danny was being sincere and this wasn’t a big set-up) he could rely on his friend to not push him into doing anything he wasn’t comfortable with. After all, dreams were one thing, reality quite another.

He stood up, momentarily distracted from Danny by the sensation of baked beans sliding off his slick body. Those that didn’t come off voluntarily he pushed off, again loving the feeling of his hand against his lubricated body. His cock had gone soft again since Danny wasn’t around to stroke it and he wasn’t having fun fantasising, but it started to rise again from the feelings of the tomato juice dripping off. He stepped onto the bath mat, wondering momentarily how he was going to get the beans OUT of the bath, before walking to the shower, leaving a trail of orange footprints on the brown carpet. He drew the curtain behind him and turned on the water, turning his face to the flow, feeling the syrup flow off his body. It was glorious. He just stayed under the water for a few minutes before reaching out to find the shower gel. He lathered up his chest, the water beating on his back, dragging his hands down to his half-hard cock, giving it a few jerks of encouragement. It was weird, how he could be in two minds about something he’d wanted for ages, he thought as he soaped his body methodically. He couldn’t wait to see Danny naked properly, but at the same time he was nervous. He rinsed himself off. Could he be bothered with washing his hair? Hmm, probably better. He fumbled with the shampoo bottle, nearly dropping it. He hadn’t realised his hands were shaking. Wow… this was scarier than he thought. It was like a rollercoaster. You can’t wait to get to the theme park but once you’re about to get on the ride… He shook his head, and turned his face into the water once more, trying to clear his head.

Five minutes later, a damp but clean Dougie emerged from the shower, grabbing a towel and using it to quickly dry his lithe body before wrapping it around his thin waist. He padded down the corridor to his room, rummaging through his drawers for a pair of boxers, and pulling on a T-shirt and pair of baggy trousers from the floor. Screw socks. Was he ready? No. Was he going anyway? Yes. Back along the corridor. Outside Danny’s door. Deep breaths. He went to knock. At the last moment he pulled his hand back. Again, deep breaths to try and calm himself, but his heart was beating faster with each passing second. He couldn’t do this. Yes he could, and yes he would, dammit! He’d wanted this for years. He took a step forward and knocked loudly on the door. There, he’d done it. He collapsed against the door in relief, then suddenly fell backwards when Danny opened it, landing in his bandmate’s arms.

“Hey!” Danny laughed, “I get enough random people throwing themselves at me, without you joining in.”

Dougie was caught between wanting to get up, and the feeling of just how good it felt to be in Danny’s arms.

“There’s just something about you.” He said.

“And you.” Danny replied softly.

Their eyes met, the distance between them closed… closer, closer… Dougie could feel Danny’s hot breath on his face… closer… their lips met softly, merely a taste, but Dougie already knew this was so much better than his dream. But why was Danny pulling back? No! He’d waited so long for this! Was he that bad a kisser that one touch could put Danny off?

“Mate, come on, get out of the door.” Oh, so that was why. Dougie blushed, and got to his feet, turning round to face Danny, finally seeing him. He had some trousers on, but was still deliciously topless. His nervousness was a thing of the past as he sat on the bed, waiting patiently while its owner closed the door and came back, crouching in front of him.

“God, mate… I’ve wanted this for so long… ever since we first met.” His voice sounded husky to Dougie, an open invitation to go anywhere he wanted. “Why did it take you so long to get here?”

Dougie smiled, hearing the words that could have described his own feelings for Danny.

“I thought you were messing around – especially when Harry started doing it too.”

“Harry? What’d he do to you?” Danny laughed.

“There was the time he was rubbing my nipple on TV, the time he walked in on me in the shower, that time in the CDUK dressing room…”

“Wow… I think he might really have a crush on you, mate. I’d better be careful I don’t lose you to him.” His voice rose, jokingly, at the end.

“Harry’s not my taste. Tom maybe, but you’re way better.”

“Mmm… good answer.”

With that, he climbed onto Dougie’s lap, and grinned before pressing his soft lips once more Dougie’s. Dougie placed his hands on Danny’s warm back, enjoying the moment. The gentle movement of Danny’s lips against his was so much better than he could ever have imagined, it was hard to think how he’d lived before feeling it. More pleasure than even his most intense orgasms, and he’d had a lot of those thinking of Danny.

