30 Minute Mess (Part 1)

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30 Minute Mess (Part 1)

Postby smittybill53 » 11 Dec 2008, 07:01

This is a story I've been mulling over for several months to get the right plot line. I hope you enjoy it.

I was having a bad nights sleep so I got up and went down to the kitchen to get something to eat. I looked around and figured I'd make some ramen noodle soup. I needed to put the water on to boil so I flipped on the TV while I waited. I came across an episode of Rachel Ray's "30 Minute meals" so I decided to watch it.

On comes the host of the show dressed in what seems to be more of the outfit type she'd wear for her talk show. Tight high necked long sleeved black shirt, pleated leather knee length skirt and black leather knee high high heeled boots. Considerably more sexy than normal but I'm game.

"Welcome to 30 Minute meals."
"Today we're going to make a fantastic meatloaf, a knock your socks off Jello fruit salad, and eggnog so that you can enjoy this with friends." "OK, Lets get things started."

Rachel proceeds to get the ingredients ready for the first item the meatloaf. I watch as she washes her hands, this is gonna be good I think.
"Lets start with the bread crumbs" She starts chopping up some fandiddlytastic slices of bread. She puts them into the bowl. "Next we need eggs" Rachel starts to crack the eggs into the bowl. One egg, two, three, then one over her head. I'm really finding this interesting. Then she cracks another and another over her head. Didn't even flinch, just up and cracked it over her head. I'm dumbfounded as the slimy white and yellow yoke runs down her straight long hair. This definitely is an odd show but I'm becoming quite enthralled with this program.
"Put some chopped onion, garlic powder in and mix this all around." She doesn't bother with a spoon and just sticks her hands in the bowl to mix the ingredients. "Know to add the meat and mix this all together." The mixing continues until. "Oops silly me how could I have forgotten the last key ingredient for this." She whips out a rather large bottle of ketchup, probably four times what the recipe would call for. After putting some of the contents of the bottle into the mixture she doesn't hesitate to squirt the remainder onto the front of her high necked shirt. She even pulls out the neckline and squirts a good amount inside her shirt. I'm starting to see some of the moisture lines run down toward her waist. I'm most certainly aroused and intrigued by this cooking show.
"We'll be right back in a jiff after this quickie break"
The commercials come on and I'm just dazing out as they flicker across the screen until a Dunkin' Donuts commercial comes on. Funny, that looks to be Rachel Ray again going on about a quick bite to eat and some coffee done up your way or something. I notice that she's wearing the same outfit as on the show and is still covered in egg and ketchup. She bites into a vanilla donut with powdered sugar on the outside. The cream filling seems to find more of her shirt and less of her mouth leaving a large dollop running down her front mingling with the ketchup. The she takes a drink of her iced coffee and after a swig or two pours the rest over her head. This just causes her shirt to become very shiny and washes some of the egg out of her hair. I find this weird since most TV shows don't do live commercials.
"Welcome back, I hope you took that opportunity to get a bite to eat, I sure did." This is becoming a really strange show. Rachel is back behind the counter getting ingredients ready for the next part of the meal. However, she seems to be all wet and there's not much of the egg left in her hair, and what is that white stuff on her shirt? "Lets get some of that knock your socks off Jello fruit salad going" Rachel proceeds to chop up some bananas, grapes and walnuts. There's quite a bit of fruit on the table now. I'm beginning to think that it's not all for the salad. A couple of moments later. I was right she only put some of the contents into the Jello mold. What was she going to do with all that extra fruit. “Lets put the rest of the fruit here off to the side, we'll need it later.” She produces a pot of boiling water. "Lets add the Jello powder to the water and cook it for a jiff.” Again that seems to be a large pot of water.
“OK, while the Jello is boiling in the water lets start on the eggnog.” “I prefer spiced rum when making eggnog for the holidays.” She takes a swig of rum before putting the other ingredients into the mixer. Starting with the eggs she adds them to the mixing bowl then a couple more for herself, this time dropping them inside the neckline of her shirt. Then she adds the cream, sugar and whiskey and rum. The mixer must have been on the wrong setting because when she turned it on some of the contents splattered over the front of her shirt and ran down toward her pleated leather skirt. She didn't seem to flinch when this happened. “Okie dokie the Jello is ready to be put in the mold.” She takes the pot of now just warm jello and pours it into the mold. “OK, stick this in the fridge and it'll be ready and set in now time.”
“Now, about the rest of the fruit and Jello.” “This is where the knock your sock part happens.”
Rachel bends over and disappears behind the counter for a few seconds. When she stands back up she produces her pair of very shiny black leather boots. They don't appear to have zippers and have probably a 4 inch heel. “This is how I unwind from a hard days work in front of the camera.” She dumps the contents of the fruit bowl, the bananas and grapes into her right boot, then pours the Jello until it reaches the top of the boot. She takes that boot and puts it in the refrigerator. Upon doing that she produces another boot that looks to be from an identical pair out of the fridge. “This is what it looks like after the Jello has set.” She takes the eggnog and pours some in the glass on the counter. Rachel continues setting up her dinning table for the meal.
