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Favourite 'SPLOSH' Sketches

PostPosted: 27 May 2006, 12:35
by Slapstickman
One of many things 'Splosh' do so well are the sketches and set ups on their videos. I was wondering what are people's favourites? I'll set the ball rolling with my top 5 all time favourites......

1) Sammy-Jane and Opheila's Custard Pie Consumer testing from "Sticky Buns" (would have been perfect had Sammy-Jane pied Ophelia's bare bum!)

2) Sammy-Jane and Louise 'L'Amour' in the Restaurant Scene from 'Pretty Clumsy Woman'

3) Jo Bache and Emma in the finale of 'Juicy Pairs'

4) Davina's Newsreading from 'Sticky Buns'?

5) Sarah, Clare and Hazel's Charity pie sale in 'Mucky Puppies' (would have been higher had they lost their clothes - shallow of me, I know)

I'm sure you have your favourites and this may be a controversial list. Would love to hear what others favourites are........

PostPosted: 27 May 2006, 13:09
by welshcakes
The Gunge Hill sketch featuring the buxom schoolgirls from Messy Missies left quite a slug-trail in my pants. Oh, and Sammy-Jane teaching her sister in law how to be a French maid in Mucky Puppies, too. Mmm.

PostPosted: 27 May 2006, 13:09
by welshcakes
The Gunge Hill sketch featuring the buxom schoolgirls from Messy Missies left quite a slug-trail in my pants. Oh, and Sammy-Jane teaching her sister in law how to be a French maid in Mucky Puppies, too. Mmm.

PostPosted: 27 May 2006, 13:58
by Hayley
Can't really join in this one cos we are a bit 'close' to it (since Bill wrote them all!).

Can I put in a mention for the Nuddy and Big Ones storytime with Karen and Amanda - not just cos it is funny but because Karen is such a laugh.