Their lips parted, a soft exhalation, interrupted by Dougie giggling.

“What?” Danny asked, playfully pushing Dougie back onto the bed.

“I just never thought you’d be my first proper kiss.”

“You mean I found myself some fresh blood?” Danny laughed, “Then I guess you’d better get some more practice in.” Suddenly Dougie found himself pinned to the bed with Danny’s lips descending towards him again. He decided to play along, turning his face away from Danny, as if in terror. He shivered in pleasure as Danny’s tongue ran along his earlobe. God Danny was good… he hadn’t so much as taken off his shirt yet and already he was delirious with pleasure. Danny’s lips were on his cheek now, moving up, he closed his eyes just as the lips descended on his eyelids, down his nose and to his waiting mouth. God he wished that mouth would go lower. He felt Danny’s hands at his sides now, moving his T-shirt up over his chest, until it became stuck at his arms. He got his wish, the lips kissing slowly down his neck, jumping over his shirt, and reaching his chest, headed towards his left nipple. He pulled his shirt off as the tongue licked around his nipple, not quite touching it. Aargh, dammit Danny, stop teasing! The tongue was moving lower now, over his smooth chest, while a hand caressed his cock through his trousers.

“Mmmm… I love this,” Dougie moaned, raising his head so he could watch Danny. He moved a hand down, playing with his friend’s hair as the tongue reached his waist while warm hands engaged in trying to remove his remaining clothes. He lifted his ass up a bit, and was rewarded with the feeling of his boxers being dragged down with his trousers. He took the opportunity to shed his T-shirt properly while Danny’s attention was focussed on his trousers. God, his friend was seeing him totally naked and horny… He resisted the sudden urge to cover up, this was what he wanted.

Well, not all that he wanted, Dougie admitted to himself. He wanted to see Danny naked more than anything – those trousers were torment. Beige canvas, with a belt. Whitish boxers poked out the top. He was kneeling on the floor now, just staring along Dougie’s naked body, gazing into his eyes with a longing born of years of close proximity and temptation. Dougie sat up, looking down at his friend, taking his chin in one hand, gently suggesting he get up. He rose with Danny until they were standing face to face, about a foot apart.

“We should so have done this a long time ago.” Dougie whispered as they closed for another kiss, Danny’s hands wrapping around his body, stroking slowly above his ass. He loved the warmth of his friend’s body against his, the pure ecstasy of physical contact. He ground his crotch against his friend, again wishing for the removal of those trousers. Not that Danny wasn’t insanely hot in them, just he’d be even hotter without. His hands now on Danny’s ass, squeezing gently… god what an ass his friend had. He hadn’t minded losing the Smash Hits Most Fanciable Male award when the winner had that ass, those soft sweet lips, a chest to die for… Oh yeah, Danny was far and away most fanciable male… But… he still wasn’t naked. He’d have to do something about that.

Dougie broke off his kiss, immediately missing the soft lips against his own, but to no matter. He copied Danny’s earlier route, kissing down his friend’s neck, straight down his chest, kneeling as he came level with the belt. He slowly unfastened the belt, pulling it out and chucking it across the room. Closer to his dream than ever, undo a button, pull down a zip… He pulled the trousers down finally, only one layer of thin fabric away now, he caressed the hard cock in front of him, placing a kiss on the tip, fondling slightly lower, working his fingers towards the legs when they were intercepted by Danny’s. He looked up, meeting Danny’s gaze as those sweet lips parted.

“Not yet,” they whispered, the words sending a shiver of lust down Dougie’s spine. “I want to see you naked properly first.”

Dougie watched Danny move a few steps away and sit, legs splayed, on a chair. What did Danny have in mind? Not that it really mattered… the wait was just making him more and more horny to the point he’d do almost anything for Danny.

“Walk to the door and back.”

Dougie stood, and turned his back to Danny, walking towards the door, making sure his hips swayed as much as possible. He turned round and was rewarded with Danny rubbing himself through those white boxers. He fought the urge to touch his cock, swab up the precum and lick it off his finger. Time enough for Danny to do that later.

“Give me a couple of twirls.”

