The Charity Ball

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The Charity Ball

Postby Count Muckular » 14 Jun 2007, 12:56


The layers of organza shimmered and the silk rustled as she swirled around in her brand new white princess style ballgown. Her diaman'te jewellery sparkled " how do I look?" she enquired. "Wow, you look stunning," her partner replied," but are you ready? The limo has arrived. "Yes, I’m coming." Helen gently picked up the many layers of her skirts and went out to the limo. The chauffeur opened the car door and she carefully got in. Geoff got in after her and the door was closed then the limo drove off. It stopped again shortly, to pick up their friends Jenny and Steve. As Jenny approached the car Helen noticed her dress. It was a lovely white empire waisted gown. It was very full with layers of soft chiffon and long chiffon scarves flowing from her shoulders. She also sparkled with diaman'te jewellery and a tiara. The limo sped off once more to pick up Suzie, Nick, Dee and Dave. It stopped outside their place and they were already waiting in the hallway. Suzie’s dress was a beautiful white silk ball gown. It had a white bodice decorated with sequins and pearls and a huge skirt of shimmering silk that flowed over the layers of white organza underskirts. It was set off with sparkling jewellery. Dee's dress was also incredible. It was a gorgeous princess style ball gown. The bodice sparkled with diamant'es and sequins. Her skirts were made out of many layers of brilliant white tulle. The outer layer was scattered with diamant'es. She was also wearing a sparkling necklace, bracelets, earrings and a tiara.
At last the four couples were ready for the "white gown charity ball", and the limousine drove off.
On arrival the limo doors were opened up, and from there they went in to reception. They were met by the master of ceremonies who announced their arrival. They were then led to their table which was number 12, and they sat down. The formalities began, firstly by socialising and then by dancing. After a while the guests returned to their tables for the evenings charity events.
First there was to be an auction in which many desirable lots were to be offered and when the bidding finished the charity quiz show was set to begin. There was to be a superb prize for the winning table, but the loosing table was going to be made to do a forfeit. The quizmaster announced what the winning prize was to be accompanied by a short video film. It showed a fantastic cruise aboard a luxury liner with everything included. " Oh, I would love to win that." Dee proclaimed. " We’ve got absolutely no chance whatsoever with you lot." Dave replied. The quizmaster continued to explain the rules, scoring etc. At the end of the quiz the winning and loosing tables were to come up to the stage and receive their prize or forfeit. The quiz began and just as Dave had predicted their table was hopeless. It soon became apparent that their table was going to loose.
The quiz finally ended and the scores were announced. Sure enough, table 12 was last and the winning table was called upon to the stage to receive their prize.” Lucky bastards," they muttered to each other as they made their way to the stage to receive the loser’s forfeit. The wining table was handed the tickets for the cruise and as the audience clapped they left the stage leaving the looser to hear their fate.
"Okay," the quizmaster announced. "This is to be set between the girls and the boys. Another set of easy questions and the first ones to reach 10 will be pronounced the winner. The losers will do the forfeit. But first I will show you what the forfeit is going to be." He then started up the video." This is to be next Saturday morning at the army training camp. You will arrive at 10 o’clock then change into the combat gear, boots etc. that we will supply. This is what you have to do. The video began.
It showed participants wearing combat gear about to start the assault course. It was about1 km long and very very muddy. They had to climb over walls, scramble across nets, shuffle over log bridges, crawl into tunnels, cross muddy pools and climb over and under barbed wire optical. The course ended with a long zip slide that finished abruptly in a deep pit filled with thick black mud. The final shot saw the participants emerging from the mud completely covered from head to foot in the greasy black mud.
The audience cheered but the four couples looked momentarily shocked to find out that this could be their fate. The quizmaster began. "Okay, lets begin the playoff. Lady's, this side and gents over there." The girls shuffled along together. Their beautiful dresses sparkled as the stage lights settled on them. " You know the rules, first to 10 is the winning team. The losers, well, you know your fate now." He chuckled.
The quiz began and the girls got off to a flying start. They answered question after question correctly and soon they were 5 up, 6 up, then 7 up. By now they were laughing and cheering as they got another question correct. The score was now 8 nil. With confidence rising, one of the girls jokingly said. "Well, those lot are so thick and as they are going to loose anyway I think we should make them do the mud run wearing those tuxedoes." The quizmaster overheard this and before he announced question 9 he asked the girls together, "why don’t you?" " Yes" they replied" we think you should. They always take the piss out of us so why not." The quizmaster continued with question number 9 and again the girls hit the buzzer first and answered correctly. They were cheering and clapping. " Go on", they shouted to quizmaster. "Ask them." They continued. The quizmaster went over to the boys and put the proposition to them. " These lovely lady's think that as you have made such a mess of this quiz, that you should be forced to do the mud run in your tuxedoes. What do you think?." The boys stood for a moment