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Hayley: How Did You React?

PostPosted: 15 May 2006, 23:43
by dougiezerts
I have a question especially for you, Hayley:
How did you react when Bill first confessed his fetish to you? Were you shocked, surprised, curious, amused, turned-on--or all of those emotions?

PostPosted: 16 May 2006, 10:16
by Hayley

Sorry to be awkward, but it didn't quite happen like that in our case. You see, I was working on the mag (just doing admin and mail outs) before I ever went out with Bill. In fact I was pregnant with someone else's baby when I first started on SPLOSH!.

Gradually, we became more and more 'friendly' and my boyfriend became increasingly dull so we started (very gradually) going out together. By then I had been working on the mag for some time, and loved it. Not the work, the content! It looked such fun and tied in with a lot of things in my past that I had enjoyed (getting wet, food fights, the pig sty etc) and I was the one who said that I wanted to give it a go! Bill never had to ask. I instigated it. Just as well, cos otherwise, I'd probably still be waiting!

My first go with Bill was sitting in a cake cos I REALLY wanted to know how that felt. It was incredible. Then gradually it just built up and up - but always at my insistence. Obviously Bill loves it too and we both have certain aspects of it we like as individuals, but, thanks to his crazy idea to do a magazine, we both found something we liked, found fun and incredibly horny.

Now, obviously, not everyone is that lucky. That is, the chances of finding somebody publishing a magazine about a subject you want to try is somewhat unlikely. However...the good news is that every woman I have shown the mag to and every woman I have discussed it with (and we are both quite open about it, as people in the pub know well!) have all reacted as I did when I saw it for the first time in print. They all say - "Yes, I'd be up for that, it looks fun!" Or "Wow, you must have such a laugh!"

So, the moral of the story is that the woman I know would not be shocked or even surprised. They will definitely be curious and amused , and some will be turned on. So don't be afraid!!


PS Bill has said numerous times that his aim with the mag, vids and website is to not only to turn people on but stop them feeling guilty about liking something that is frankly harmless. It worked for me, and brought out a side of my character and sexuality that has given me enormous pleasure ever since. I hope that is true for you.

PostPosted: 17 May 2006, 02:22
by dougiezerts
Oh, you were already involved in it before you met him. Sorry, I didn't realize that!

PostPosted: 17 May 2006, 18:27
by muckypup
Hayley wrote:It looked such fun and tied in with a lot of things in my past that I had enjoyed (getting wet, food fights, the pig sty etc)

The pig sty etc? Sounds like a good story, care to expand on this? :)

PostPosted: 17 May 2006, 19:40

PostPosted: 18 May 2006, 11:10
by Hayley
It is indeed in the Free House. We're not just a pretty Forum...


PostPosted: 18 May 2006, 18:27
by muckypup
GungeSlut wrote:she has done I think it's in the free house section of the main splosh site.

:oops: sorry I will check it out straight away! I'm always distracted by the great pics on there ;)

PostPosted: 20 May 2006, 08:43
by DecadentDoll
Yes, the stories are worth reading, just cos you cant see the mess doesnt mean you cant paint an imaginative pic in your head!

I agree with Hayley, most women are really open and curious and not at all turned off by the mention of it, we're a lot more understanding than fellas give us credit for it would seem!

On the subject of messy stories.... the splosh Mucky Tales book is really fun and cool, and even though it doesnt have pictures in it, it's inspired me to try bits of it in real life :D

ALice in Gungerland was a particular love of mine *droooool*

PostPosted: 20 May 2006, 23:07

PostPosted: 21 May 2006, 01:31
by dougiezerts
GungeSlut wrote:I deffinatley think girls are more open to exploring than lads. Most of the male sploshers I know who've shared their kink with their partner have had a positive responce. Unfortunatley the news is not so good for the girls. Very few of us seem to be able to get lads into it.

It's a switch for a girl to be more into it than a guy, isn't it? I mean, it's us guys who seem to be more into different sexual practises than women--at least according to the cliche!
Would you mind telling us how you first got into WAM, DD?:)

PostPosted: 21 May 2006, 13:34
by Sploshman
Still a bit scared when i tell ppl about it that i would get funny looks and them calling me a weirdo lol :(.

Saying that everyone i've told it to so far seems kool with it and wants to see pics lol.