Dougie twisted round on his right foot as requested, through two rotations, turning back to Danny and shaking his head about to clear the dizziness. Danny stood and walked over to him, running a saliva-slicked finger along his chest. Dougie grinned - his friend knew what to do, he was happy to play along as a first-timer. Besides, this was fun – he quite liked playing slightly submissive. Danny started to move behind him, face nuzzling against his neck, one hand on his stomach, whispering in his ear as the rough boxers touched his smooth ass,

“Mmm, you are so fucking hot mate, and I’ve waited so long to get you.”

He was grinding against Dougie now, his tented boxers pushing into his friend’s ass-crack. Dougie could feel it, so nice, felt so large there. God, he could barely wait for the party to truly start. Danny turned him round, their lips meeting again, Danny’s hands pulling Dougie close, Dougie’s removing Danny’s boxers, this time without interference. Danny let out a moan as his friend’s fingers finally found his asshole, and ground harder against him. They separated, looking into each others eyes, before Danny sank to his knees again, nuzzling against Dougie’s hard cock, then laying butterfly kisses up its length before finally taking the tip into his warm mouth. Dougie groaned, his hands now running through his bandmate’s brown hair, pulling slightly, willing him to go further. It seemed Danny was more than happy to oblige, taking more and more of his cock into that warm, wet mouth, the tongue sliding over his sensitive skin, teasing, titillating, tormenting. Dougie was too over-sexed, and with scarcely more warning to Danny than a loud groan, shot his cum into his best friend’s warm mouth.


Dougie slowly came back from his orgasmic high, the mist of pleasure receding from his mind. Danny was kneeling before him, lips wrapped around his softening cock. Did he… nah, surely he can’t have done. But there was no cum anywhere to be seen. Oh crap. He blushed bright red, shame coursing through his body.

“Uh… Danny, uh…” He tried to find words to say, and when he did, he blurted out “I didn’t mean to cum in your mouth, sorry.” He stared at his feet, but only saw Danny looking up at him with an expression somewhat akin to bewilderment.

“Mate…” Even now, at his most shameful hour, his limp cock sandwiched between his friend’s soft lips, pearly cum still dribbling out from the corners, Dougie couldn’t help but feel a strange kind of warmth in his heart at the sound of Danny’s voice. “I wanted it.”

So simple… so… oh thank god, Danny had wanted that. He almost collapsed, saved once more by Danny’s extended arms. His friend stood slowly, and pulled him into a gentle hug, his bare chest so good against Dougie’s own. Dougie closed his eyes, listening to the gentle breathing, the world disappearing until it was just he and Danny, locked in an eternal embrace. He felt the gentle brush of Danny’s lips against the side of his neck, so sweet and sexy… He may have been only seventeen, but he knew it would take him a while before he was ready to cum again, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t still have fun. He jumped a little, momentarily causing Danny to stumble backwards, before wrapping his legs around his friend’s waist, causing him to stumble forward again, spilling them both onto the bed, Danny so deliciously on top of him. Did he really want that? He wasn’t quite sure, but it certainly sounded fun. Danny rolled off him, and shifted until he was lying down the bed, one hand propping up his chin, the other rubbing Dougie’s stomach.

“How d’ya feel?” He asked, his hand stroking lower.

“Oh, you’re goooood.” Dougie replied, arching his back, his speech coming out more as a moan than words. He still could scarcely believe this was happening. Was it really only an hour ago he’d been trying to rid images of Danny from his head? How things change. He moved a hand to the side of Danny’s face, cupping it gently, feeling the warmth of his friend’s cheek against his palm. They stayed silent for a while, both just happy to contemplate their luck, and enjoy being together. It was Dougie who finally broke the silence.

“How long have you known?”

“That I was bi?”


“The day I met you.” Danny replied. Seeing Dougie’s incredulous face, he hurriedly continued, “Well, I guess it took a few weeks for me to realise, but… you were the guy. I just… I thought you knew.”

“I do now.” Dougie whispered.

Danny moved forward, and once again, their lips met softy. I’ll be pretty good at this by the end of the week, Dougie mused. And practice was certainly fun. It was amazing how something as simple as the touching of lips could be so erotic, more delicious than anything before in his life. They separated again, just an inch apart for a few seconds, before Danny lay his head on Dougie’s chest. It felt so real, so amazingly real to have his new lover’s head on his chest. New lover… yeah, he liked the sound of that.