and looked at each other. Dave replied. " Okay, if we loose we will." The girls jumped up and down cheering. He continued, " but on one condition." "Whats that?" The quizmaster enquired. Dave continued. "If we were to win, the condition is that the girls will do the mud run in those ball gown." The audience erupted clapping and cheering. The girls gasped at the cheek of it. When the audience calmed down the quizmaster went over to the girls. " So what do you think of that?". The girls were still amazed at this proposition and they quickly spoke to one another." They’ve got no chance," they muttered. "We are nine up. They will never catch up. They can't win. Lets go for it." Dee took the microphone. "Okay, if by some freak you do happen to win we will do the mud run in these dresses." The audience cheered again, " but remember, we are nine up so I wouldn't build your hopes up, it’s the mud run for you boys, tuxedoes the lot." Dave took back the microphone and continued. " Okay, that’s fine but if you do loose, we want you to also wear those shoes, those gloves, that jewellery, with full make up and hair doo's complete with tiaras." The audience cheered again. Geoff took the mike and added. "We also expect you to be wearing the same underwear that you are wearing now." Knowing full well how much money Helen had spent on her matching silk underwear with suspenders and stockings. The girls were flabbergasted at this. Jenny took the microphone. " No problem. Our gowns, shoes, jewellery, in fact everything as we are now but somehow I don't think you are going to win. We've only got one question left," she taunted, " so I think you lot had better get prepared to do the mud run." The audience cheered and clapped again and the quizmaster took over. "Lets get this over then." and continued on to what the girls hoped would be the final question. Much to everyone’s amazement, the boys pulled one back, then two back, and then another. The audience cheered every time they got one right. They had now pulled back five and you could see the girls starting to get a little concerned. The boys got the next one right and then the next one. It was now 9 - 7 and the girls were looking more and more worried. The quizmaster asked question eight and the boys buzzed and answered correctly again. It was now 9 - 8. The audience cheered, the boys cheered but the lady's stood motionless. " Come on, for gods sake, we gotta get one right." Suzy shrieked. Question nine, said the quizmaster, and again the boys answered correctly. The audience stood up and amongst the cheering and clapping the boys went mad." Nines each." they shouted. The girls were shell-shocked to find themselves in this position and it showed. "Come on, come on. We must get this one. We can’t let them win for Christ’s sake. Get thinking." Suzie screamed.
" The last question." The quizmaster announced. " This is the decider. Is it to be those lovely lady's wearing all that finery, or the men in their smart tuxedoes." The atmosphere was now electric and you could have heard a pin drop. The quizmaster started the final question. " What is the capital of Australia?". Dee just pressed the buzzer regardless and paused. " Its over to the girls, answer please." She paused again. Dave whispered to the boys, " She doesn’t know, she don’t know." Err, err." She stuttered. " Come on now, five seconds I must have the answer." Again Dave whispered, " she doesn’t know." He banged his hand on the desk. "None of them know, they don’t know It.,” he added. " Answer please, must have an answer,” again the quizmaster prompted. Jenny shouted out. " Sidney." The audience erupted, the boys yelled and punched the air. " She's wrong, she's wrong,” they screamed. "Okay, silence please silence." the quizmaster tried to calm down the crowd." Silence." The girls looked devastated. As the crowd calmed down, the quizmaster continued. " Over to the boys for the correct answer." Steve shouted out, "Canberra.” " Is the correct answer." The audience erupted once more as the boys jumped and cheered. The girls were stunned and in total shock. They just looked at each other. " Okay, okay." The quizmaster again tried to calm down the audience. " Okay," and as some order came over he went up to the girls with his microphone in his hand he asked. " Well girls, what happened?" he was met by silence. He continued. " It looks like you lost. Lets hope the boys don’t expect you to do the forfeit in those lovely gowns. What do you think?" The girls shook their heads. " Oh no, no. They can't." Exclaimed Helen. The quizmaster added. " Well perhaps they may let you off. Should I go and ask them?" He enquired, and strode across to the boys. " Okay boys, you are the winners, but surely you are not going to make those lovely lady's wear those pretty dresses in a mud run? Are you going to let them of the hook?" Neil replied, " Give us a moment, we will have to discuss this." and as the boys muttered to each other the quizmaster went back over to the girls. " Lets see what they have to say. I don't suppose for a second they would let you ruin those lovely gowns in a mud run." The girls nodded in agreement. Dave beckoned the quizmaster back over and took the microphone. " Yes, we have decided. How could we possibly allow those beautiful lady's do a muddy assault course wearing those gorgeous gowns. It would be criminal to see them destroyed so we thought we had better let them off." He paused and the girl’s faces lit up with relief. "But". He continued, " and paused for a moment. " We thought, would they let us off if they were in our position?" The girls looked up. "Yes, yes. Of course we would." They shouted. " I think not somehow." Dave replied. " So, next Saturday, make sure you are wearing those dresses, those shoes, same underwear, that jewellery with full makeup and hairdo’s cos you are going into the mud." The audience erupted once more as the girl’s jaws dropped.

