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Orginal Splosh Pages

PostPosted: 03 Dec 2017, 19:07
by Whitestar
Hi everyone

Its been awhile since I looked at the forum. However, last time I looked at the website it had a holding page and you couldn't go any further. However through a totally unrelated Splosh search I saw that the pages had become 90% live (some links are not working properly). Does anyone know if this is intentional and the material that was on the website is back? Or was it a case of the last time I was trying to get on a couple of years back the site was down and I haven't looked at it since!

Thanks in advance.


Re: Orginal Splosh Pages

PostPosted: 05 Dec 2017, 01:10
by Lizzie_Claymore
The original site was closed by the relatives of Bill after his death.

The URL has now been taken over by spammers and charlatans who have tried to put up something that looks like the original site and are likely scamming anyone trying to buy materials that no longer exist, knowing that the embarrassment factor means that most (if any) will probably never report them to the Police.

My advice would be not to click on anything on the original site as it may well be riddled with viruses intended to harvest your info or hold your PC to ransom.

The forum pages are separate and on this separate URL, having been rescued by MuckyPup who ran it on behalf of Bill under the original scheme.

Re: Orginal Splosh Pages

PostPosted: 05 Dec 2017, 20:59
by Whitestar
Thanks Lizzie_Claymore

I was aware that the site was closed after Bill's death but I was hoping his family had decided to release the material in some manner, but obviously I respect their wishes.

For Bill's work and contribution to the Splosh world to be taken over like this is particularly irksome (insert angry expletive in place of irksome) and its a real shame that a site can be allowed to function like that. Not being that technically minded is there anything that can be done? Or is this part of the Wild West internet?


Re: Orginal Splosh Pages

PostPosted: 06 Dec 2017, 02:04
by Lizzie_Claymore
It's quite tricky. Anyone can buy an available domain name and it had been hoped to obtain it as soon as it expired after being closed but they beat us to it by a matter of a few hours. They must have been on standby or had even paid extra to have it automatically transfer the moment it became available.

I did do some tracing of all the fake sites and the alleged owners to which it was affiliated but I got as far as a house address in Australia only to find that it had just been sold.

It is, as you suggest, something for which irksome is a suitable euphemism! However, these people have no scruples about ripping others off, so we probably shouldn't be too surprised.

Re: Orginal Splosh Pages

PostPosted: 06 Dec 2017, 21:06
by JasonPinaster
Hi, Lizzie: thanks for the information (albeit sad information).

I'm looking for still images--Bill had posted a couple up on flickr which would be great--to use as cover art on a splosh-themed eBook story I'm developing. Please advise if you have any ideas as to who to approach in this regard?



Re: Orginal Splosh Pages

PostPosted: 07 Dec 2017, 02:21
by Lizzie_Claymore
That would be very tricky. His family had the original site closed because they weren't keen on it, I believe. They wanted all traces removed. Technically (IIRC), copyright in the work will pass to them and remain with them for 70 years after the death of the creator. Even if you could find them, it's unlikely that they'd give you permission so it would be about 67ish? years before they fell out of copyright!

You could always try to re-create the images yourself - good excuse for some messy fun! :-)

Re: Orginal Splosh Pages

PostPosted: 01 Feb 2018, 21:34
by googuy
Not seen them but with you I do know xvids site has a number of old videos on their if you search SPLOSH