“How long’ve you been bi?” Danny asked, gently rubbing circles round Dougie’s nipple. Dougie had been dreading this question. Oh well, may as well tell him now, get it over with.

“I’m not. Never had much attraction to girls.”

“Okay, that’s cool.”

“Really, you don’t care?”

“Mate,” Danny laughed, lifting his head off the pillow of Dougie’s chest, “I’m in bed with you. I’m not gonna complain – I love this.”

“I love you.” Dougie replied softly.

The silence was deafening. Dougie’s mind raced, did he just say that? Nah, surely he couldn’t have done. Oh crap, he did. Please don’t say he’d fucked it up, please… maybe he’d gone a bit far, was misinterpreting his feelings, yes, that must be it! He hadn’t meant it that way, it had just come out wrong. Yeah, he could explain that.

“Danny,” he started, but was cut off when his friend’s fingers were placed over his mouth. Danny sat up next to Dougie, and even now, Dougie couldn’t help but admire his friend’s body. God, was this it? Half an hour and it was over? Why couldn’t he keep his mouth shut? He suddenly felt naked, and pulled the quilt over his body. Finally Danny spoke.

“Thanks mate.”

What? Thanks? That was it? THANKS?

“What the fuck mate?” Dougie erupted, “I say I fucking love you and all you can say is THANKS? What the fuck’s that meant to be? Some sort of… something to just play me along? I LOVE you for fuck’s sake, don’t do that to me. Fuck this, I’m going.” He snatched Danny’s dressing gown from the end of the bed, stood up and pulled it over his shoulders.

“Mate, wait.” Danny said as Dougie roughly shoved first one arm then the other into the gown.

“Mate, please.”

“Leave me the fuck alone.” He pulled the dressing gown around him, knotting the cord with a sense of finality. A hand on his shoulder. He spun round, his back now to the door, face to face with the still-naked Danny. He was close to snapping, images flashed through his head of punching him in the face, kicking him in the bollocks… anything to cause the pain he so obviously deserved.

“Dougie,” Danny said, his voice cold as steel, “let me explain.”

“Why?” he growled.

“Because I’m your friend, and you deserve to hear this.”

“Fine,” he said, crossing his arms over his chest. The look in Danny’s eyes turned from determination to sorrow, and he glanced around the room, eventually settling on a towel on the floor, which he wrapped around his waist. Dougie tapped his foot, and Danny quickly returned his gaze to his friend’s.

“Look, mate,” he started. “I care about you. I care about you a lot. You’re the first guy to ever make me feel that way, but I don’t… I don’t know what I feel, but I don’t think it’s love. I really wish it was, I WANT to love you mate. I want to be with you, I’ve wanted it for years. But what I feel isn’t love. Not yet.” He was pleading now, his voice cracking, on the verge of tears. “Please, mate… Dougie. Don’t walk out on me.”

Dougie felt his anger subsiding, replaced by wanting to hold his hurt friend in his arms. He wanted to be angry, but… he couldn’t. Not anymore. Not to Danny. He took a step forward, and put his arms around his friend, feeling him sag slightly, letting Danny’s chin rest on his shoulder, his fingers running through the back of his hair.

They stood there some time, just embracing softly, comforting each other, both emotionally drained. Dougie could barely believe he’d let himself get so angry at Danny. He’d hurt his friend, maybe not physically as he’d imagined, but emotionally. All he wanted now was to give him some of the love that had been so lacking earlier.

“God, I’m sorry,” he whispered in Danny’s ear, nuzzling gently. He softly kissed Danny’s pierced ear, tasting the metal with the tip of his tongue. Danny pushed against him, murmuring,

“You’re forgiven,” before leaving a trail of kisses up his friend’s neck. There were hands against the dressing gown cord, untying it with ease and pulling the sides apart. Dougie felt a momentary draught as his body was exposed, before being pressed against the warmth of Danny’s chest. He moved his own hands down, pulling at the towel around Danny’s waist, dropping it to the floor as their lips found each other, hungry to make up for lost time. His hands stayed low, gently squeezing the supple cheeks, his fingers straying closer and closer to his friend’s asshole. His tongue slipped into Danny’s mouth, his partner’s hands now cupping his face, slightly cold. Oh yeah this was good. The heat of Danny’s well-defined chest against his own, and of course more important feelings from down below. His cock was hard again, and rubbing against Danny’s. He hadn’t actually seen that yet… well, not hard – that time in the shower didn’t count. Their lips separated an inch, enough for Dougie to gaze into Danny’s deep blue eyes, long enough for Danny to murmur, “I like this apology,” before their lips met again. It was all Dougie could do to not lose himself entirely in the moment.