Pt 2

Saturday morning at the army training camp. The boys had arrived early and were already waiting for the lady’s to arrive at the mud obstacle course. " Well, it's nearly 10. O’clock, they should be here any moment now." And sure enough, the limo approached. " I bet they won’t be going back in that. They will need a skip." Laughed Dave.
The limo pulled up and the doors were opened. Sure enough, the lady's were all dressed up to the nines wearing same beautiful white ball gowns, hairdos and makeup that they had worn a week earlier at the white gown charity ball. "Hitch those skirts up." Geoff shouted, "Just making sure." obviously checking to see that they were wearing the same expensive shoes and underwear as promised.
"Okay ladies." An official announced. " First the photographs." A photographer was waiting for the girls and he asked them to line up and pose showing off those beautiful gowns. " You look absolutely gorgeous.,” he added. We will have to see how you look after you have completed the course and then take some more pics. He lined the lady's up and began to take the "before" shots. When he was finished, he called the course official over who led them to the start of the mud run.
The official continued." Are you ready now? You know the rules. The course is 1km long and you must complete every obstacle. There are obstacles that you must climb over or crawl under. Be careful on the barbed wire. If you get stuck or snagged on an obstacle someone will come and help you out, or if need be cut you free. This is a team race so when everyone is ready you can begin. Good luck."
At the starting line the girls assembled. They looked at the sea of mud in front of them and 50 yards away there was a wall six foot high with a pool of mud at its base. No doubt there would be more on the other side and what lay beyond they they could only guess, but it wasn't going to be pleasant. " Ready, off you go." The official announced. The girls looked gingerly at each other. " Lets get it over then." Dee stated, as she picked up the bottom layers of her skirts began the mud run
She looked down to see each of her expensive high heeled sandals disapear into the mud. She felt the cold clammy mud envelope her stockinet feet and ankles. " Oh yuck!" She cried, as they trudged through the ankle deep mud over to the first obstacle.
In front of the wall there was a large pool of mud and the lady's just stared at it? " Whose going first." asked Helen? " I will," elect Jenny, " but you will have to help me up. When I get to the top I will sit astride the wall and help to pull the next one up and so on." Jenny hiked up her skirt and stepped into the mud pool. Dee and Suzie followed. They stopped at the foot of the wall with the skirts hiked up. The mud was half way up their shins. Jenny realised she was going to have to dump the hem of her chiffon skirts into the mud to enable her to reach up the wall. She placed a gloved hand on top of the wall and tried to pull herself up. "Oh yuck, it's slimy.” she cried, as she felt the anti-climb grease that was smeared over the top of the wall. She lost her grip and looked at the black grease spread over her long white opera gloves. " I think you will have to give me a shove. Grab my legs and push." She said. The other girls obeyed, dropped their skirts and lifted Jenny up. At last she was sitting astride the wall. She pulled her skirts and slip over the wall. The front of her £700 white chiffon Mike Benet gown was streaked with black grease." Okay." She shouted, who's next? " Dee obliged and with Jenny pulling and a helping push from Suzy she dragged herself over the wall. The diamant'e detail on the front of her £600 white tulle Mori lee gown scraped as she pulled herself over and plopped feet first into the mud on the other side of the wall. Suzie was next. Helen stepped into the mud to give her a shove. As she went over, the outer layer of her £800 white silk Alfred Angelo ball gown caught on the wall followed by a large ripping noise as she fell over on to the other side of the wall. With a large splash, she landed in the mud on her backside. Helen was the last over and landed on her feet. The girls stepped out of the mud and looked at their gowns. They were all streaked with black grease and the hems muddy and dirty. Suzie’s dress had a huge rent torn down one side showing her now rather dirty white organza underskirts. Realising that their gowns were now ruined they abandoned any pretence of saving them and carried on through the mud letting the hems drag as they sloshed through the mud to the next obstacle. After 50 yards they came to a cargo net that they had to climb up to reach a log bridge. That traversed a small gully. The cargo net was also smeared with the black ant-climb grease. Scrambling up a greasy cargo net wearing a full-length ball gown isn't easy. As the girls found out. Soon high heels were going through skirt hems and more ripping and tearing the girls scrambled up the cargo net. They helped each other by pushing and pulling until at last they were all up and deciding how to tackle the log bridge. Helen looked at the log. It was also smeared with the black grease. She looked into the