“Here we go, the meatloaf is done, the fruit salad is ready and a nice glass of eggnog to was it down.” “Just a moment while I get ready.” I'm figuring the credits or something will roll or maybe go to a commercial. However, the cameras keep rolling on the host. She goes back to the counter where her boots are, the one that became a Jello mold and the other one that's just sitting there. She picks up the empty boot and begins to fill it with the remainder of the eggnog. Then brings them back to the dinning table where she sits down and proceeds to put first her right boot on. You can see her lower her foot into the boot and some of the contents well up and over the boots top and down the outside. You can see bits and pieces of banana and grape slide down the now glistening shaft onto the floor. The other boot follows the same procedure as she lowers her left foot into the eggnog filled tower. Eggnog runs down the shaft, contrasting with the shiny black of the boot. Is she blushing? I look closer to the screen, it seems she's enjoying herself quite a bit there. She walks around the table to serve some of that fantastic meatloaf the contents of her boots depositing on the floor as she moves. She sits back down and picks up the ketchup. “Always gotta have ketchup with meatloaf.” She takes the bottle and starts squeezing the contents everywhere, on her shirt, over her head, and a good amount onto her lap which up till now is the only semi-clean part of her left. The leather glistens nicely with the red of the ketchup, some of it splattering onto the floor. “Parents always say to clean up before a meal but I say, Ahh fooey get messy.” “I'm Rachel Ray and you've been watching 30 Minute Mess”
I'm unexpectedly woken up by my wife. “What on earth are you doing in the kitchen at this hour of the morning?”
“I'm making some food, I couldn't sleep.” “What are you doing wearing it and this mess.” “OMG are you wearing my new Stuart Weitzman boots? And my leather skirt? What is all over them?” There is an angry but quizzical tone to what she's saying. I explain to her that I was watching Rachel Ray on the food network do one of her 30 Minute Meal. “How were you watching it in here, the cable's been out since yesterday?”
This has really turned into a strange night. I'm standing here in the kitchen in front of my wife wearing a leather skirt and her new boots, covered in food and aroused to boot. I try explaining this to her and what happened during the show. How Rachel started to get messy and just continued the cooking part as if nothing happened.
Helen was finding this most humorous. She started laughing and I asked what was so funny. She said, “This is actually some pretty good meatloaf, when did you learn how to cook?” I didn't know what to say. “Is that eggnog?” as she grabs a glass that's on the table. “Hmm, not bad, tho a bit more rum would be nice.” Thanks I say. “Well this is all fine and good, but it's 3am and you need to be up for work tomorrow.” “You do realize that you owe me Big Time for these shenanigans of yours.” “Yes dear.” “Now go on up and get cleaned off and get back to bed.” “I'll clean this mess up down here.” I go off to take a shower and peel away the outfit I'm in before going back to sleep. So he was sleepwalking again? The food Dan made actually tastes pretty good. Who knew he could cook? But what was he doing wearing my clothes and covering himself with food? I walk upstairs and hear the shower running. “Where's the clothes Dan?” “On the floor of the bathroom.” he says. I open the door and see my brand knew over the knee Stuart Weitzmans covered in goo and that leather skirt has been a favorite of mine. What could possibly feel good about wearing that covered with food. “I'm going to take the stuff down to the laundry, you finish up and go back to bed, I'll join you when I'm done.” “K, hon.” is all I get as a reply.
I walk back downstairs to the basement with the laundry. If it felt good for him it couldn't be all that bad could it? I figure I'm only in my nightie anyway and we have a utility sink down here so I could clean up a bit before bed. I figure what the hell, the stuffs a mess anyway, and I can clean up. I take my nightie off and pull the ketchup covered turtle neck on. Brrr that's cold. My nipples start becoming rock hard though. Well If he can wear it I can too and look a hell of a lot better as well. I pull the leather skirt on and the feeling of the ketchup and cream on the inside and out just felt out of this world. “No wonder he was aroused!” I'm panging at the mess my boots are in but, figure to go all the way meant putting them on. I sit down on a stool, I take the left boot. “Is that banana? Grapes? And Jello?” It is kinda lumpy but slick as I pull it up and over my knee. I take the other boot which must have had eggnog poured into it. It's cold but it slides on so easily, an almost silk sheet feeling. I stand up, my boots squelch. Oh right there's a full length mirror over by the ironing board. I walk over and look at the pretty sight of a woman covered in goo. I must say though I look F'n Hot compared to Dan. These sensations are really starting to turn me on.
I can still here the water running for the shower, and go to check on Dan. “I hope he's not asleep in the shower.” I walk in to the bathroom and ask if things are all right?
“Your not mad at me are you Hon?” “A little bit.” I say. He pulls the shower curtain around so he can see me. His jaw almost smacks the tub when his gaze arrives at me. “I kinda need to clean up too.” I say in a slightly sheepish tone with a hint of giggle. “WOW! You look, you look damn sexy!” Here I'm standing in front of my sleepwalking and now cooking husband who I'm mad at wearing the clothes HE got messy in and feeling very turned on. “Sure come on in. The water's fine.” I step into the shower clothes and all, water sluicing away the gunge from my turtleneck. Warm water taking the chill off from my leather skirt. This feeling of encasement as the water fills up my boots and begins to sluice out all the nasty stuff inside them. Dan and I finish cleaning up and after hanging my clothes over the towel rack and putting the boot trees back into my boots, I hung them to dry. The two of us climbed into bed, warm and cozy. “You may want to call in sick tomorrow.” “I know I will be, and you will pay for this.” That's the last thing I heard before the alarm went off at 6:30am. Guess I should call in sick.
Last edited by smittybill53 on 15 Dec 2008, 15:56, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Squelch » 11 Dec 2008, 22:10

:D Like it...great idea for a storyline. Rachel Ray sounds FIT
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Very nice

Postby HenryWilcox » 12 Dec 2008, 11:36

Great story - and she's a cutie, I googled her ;)
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Postby smittybill53 » 14 Dec 2008, 01:13

Thanks for the comments.

I'm working on a sequel tho not with Rachel. I hope it doesn't take several months to get it done this time.

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