It was over all too soon. They parted again, a drop of saliva hanging off Dougie’s bottom lip. Danny took a few steps back, finally letting Dougie see his nude body properly. Dougie wanted to say something, but (god Danny was sexy, how the hell had he let this go by for so long) couldn’t quite find the words. All that came out was a whimper, the saliva droplet finally falling to the carpet. Oh god, he was smiling, beckoning him forward. He slipped off the dressing gown and fell to his knees, crawling forward, head upturned, drinking in the image of Danny’s nude body. Finally. Gorgeous chest, flat stomach, and… oh god… he was shaved. He whimpered, unable to do anything but stare in wanton lust. That was so fucking sexy, and even he knew it. He’d never done much in the way of sex (there had been a guy he’d traded handjobs with at school, but that was just a quick fumble in a deserted classroom -he’d never even seen the guy’s cock), and the other guys had always said his tastes were a bit weird, but… god that was so fucking hot. It looked good enough to eat. Oh yes please. He so wanted to suck it, lick it, taste it… return the favour Danny had given him. He looked again, taking in more details. Uncircumcised, but then he’d have been surprised if he had been. If all the stories he read were true, the practice was considered normal in America, but almost unheard of in Britain. Quite why Americans wanted to cut off part of their cocks he never understood. He reached out a hand…

No. Not yet. He wanted it so badly, but he wanted to tease Danny, make him wait. Have some more fun. He started kissing Danny’s feet, before moving slowly up his legs, slightly annoyed by their hairiness, but his were the same. Up more, kissing Danny’s thighs, up more. Hips, sideways, running his tongue over Danny’s balls, making him moan with delight. He knew that he should have been nervous – after all, it was the first time he’d ever… well… it was the first time - but he was so horny all his nerves disappeared, leaving only an all-consuming lust for the teenager in front of him. Now? No. He was desperate, but not that desperate. Not yet. He crawled between his friend’s legs, twisting around so he was facing that gorgeous ass. He looked up to see Danny peering over his shoulder at him. He smiled up at that handsome face, took his friend’s soft ass cheeks in both hands and started squeezing gently, adoring the feel. But he hadn’t done enough yet. He edged his face closer to that gorgeous arse, at once both thankful and annoyed that its owner had showered, and that it was clean and relatively odour-less. The half moons filled his vision as he buried his nose inside that ass crack, reaching out with his tongue, touching that most intimate part. Danny gasped, but didn’t try to stop him, and he gave a proper lick, touching the puckered asshole. Weird, it really wasn’t as great as he’d imagined it would be, but if Danny enjoyed it, who was he to judge? Besides, if he did it, maybe Danny would do it in return. He could still have fun – after all, Danny’s body was his to play with. In any way he pleased. He grinned, ooooh yeah. He gripped Danny’s hips tightly, forcing his face deeper into that gorgeous arse, licking, tasting, testing. Hmm… it kinda grew on you. Now, here was a test. He pulled back, quickly sucked on a finger and started pushing it slowly into that (ooh… tight) asshole. A groan came from overhead. So, Danny liked things up his arse did he? That could be fun in the future. But he wanted more than this – wanted to give Danny what he’d been given.

He stood up, pressing his nude body against Danny’s back, rejoicing in the feel of the hot body against his. He started kissing Danny’s neck, making the guitarist laugh,

“What you got planned, eh?”

Dougie’s fingers ran over his friend’s stomach, pulling him closer, and moving down, feeling in amazement how utterly smooth the crotch was before taking hold of the hard cock, rubbing his thumb over the tip, getting slippery pre-cum on his finger.