gully. It had an eight-foot drop into mud. " I suppose I will go first on this one." as she figured out how to cross it. She gave some thought to her £1000 white organza Oleg Cassini ball gown. She looked at the black grease smeared over the ornate bodice and the mud soaked hem of the many layers of her organza skirts. " Its ruined anyway so what the hell." She lifted up her skirts and sat astride the greasy log. She felt the cold clammy grease between her legs and through her silk underwear and lace topped stockings. She then clamped her thighs around the log and dumped the layers of organza skirts in front of her. She lay forward on her tummy and grasped her arms around the log and began to shuffle forwards. She was making progress along the log but as the layers of her skirts slid under her legs she suddenly stopped as the material caught on a branch stub. She sat up and noticed where the skirts had caught. After yanking at the flimsy material she finally tore it free. She was able to continue forward but again the soft silky material caught again. With more yanking and ripping she was able to shuffle forwards. Ellen finally traversed the greasy log and reached the far side and was able to get off. She stood up and looked at her dress. It was covered black greasy marks and the outer layers of organza had huge rips and tears. Her long white gloves were filthy but at least she had crossed without falling off. " Come on, whose next?" she announced. One after another the girls followed accompanied by more ripping and tearing as they shuffled across. When they were all safely over they looked at their gowns. " We are all starting to look a little worse for wear.,” exclaimed Dee." Lets see whets next." They set off up the embankment and after a short walk it suddenly ended with a step muddy slope that led down to a pipe tunnel. It looked pretty dry down there, but what appeared to be sooty black soil was piled up at the tunnel entrance. " We will have to slide down this on our arses." So once they again hiked up their skirts sat on their backsides with no thought to the expensive silk underwear and slid down the dirty slope. They landed at the bottom with a bump in the sooty black soil. Sure enough it was soot and it was piled up high and spread inside the pipe. " God, do we have to crawl through that?" Suzie cried as she looked into the black murky tunnel. Dee volunteered to go first. " I will shout when I am through." She got down on her hands and knees face down in the dusty black soot and began to crawl inside the black tunnel. Her frothy white tulle skirts filled the tunnel entrance as she disappeared inside. She had to crawl through a deep layer of soot and as she pulled and dragged herself along on her tummy the sooty dust rose. It got in her eyes, throat and mouth, down her cleavage. At last she emerged on the other side coughing with her eyes steaming. Her face, arms, hair and cleavage were blackened. The lovely dress that had been once sparkling and brilliant white was now a dirty grey. Clouds of dust rose as she shook her skirts. She wiped the dust out of her eyes and face. " Oh, that was awful. I would cover up your eyes and mouth if you can." Dee shouted back through the tunnel. Without a thought, Helen ripped strips of material from her tattered organza dress and handed them to the other girls to cover their faces. Next through the tunnel was Jenny followed by Suzy and finally Helen. They each emerged from the dirty dusty tunnel blackened and covered with soot. They shook their gowns and clouds of soot rose up, coughing and spitting out the dust. Jenny then announced. "Come on, lets press on." and they tramped to the next obstacle. It was a very muddy area about 25 yards long with wooden fence posts hammered into the ground. Between the posts lengths of barbed wire were stretched at various heights. To get across this you had to either crawl through the mud on your tummy dragging your skirts to get under the wire or attempt to climb over the barbed wire. " Jesus, how the hell are you supposed to cross that wearing long ball gowns.” remarked Helen. " I don’t think there will be much left of them after we’ve crossed that." Agreed Suzie. They then squelched over to the first wire obstacle and tried to climb over it .Of course their dresses got caught and snagged on the barbed wire, and the girls ripped and tore at their gowns. Lying face down in the mud they crawled under the next wire dragging their dresses through the mire. They had to pull and tug at their gowns as they went forwards ripping and tearing as the material got snagged. Finally they all managed to make it across and pulled themselves together. " That was horrendous. " they agreed. " Everyone ok?" Jenny enquired. " No cut or scrapes?" " Were all okay, it's just our gowns have suffered somewhat." Replied Suzie. As she looked back to see strips of chiffon and silk hanging from the barbed wire. They tramped on another 50 yards or so then they arrived at the next obstacle. It was another pipe tunnel only at the entrance was a deep pool of muddy water flowing into it. It disappeared under an embankment. Without a thought, Suzie gathered up the remains of her