“How about I get a taste of your cock?” Dougie whispered. Danny moaned in reply and turned his head to kiss him, but he pulled back, retreating towards the bed, beckoning Danny to follow. His friend came all too willingly, and almost jumped on Dougie before he got a chance to lie down. Soft lips touched his, a prelude. Gone again, a shuffling as Danny moved into position and presented his cock to Dougie’s lips. Dougie suddenly found his mouth dry, he’d done everything else, but this… it looked so… big. It was gorgeous, but…


“Yeah, ok.” Dougie said absently. He wasn’t nervous, but… well, yes he was nervous. Just a bit. It was somehow different with Danny kneeling over him like this. He wanted to, but couldn’t.


He pushed Danny away a bit, pulling himself up to sitting position.

“Sorry, I… can’t do it like that.”

“Do you still want it?” Danny asked softly. Did he? He’d just turned down the chance to fulfil a fantasy… yes, yes he still wanted it, just… just not quite like that.

“Could you lie down?”

“Sure. Oh, Dougie…” he said. Dougie looked up, and found his lips an inch away from Danny’s again – he could feel the warm breath as his friend whispered,

“Just enjoy yourself.” The distance shrank to nothing, and again, Dougie felt the soft kiss of his bandmate’s lips against his – reassuring, warming. He smiled as the kiss broke, and watched his sexy… no… that wasn’t quite right… and watched his gorgeous? Better, but not quite… and watched his… oh hell, sexy fit best after all, and watched his sexy lover lie on the bed, cock standing up away from his stomach. Yeah, this was better. Not quite ready to let Danny be dominant… not yet. Beside he looked hotter this way. Much easier to see his entire gorgeous body. Time. He slowly leant down, and placed a kiss on Danny’s shaved crotch. OK, close now – his cheek was brushing against the hard cock, producing a groan from his friend. Heh. Finally, he was touching his lips to his… boyfriend’s?.. cock. Didn’t really taste of anything – a bit disappointing. But then, it was just skin. So far. He ran his tongue along it, stopping on the foreskin, making it twitch in lustful agony. Very cool. He took a finger back into his mouth, sucking provocatively, letting Danny look on as he moved the finger down to the bed, rubbing against his friend’s tight asshole. Smirking, he pushed it slowly in, Danny writhing in ecstasy, arching his back, closing his eyes. He wrapped his lips around the sensitive head, sucking gently, lapping the saltiness from the tip. His other hand wandered down to his own cock, stroking gently, building towards a second orgasm. God, sucking Danny’s cock made him so fucking horny. Not bad tasting either. The finger up Danny’s ass started probing for the prostate he knew would be there, waiting to drive its owner to heights of ecstasy. Danny jerked. Looks like he found it.

“Fuck mate… cum time.” No. Not yet. He pulled his finger out again, and lifted his head, looking into Danny’s eyes. Again sucking his finger, he shuffled forward, moving so his cock was against Danny’s, and wrapped his hands around them both. The guitarist’s hands wrapped around his own, warm to the touch. Together, they started moving their hands up and down, building to the final heights. Danny came first, moaning and shooting pearly cum over his chest. Fuck that was hot. Oh god, oh goooood…… He started cumming himself, his only thoughts of the hands stroking his cock, the hardness it was touching, and the images of two hard cocks spurting over his bandmate’s chest. One hell of a day.

As his mind cleared, he lay down on his friend, feeling the slippery cum squash between them, slick against his chest. He placed a kiss on his friend’s cheek,

“I love you, Danny.”

Danny turned to him, smiling,

“You know what? Me too.”
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Re: Dougie's Private Fantasy

Postby Mz_Mess » 23 Mar 2009, 20:30

I think I've read this before :)

are you the mattbuck on Mcflyslash over at LJ?? :D
Evil Penguins - They look all cute and fluffy but take your eyes off them for ONE second and they will happy slap your arse!

"You know, I have a theory that hieroglyphics are just an ancient comic strip about a character named Sphinxy"
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Re: Dougie's Private Fantasy

Postby mattbuck » 25 Mar 2009, 01:18

Yes, that was me. Lots of stories of mcfly fucking each other silly in various unlikely circumstances.
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Re: Dougie's Private Fantasy

Postby Mz_Mess » 25 Mar 2009, 15:32

thought it might have been, loved your work :)

it rlly is a small world... :)
Evil Penguins - They look all cute and fluffy but take your eyes off them for ONE second and they will happy slap your arse!

"You know, I have a theory that hieroglyphics are just an ancient comic strip about a character named Sphinxy"
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