silk ball gown and jumped in with a muddy splash. She got down on her hands and knees to crawl into the pipe. Inside she dragged herself through pulling her mud soaked gown until she reached the far end. She emerged at a large deep pool of dirty stagnant water. She stood waist deep and was soon joined by the other three girls. As they waded across the muddy pool. Dee shook her the tattered remains of her skirts in the dirty water. " This may get some mud out and make it a bit lighter." she exclaimed. At the other side of the pool was the small gulley that they had previously crossed over on the log bridge. Only this time they had to ascend the muddy gully by climbing over old tree stumps, and through bramble and gorse bushes. Once again into the mud they went with more ripping and tearing of the remains of their gowns. Eventually they emerged once more covered in mud. Next the girls had to scramble up a steep muddy embankment and when they were all up they saw the final obstacle. It was a zip slide. You had to hold onto the bar, which was attached to a cable by a trolley. Let you go and hang on. The wire was 50 yards long and ended over a very deep mud pit filled with black slimy mud. The idea was to drop into the mud before the trolley hit the other end. This was the finish of the course and the girls could see the guys standing around the mud pit shouting and cheering. " Come on." They shouted. " Let's see you do this." They yelled. Back at the top of the slide an official pulled the trolley back and asked." Whose first.”? Jenny obliged. She grabbed the bar, lifted up her feet and.” whoosh”. Off she went with the heavy muddy dress trailing along behind. Just before it hit the end she let go and with a huge muddy splash she disappeared into the mud pit completely submerged. The boys were delighted. And they cheered and clapped as each of the girls followed Jenny down the zip slide. All of the girls were now in the mud pit and standing up to their armpits in the black mud, their faces and hair covered in the sticky black mud. It was impossible to tell one from another as they waded to the edge and tried to climb out weighed down by the tattered muddy gowns. At last they hauled themselves out of the mud. They were all completely 100% covered in the sticky filthy black slime much to the delight of the boys who were still cheering at the spectacle they had just witnessed.
Those beautiful white ball gowns that had cost so much money were now completely destroyed and hanging in tatters. The sparkling diamant'e jewellery, necklaces, bracelets, and earrings snapped and lost. Broken tiaras hanging out of filthy matted mud-clumped hair. Heels snapped on ruined expensive shoes. Those once gorgeous lady's in their fairytale gowns had now been reduced to filthy muddy raggy sluts The boys could not believe their eyes. " Yes, yes, yes." they shouted " How about the photos." The photographer arrived and looked at the girls. " You look great. Can we get you in the same positions as before so we can tell who is who." The girls once more shuffled together. "Now a nice big smile." The girls stood in the remains of their filthy tattered dresses, wiping mud out of their eyes and he took the "after" pictures. The boys were just pointing and laughing. " Are you ready for the ball.?” they jeered. " Better get those dresses to the cleaners." they mocked. The photographer finished the photos and Geoff announced. " Sorry lady's, we had to cancel the limo to take you back, but we thought this would be more appropriate." As he spoke a battered old Toyota pickup drove up. The back of it was filled with soil and garbage. " You had better climb up and make yourselves comfortable.” they laughed. The girls scrambled into the back and the boys got into the crew cab. It then drove off.
In the back of the truck the girls were now joking and laughing at the irony of it all. How they had arrived like princesses and were now returning like this. "Actually, I think I quite enjoyed it really." laughed Dee. " It was a good send off for this dress." " Yes". Helen continued, "What would we have done with these gowns anyway. Mine would have hung in my closet for the next 20 years or so and still just got chucked out." She laughed. "Its a pity about this lovely underwear that we have destroyed though." Added Jenny. " Its a blessing." replied Helen. At least we wont have to wear it again just to please those bastards." The girls erupted in laughter....

Count Muckular
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Joined: 24 Oct 2006, 21:56

Postby Richard » 14 Jun 2007, 18:35

WOW! What a great story; I'm quite exhausted from reading it. There was so much, the detailed build-up then the anticipation and finally the goods were delivered, again with lots of detail and awesome destruction of expensive clothing. What a film that would make! :D :twisted: :lol:
Bottoms Up!
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Postby Squelch » 22 Jun 2007, 00:28

Nice one Count. It took a bit of reading but it was worth it. Good detail and as soton said, it would make a great film. Anyone know any good assault courses?
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